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International Journal of
eISSN: 2381-1803

Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Mini Review Volume 17 Issue 5

Could prayer’s info-energy restore the distorted informational field in the extracellular space of cancerous tissue?

Maria Kuman

Holistic Research Institute, USA

Correspondence: Maria Kuman, PhD, Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA

Received: July 30, 2024 | Published: October 1, 2024

Citation: Kuman M. Could prayer’s info-energy restore the distorted informational field in the extracellular space of cancerous tissue?. Int J Complement Alt Med. 2024;17(5):233-235. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2024.17.00709

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This article explains for the first time how stress (negative emotions or just negative thinking) causes cancer or chronic disease of the genetically inherited weak organ. For the first time, it is explained why for some individuals stress leads to chronic disease of the genetically inherited weak organ, while for other individuals it leads to cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ. It is believed to be with genetic predisposition, but for the first time this article explains what this means. 1/ Stress causes chronic disease of genetically inherited weak organ when the integrating energy within the cell is weak. This makes the cellular biorhythms of the genetically-inherited weak organ weakly integrated and easily disintegrated by stress, which by causing delays disorders the biorhythms, and results in chronic disease. 2/ Stress causes cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ, when the integrating energy between the cells is weak. When the weak extracellular energy is farther weakened by stress, at critically low energy stacked-coin formations appear between the cells, which disconnect the cells. The disconnected cells start to multiply fast as they would do in the case of cut wound, to heal the wound fast. However, in the case of wound the cells are ruled where to go by the current of regrowth. In the case of cancer, they multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy. Since both energies - within the cells and in the extracellular space - are informational nonlinear electromagnetic fields (NEMFs) and prayer is information, prayer should be able to influence the cellular organization in the case of chronic diseases, and the extracellular formations in the case of cancer.

Keywords: Stress and cancer; stress and chronic diseases; cancer is with genetic predisposition; explaining the genetic predisposition.


Hypnotists found that people with sleeping Conscious calculate at least 10,000 times faster. This means that we have in the Subconscious a more powerful computer - superior to our Digital Computer of the Conscious, which operates with a set of neurons. Now, when we make Quantum Computers, which are much faster and operate with informational fields (all nonlinear electromagnetic fields (NEMFs) can imprint information), it is easier to convince the reader that the powerful much faster computer in the Subconscious must be a Quantum Computer about the existence of which we are not consciously aware because it is in the Subconscious.1 Since my lifelong studies of the aura (“aura” means “light”) found that the aura is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF), which can imprint information as all nonlinear fields do, obviously the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious operates with the waves of the informational NEMF of the aura (light).1

If we are not consciously aware of the work of our organs, it is because the Subconscious rules their function. The fact that all organs are holographically represented on the surface of the body (on the palms, feet, ears, irises, and the whole body)2 means that our organs are ruled on holographic principle. Since holographic (tri-dimensional) images are created only with laser light, obviously the functioning of our organs is ruled and regulated by the waves of the aura (light), which must be a laser type of light.3 Thus, the holographic representation of the organs on the surface of the body means that the laser light of the aura rules and regulate the functioning of all organs.3 More precisely, the Quantum Computer in the Subconscious operating with the waves of the aura (laser light), which is weak informational NEMF, rules and regulates the functioning of all organs.1 If so, by changing with the words of a prayer or autosuggestion the informational field (with which the Quantum Computer operates), we can restore the normal functioning of the organs and cure the disease.4

Scientific research found that prayer influences the immune system and the blood content

Everybody knows that stress causes cancer, we only don’t know how. Russian studies found that cancer results from stