Opinion Volume 15 Issue 4
Centro de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Violencia Sexual e Intrafamiliar, Apartado Postal 12-206, Ciudad de México, México,
Correspondence: Dr. Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa, Centro de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Violencia Sexual e Intrafamiliar, Apartado Postal 12-206, Ciudad de México, México
Received: July 17, 2022 | Published: July 25, 2022
Citation: Cuevas-Sosa A. Intuitional energy and biological and mineral evolution. Int J Complement Alt Med. 2022;15(4):191-199. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2022.15.00608
Intuitional energy arises from the personal component of organized bioenergemal energy or bioenergeme and manifests itself through intuitions understood as new, sudden and anticipatory knowledge. On the other hand, for Charles Darwin the evolution of species results from natural selection and changes occur by chance. This implies that the two basic factors involved would be gradual chance diversification and selection. I use the prefix bio- mainly to refer to bioenergemal events and intrinsic characteristics of bioenergemal energy, of the bioenergeme, of the bioenergemal universe and others. This also implies life.
Keywords: biomaterial universe, biointerfacemal universe, bioenergemal universe, bioenergemal communication, unit universe, bioenergeme, intuitional energy, intuitions, Intuilish, biocommunication, neuromindego
BML, biomaterial; BIFL, biointerfacemal; BEL, bioenergemal; BEG, bioenergeme; BELC, bioenergemal communication; UU, unit universe; NMEGO, neuromindego; BELR, bioenergemal research
In addition to biomatter, the human body includes the bioenergeme (personal component of organized bioenergemal energy; BEG) and also a third virtual component (temporary, potential) or biointerfaceme. According to the bioenergemal (BEL) research that we have carried out, the unit universe (UU) is formed by the biomaterial (BML) universe or space-time (three-dimensional); by the BEL universe (fifth dimension), where the BEGs arrive after the body biocollapses (dies) and where they remain for indefinite BEL time or biotime (the BML time scale is not relevant there); and by the biointerfacemal universe (BIFL; fourth dimension) through which the BEGs approach the BEL universe and the biointerfaceme corresponds to the accumulation of virtual bioscenes and bioimages that could accompany the BEG when it passes through the BIFL universe, a possible remnant that the BEG excludes before arriving at the BEL universe. Albert Einstein, moved, called our proposal the Unit Universe Model, a name ratified by Madame Curie. Of course, as we know from the BML universe, both the BIFL and BEL universes surely have physicochemical and biological characteristics of their own. For example, the BIFL universe has important implications for space travel.1
In BEL communication (BELC; biocommunication, bioexperience, or biodialogue) that we establish (by means of a common relaxation technique and usually by exchanging intuitions, as in dreams) with BEGs who are either in the BEL or in the BML universe, the bioimage of a personal BEG would be an active and living virtual biointerfaceme, as well as the rest of the bioimages that are formed during it (perhaps using a BIFL process of the brain), which, as in dreams, at the end of biocommunication all virtual events vanish.1
In the BML universe, the three components of our body favor BEL interaction with the other two universes. So, we all live a three-shared existence. Together, the three universes share and interact bioenergemally through the exchange of intuitions, giving rise (1) to intuitional knowledge or bioenerscience (or the gift of anticipation); (2) also to the permanent intuiscience or intuitional understanding of daily thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and habitual behavior; and (3) to the intuitional language that I have called Intuilish. The set of components of each universe forms biomaterity, biointerfacity and bioenergemity, respectively.1
BEL communication is a form of intuitive biointeraction of the quantum entanglement type through a possible BIFL function of the brain, a characteristic aptitude of each biotagonist -component- of the UU at all scales. Erwin Schrödinger emphasized: “Doctor, I am surprised by the identification of the different biocomponents and the establishment of new biological laws, since this allows us to explain the diversity and similarity that exists in the UU.”7b
Everything is that the human body biocollapses, the BEG separates from the body from head to toe and passes into the BEL universe by instantaneous intuitive quantum movement or entanglement, via the BIFL universe. In the BEL universe, a BEG can only intuit the sections and functions that his body had. The functions related to the sense organs or the experiences lived on Earth can only be intuited as well, as long as they are biomemories that the BEG carries with it. In contrast, through the Innovative Multifunctional BEL Instrument (IMBI; virtually prepared during BEL communication), we have been able to look inside the BEL universe and find a rather dark, calm bioenvironment, with bioenergemalized -incorporeal- figures of BEGs so much of humans, animals, plants or of everything that exists in the BML and BIFL universes.1
Some BEGs -human or from different biospecies- have a certain luminosity and most of them seem off. They, too, move by intuitive quantum entanglement or motion, in which, according to Erwin Schrödinger: “The distance kind of disappears.”7a those who do not know how to intuit become lethargic, and involuntarily end up in a kind of vegetative state for an indefinite period of time; this condition was common before, but now, thanks to BEL research, it is becoming less frequent. Some time ago, a grandmother told us that the BEL universe: “It’s like the night, like the night.”1
This led us to wonder if intuitions travel the fastest in the UU and to consider whether some or all of quantum entanglement might be mediated by intuitional energy. Erwin Schrödinger: “Your intuition is very important and true. And this leads us to suggest that intuitions are not simple moments of lucidity, but are complex BEL processes that not only produce ideas but also products of life and bioenergemization [full of BEL energy]. Very interesting.” Abdus Salam: “Intuitions seen in this way, transcend as processes and events that explain the existence of things, thoughts and life. And that they participate in or derive from a more important BIFL process than we can suppose. This intuition that you share with us gives more life to life. And existence takes on more meaning.”7a
Some controversial topics of the theory of evolution
Dreams, serendipity and intuitions
The periodic table
ACS: All chemical elements can be seen, in principle, as isotopes of Hydrogen and Helium and, later, as isotopes of the rest of the elements that precede them and perhaps even of themselves. Linus Pauling: “Yes, doctor, I agree with what you say, in this way the different components that are linked and that can be intertwined with each other can be explained. It does seem obvious” Albert Einstein: “Doctor, the opinion that I can tell you, that I would add, is that they also allow free radicals. It is quantum entanglement, which is why they can sometimes behave like free radicals.” −Chien-Shiung Wu (mathematician): “Thank you, doctor, [observes a Periodic Table] there is no doubt that intuitions are accurate approaches that help to specify an idea. There is an achievement, a sequence, a chain where one and other elements can be intertwined and a more stable composition, with its strong, effective, covalent bonds.” −José Laguna (biochemist): “Yes, doctor, it is placing He and H as pillars of a biostructure that is also solidly composed of other elements” Could antimatter have a creative and dynamic function of atoms and particles? Linus: “Of course, doctor, that behavior still needs to be explored, but of course it is dynamic and permanently creative, let’s say that it is what gives life, that gives energy.” Albert: “Doctor, it hasn’t been put that way, but of course it’s correctly described.” −Chien-Shiung: “Yes, doctor, antimatter has been much questioned but no answer has been reached by the connoisseurs. So, if you put it this way, of course it has its own dynamics and this, of course, influences biomatter.” −José Laguna: “Of course, doctor, this dynamic is what makes life extend.” So, the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements could now be named as the Periodic Table of the Evolution of the Chemical Elements. Linus: “Yes, doctor, the approach you make is very interesting and I totally agree with how their evolution has been transformed in the UU.” Albert: “Doctor, seen this way, the elements seem to be closer, familiar, with the rest of the components of the UU.” Charles Darwin: “Yes, doctor, thank you, I agree with the title and it goes further applied as components of biomatter. Hence, everything is related in those components.” −Chien-Shiung: “I realize, I intuit, doctor, that the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements are like the roots of biomatter.” They grow and expand: “Yes, doctor.” −José Laguna: “Yes, in some way they are related and the essence is similar, let’s say vital” [Ints 07/09,12/2022].7d
The Periodic Table of the Evolution of Chemical Elements would be the first clear and unobjectionable example that non-organic [mineral] matter also evolves, which has undoubtedly favored and sustained the evolution of organic matter, both forming the biomatter in which they unify and the traditional division between the ‘inorganic’ and the ‘organic’ disappears. −Charles Darwin: Without a doubt, doctor, there is the prejudice that they are two parallel matters, however, with this approach it is established that there is constant biomatter in the components of the biomatter or of the Periodic Table. What makes its existence dynamic as you put it. −Abdus Salam: Doctor, it seems to me that from that BEL or intuitional perspective, a new vision is given to the Periodic Table and all its components. −Madame Curie: The idea is that it deepens to the composition or biocomposition of the elements of the Periodic Table, that is, its most intimate biostructure with its reactions, destructions or biovectorization of the various components. −Chien-Shiung: Very interesting, doctor, this approach had thought that until now that could not happen, but the idea is interesting because that union of [inorganic and organic] materials make that necessary chemical transformation in the different organisms…; For millennia, two areas of different styles have been considered: the biological-organic and the chemical-inorganic. And while it is true that some relationships have been established, they are not deep. −Why both types of matter have not been integrated? −José Laguna: Well, it is due to the great foolishness of dividing life from non-life, as if in life there were not necessarily non-life and it is incongruous. When a little energy, like that provided by the sun, with its respective chemicals, would not have life and would only remain inert.7d
The mechanism has been to add or eliminate protons and neutrons, and the levels of electrons, it is like adding their own adaptation and evolution. The division between inorganic and organic matter is obsolete before the previous approach, there is only one form of biomatter with different levels in its functions and degree of adaptation. For example, the Joliot-Curie couple, radiating some elements, produced other synthetic elements: from boron to radioactive nitrogen, from aluminum to radioactive phosphorus, or from magnesium to radioactive silicon. This natural transmutation (modification of the nucleus of the atom) occurs, for example, in the beta decay of radioactive atoms, such as potassium-40 (40K) in argon gas (40Ar).7d
Irene Joliot-Curie: “Your intuitions are very interesting, doctor, because we study them [the elements] as something independent, but you consider it as a whole.” The common division of matter “is inoperative for the purposes of explaining how that whole works.” The Periodic Table of the Evolution of Chemical Elements: “sounds novel and interesting because chemical elements are seen as a sui generis component and that influences the evolution of species itself.”7d
BIFL and BEL universes and the dark matter-energy of the unit universe
BELC 07/09/2022. Adam Riess, what effect do the BIFL and BEL universes not included have in explaining the percentages of dark energy and dark matter that you specialists in the BML universe describe? “Doctor, your question makes me intuit that they have great relevance to consider in dark matter-energy.” What do you opine? −Vera Rubin: “Yes, doctor, you make us intuit it and it is fundamental.” −Kenneth Ford: “Yes, doctor, it seems that, despite the studies, we continue to arrive at the same thing about what makes up the dark matter-energy, if we were simple enough to accept that this dark matter-energy is also composed of the BIFL and BEL universe, we could investigate more about it without remaining in our vagueness in which we have stagnated.” Albert Einstein: “Doctor, based on what you have shared with us about the bioenergemal research (BELR) findings, we can accept and affirm that dark matter-energy exists from the projection of both the BIFL and BEL universes, and their different properties, both giving rise to that dark matter-energy.” Stephen Hawking: “Doctor, I have realized that thanks to the BIFL and BEL universes, the so-called dark matter-energy makes sense, since it also has characteristics of those universes and, therefore, it is much more active than we can imagine. measure, participate or perceive.” Abdus Salam: “Yes, thank you, doctor, I share with my colleagues that the BELR has allowed us to understand that this so-called dark matter-energy exists due to the activity that exists in both BIFL and BEL universes.”
Albert Einstein and the BEL research
On January 22, 1992, we asked Albert Einstein about some of the characteristics of the BEGs that were in what we now call the BEL universe and he told us: “We are spirits, we are not gods. As far as I understand things now, God is at a higher level that I don’t know yet.”
On December 15, 1993, when asked how he now understands what energy is, he stated: “Energy is like God’s tool; it is the tangible medium that comes to us from God.” As for whether we could talk about living energy and inert energy, he insisted: “Living energy and inert energy are the same; everything is energy. Everything serves for life; everything is part of life. Without inert energy there would be no life. It is as if there were no day, there would be no night.” When asked if he considered that the human could increase his BEL energy, he emphasized: “The BEL energy arrives if the human seeks it.” And that he/she can look for it: “In various ways: through science, religion, love. It is divine energy.” He agreed that the brain could serve as a bridge or link between the biomatter and the BEG, as in the case of dreams. However, when referring to the way in which the BML and BEL universes interact, he illustrated saying: “As in love, in knowledge.” However: “The biomatter is hoarding and erasing, it takes energy away from the BEG.” Of the forms of life in other worlds he considered: “The lives of other worlds we would not call them life, we would not even take them as life, but rather as very primary spawns of living matter or biomatter” [sic]. And he recommended to the human: “Don’t waste so much neither your BML nor BEL life [existence]. There must be a balance between the two for it to be truly human.”1
BELC of Friday February 6, 2009. We reminded Albert Einstein of his comment of January 22, 1992 and what he thought of it in 2009. Laughing and jokingly he said, Albert: “Time is still relative...” Hence precisely the relevance that this question now has for us, we commented to him, and he added: “Frankly at that time I gave an answer according to what could be said about the BEL universe. That is to say, although I am here it is difficult to define it with the rubbish and junk resources that are preserved in me. I have learned a lot from your reflections and now I realize that my bioego did not allow me to accept that there are no levels or hierarchies in the BEL universe. Therefore, God does not exist, and we are all here in the BEL universe, we are part of the same thing, although we cannot explain it. But, of course, thanks to the interaction between the BEL universe and the BML universe in the biointerface, we continue to biocommunicate and we can continue to learn. Your intuitions and conclusions are correct… It is liberating when the bioego is sincere and courageous.” And as to whether he had left anything to do on Earth, he concluded: “The past no longer worries those in this place. But it’s nice to converse with the intention that all of you have.”
Extra BELC carried out on August 13, 2010. On the occasion of the reading of the deification biosyndrome, −Albert Einstein commented: Doctor, what you have just read are very important intuitions to describe the society that feels part of the first world. That deification has made them position themselves as idiots, as Tartuffes and dysfunctional ignorant. Pretending to name the BEL, BIFL or BML events with their own personal name, since they cannot transcend in any other way. The deification of terrestrial humanity, and perhaps extraterrestrial [sic], has caused, in effect, humanity to become disoriented as we now see it and have seen it. Undoubtedly, the conclusions are disconcerting because of how forceful they are. It is very pleasant and reassuring to hear them with such clarity, doctor, a hug and congratulations.
Extra biodialogue from September 10, 2010. After we dealt with the topic of the hero myth and illegitimacy, Albert Einstein commented: Illegitimacy and the hero myth have been taken to grounds that seek to deny extraterrestrial life [sic]. Also, ascribing to the unit universe [mythical deities] which is completely fictitious, baseless and very disrespectful to life.
In the biodialogue of August 30, 2014, about the origin of the Gospels. –Albert E: “…if [the Tartuffes] had solid arguments there would be no nutty [sic] of, nor need for credibility. There would be no need to advertise, everything would be natural and overwhelming in the face of evidence. But this is not the case, it has all been a hoax.” It was a lapse that Albert Einstein had...
At BELC on Saturday, July 9, 2022, we told Albert Einstein. In 2010 you already implicitly rectified those comments from 1993, but surely you will want to do it explicitly now, what do you say of your comments from December 15, 1993? “Doctor, well, I was only talking about what I knew and the comment was very hasty.”
In the BELC of 09/07/2022 I mentioned the following: The NMEGO stated that the human is made in the image and likeness of the deity. Since the deity does not exist, the deity refers to the NMEGO itself. So, it is saying that the human is made in the image and likeness of himself/herself. Which is a portent of fallacious and clumsy logic.
BELC 07/12/2022. Albert E: What do you say of the prejudices you had at the beginning of the BELR? Albert E: “Well, they are all the ballast that limits the possibilities that can be considered in science, in any area.”7d
The intuitional energy
Intuitional networks
BELC of 08/06/2012. Intuitions of May 21 and June 2, 2012. 1) How does the intuitional energy, the BEGs and the BELCs influence a bioecosystem (components of an ecosystem and their BEGs) components, to intuit the capacity and perhaps the need that it has for the emergence of a new biospecies and, indeed, to promote the emergence of it? 2) There are many examples of biospecies closely related to each other and even essential for the survival of some of them. For example, the intestinal microbiome in an approximate proportion of one to ten microorganisms for each cell of the human body; or bees, bumblebees and hummingbirds and their biointeraction with multiple biospecies of fruit trees. Numerous plants whose flowers need bees –or other insects, such as the kestrel fly– or hummingbirds –or other birds– to pollinate them. For the maguey, it is vital that its flowers are pollinated by bats. Some biospecies of anemone need for cleaning and, in turn, protect certain biospecies of fish (i.e., ‘clown’). This mutual BEL, existential, functional and morphological interrelation suggests that they are biospecies that could promote the emergence of the BEG of one and the other through the establishment of various intuitional biosets or intuitional collectives. 3) That is, the functional and morphological requirements of the biospecies of a bioecosystem could lead to the emergence of new BEGs of new biospecies that satisfy, for example, the reproductive, adaptation, and transformation requirements that this habitat fosters due to its own biocreative capacity. Or maybe it needs them, too. So closely related that, as I already mentioned, if any of the biospecies decreases or disappears in a bioecosystem –such as pollinating bees–, other biospecies will be at risk of not being fertilized –such as fruit trees–, their ability to reproduce will be limited and in a very short time they will tend to disappear from the BML universe. Leaving their BEGs in the BEL universe as a record that these biospecies existed. 4) Thus stated, then, the emergence of the BEGs of one or more new biospecies would be a consequence of a bioecosystem having the necessary components to sustain the permanence, multiplication and development of existing biospecies, as well as having the intuitional collectives biocreative enough for the emergence of new BEGs of new biospecies suitable for that bioenvironment. 5) It would not be only chance, then, that would give rise to the BEGs of new biospecies. Rather, we would have to speak of intuitional networks of a –and all– bioecosystem and whose biocreativity is fostered by the functional, morphological and adaptation characteristics of the biospecies and their BEGs that form it. Characteristics that would reflect the bioinformation they possess and that would be decisive for this biocreative work to be carried out and oriented according to the peculiarities of each bioecosystem. Biovectorization or fusion of some (like genes or genome) plant or animal organisms’ components is very important for arising of new biospecies.12 (I included the following intuitions on June 2, 2012). 6) If a new biospecies –and its BEG– arises in a certain bioecosystem, it is because it favors it and, perhaps, requires it. Without paying attention to whether it is unicellular or multicellular, to the degree of morphofunctional ‘simplicity’ or ‘complexity’ it has, or whether it is mineral, plant, animal or human. 7) The emergence of new BEGs of new biospecies does not seem to be a vertical event (i.e., of progressive complexization) or in a gradual sequence, it could also be horizontal and simultaneous for several and diverse biospecies. Well, everything is that the BEG of different biospecies and with diverse functions (i.e., more or less ‘complex’) has arisen as a result of the biointeraction of BEGs that formed one or several intuitional biosets or intuitional collectives, these new BEGs will join and favor the formation of new intuitional sets with sufficient biocreative capacity to give rise to the BEG of one or more new biospecies. And so on. Without necessarily determining the direction (i.e., greater or lesser complexity) that this biocreativity must follow, nor the group, family or species to which this new biospecies turns out to belong –according to the still deficient categorizations established by the terrestrial or extraterrestrial human–,5 nor the frequency or multiplicity with which these new biospecies arise. 8) For the BEL energy and for the unit universe, concepts such as ‘simple’ or ‘complex’, ‘inferior’ or ‘superior’, ‘primitive’ or ‘advanced’ biospecies and other ‘categorizations’ of this nature are not relevant. The rich complexization and decomplexization that terrestrial and extraterrestrial experts have made evident in the biointeractions between atoms, molecules, mixtures, compounds and biotagonists at all scales, unquestionably and eloquently illustrates the biocreative versatility that in all directions can manifest the BEL energy and, its derivative, intuitional energy, the BEGs and the biosets, collectives or intuitional networks that they give rise to. The diversity of cosmic events, the biotagonists that form them, the conglomerates that of these cosmic biotagonists have been identified, what has been described of the processes that accompany them, the way in which they biointeract and the laws that harmonize them, they are an example of that biocreative versatility and of the relevance that intuitional energy, BEGs and intuitional sets can have and in which they can participate. The same can be said for subatomic scales. 9) In brief. The greater the bio-organization of BEL energy and intuitional energy, the more biosets, collectives or intuitional networks ð the more intuitional networks ð greater biocreativity ð the greater biocreativity ð the abundance of new biospecies increases, with greater biostructural variation and of the BEGs that are their own ð giving rise to the emergence of increasingly numerous and biocreative intuitional collectives ð expanding the BML, BIFL and BEL biodiversity of that bioecosystem at all scales ð intensifying local BML, BIFL and BEL creativity and with unnoticed and unpredictable repercussions and reaches in other bioenvironments of the unit universe [Int 11/23/2017]. 10) In all these processes, biovectorización or biointeraction between BEGs and BEL and intuitional energies interacting in a bioecosystem is quite relevant [see below].1,10 11) In a BELC on 09/07/2022 we explored with the IMBI the intricate lines (which we define as green to see them) that form the intuitional networks that are formed during the turns, undulations, and synchronized collective movements of a flock of starlings, a school of sardines, a swarm of mosquitoes or a hibernation perch or cluster of the monarch butterfly in Michoacán, Mexico, while they fly and while they sleep, and a group of persons attending an spectacle, and the result, in all cases, besides being very evident and confirming what we looked for, it also turned out very showy.7d 12) BEL communication of June 26, 2007. BEG of Theodosius Dobzhansky, biologist. How is it that BEL energy could participate in mimicry? −Theodosius: Biocommunication between different biospecies is possible thanks to bioenergy and at that level it is conserved, thus protecting the biospecies. From one biospecies to another they intuit each other, and just as in other biospecies, intuition is not a permanent action, there is also the so-called free will. This in turn encourages the maintenance of balance in a given ecosystem. That's why the mineral kingdom also has life, traditionally there is a prejudice that it is inert matter, but mineral biomatter also has bioenergy. −Abdus Salam: In the same universe, in the mineral biomatter, there is that mimicry. As already mentioned, bioenergy is part of everything that exists in the [BML] universe and thus achieves that balance.11
The memory of the BEG
Bioexperience of November 2, 2012. 1) Then, namely, we can rescue four varieties of BEL memory or biomemory: 1.- the one that the BEG shares with the body in the BML universe and that the person has as updated memories; 2.- the one that only the BEG can bioinform and biocommunicate during a BELC, about any experience lived at any age in the BML universe, including dreams. In these biodialogues, the BEG often conducts itself with a sincerity that the NMEGO would never display; 3.- the one that refers to a novel form of knowledge, perhaps original and intuited by the personal BEG and that it does because the NMEGO that accompanies it intuits it and, if the NMEGO and the BEG decide, share it with other NMEGOs and BEGs –from the BML or BEL universes– that participate in a BELC; and, 4.- the biomemory of the BEG that is already in the BEL universe can also be expanded and strengthened when it presentiates (updating its experiences in the BEL universe) and/or bioenerscientiates (it consists in intuiting or generate-receive and express intuitions from the own BEG or from the BEG of any other biotagonist of the unit nature)1 with other BEGs –of any biospecies– of the BEL universe, of the BML universe –humans or other biospecies– although they are not aware of it and, mainly, during the frequent BELC as we have been practicing it; and, 2) Biomemory is (a) one of the BEL functions that evidences the existence of BEGs in the BEL universe; (b) that facilitates the BELC; (c) that supports the existence of BEL and intuitional energies; and, also, (d) one of the functions that supports or demonstrates that life does not ‘die’. 3) The BEG bioremembers and in doing so biocreates an experience that for a while was in the BML universe. Not the BML experience itself, since it is no longer recoverable as it happened, not for the NMEGO, but maybe it is –in part or all– for the BEG, although the version it offers is more reliable. 4) When the BEG –in the BML universe or in the BEL universe– intuits: it biocreates, it practices its biocreative function, with the help of its biomemory. 5) BEL memory or biomemory is another example of organized BEL energy –along with, at least, the BEG, intuitional energy, intuitions, dreams, BELC–, perhaps with its own version (specific for biomemory) of BEL energy. 6) BEG memory actually form a biolibrary or biomemorytheque [Int 08/11/2017].1
Intuitional networks in the unit universe
BELC of 06/16/2012. Intuitions of June 9, 2012. 1) They are not biosets, networks or intuitional sets that only come from a bioecosystem, but in the formation of the BEG of a new biospecies, the BEGs of the biospecies of various terrestrial bioecosystems could participate. 2) But, as we have already commented, not only terrestrial but also the BEGs of extraterrestrial biospecies could participate in the biocreation of an intuitional collective and, in short, of some section or of the entire unit universe.10 As the case or as necessary. 3) When the NMEGO of the terrestrial human captures, receives or perceives one or several intuitions from its BEG, they could come not only from it, but also have arisen from a set of terrestrial BEGs, both human and other biospecies. In addition, adding to this set of terrestrial BEGs other sets of BEGs from different extraterrestrial biospecies related to that specific intuition or to that set of intuitions, without the location or cosmic distances being a real limitation or impediment for the BELC via the BIFL universe. This has happened during the BEL investigation. Remember Erwin Schrödinger’s comment that in the exchange of intuitions “The distance kind of disappears.”7a 4) The BELC, then, would usually be carried out with the participation of biosets or sets of BEGs located anywhere in the UU and would be biointeracting, according to their intuitional affinities and without necessarily noticing that biointeraction, to form, stealthily and frequently, countless intuitional networks that would be reflected in the most varied biocreative expressions, as would be the case in the birth of a new biotagonist or in the formation of the BEG of a new biospecies. That for the case is the same or are very similar events. I have already commented and published in another article on the involuntary biocommunication I had with BEGs of the extraterrestrial humanity of the Transparents, who presented themselves as the oldest humanity in the BML universe and the furthest from Earth.1,10 5) Also, as we have already insisted. This is how the BELC, through the BIFL universe, affects the BEGs of all the biotagonists of the UU. 6) The bioecosystem favors the biospecies that will arise in it, with the support of the BEL and intuitional energies and the BEGs of the biocomponents and biospecies that form it, so that, based on the complex BEL information that these BEGs possess, they support, propitiate and impulse the emergence of BEGs of new biospecies that, therefore, correspond and are coupled to the prevailing and specific conditions of each bioenvironment. 7) It is not only the bioecosystem that influences the BML-BIFL-BEL emergence or permanence of the biospecies, in the same way the BEL and intuitional energies and the BEGs specify what events are necessary for the BEG of a certain biospecies to arise and remain, always in accordance with the BML genotypic and phenotypic characteristics that distinguish it. A similar biomechanism –BML-BIFL-BEL– intervenes for, in adverse conditions, the BML extinction of a biospecies or for its readaptation and permanence. In this case, biovectorización or biointeraction between BEGs and BEL and intuitional energies is of great help [see Conclusions].1,12 8) It seems more and more evident that we influence and are influenced by the BEL and intuitional energies and the BEGs, for example, that surround us, through the large number of BELCs and intuitional networks to which we give rise to and give rise to the biospecies of all kinds that surround us; near or far, terrestrial or extraterrestrial. Via the BIFL universe. 9) In this case, in an unavoidable and permanent way we would participate –like all the biotagonists of the UU– in a constant BEL interaction between biosets of BEGs and intuitional collectives. 10) This is what happens between the different biotagonists of the UU and in any part of it. Without necessarily the biotagonists involved having to be aware of these BELCs or the permanent bioexchange of complex bioinformation in the form of intuitions or intuitional collectives between the BEGs that participate in them. 11) These intuitions form the basis to begin to understand the BEL peculiarities that are a reflection of the genotypic and phenotypic BML differences typical of the biospecies –including humans– that are found on the planets of the different extraterrestrial humanities with which we have biocommunicated.2,11 12) Although they would also help to explain the BML, BIFL and BEL peculiarities of all the mineral, plant, animal and human biospecies of all the bioecosystems of the UU, and at all scales, from the photoneutrinic to the cosmic [Int 12/17/2017].1
I acknowledge Ruth A. López-Téllez for her clever assistance and permanent help.
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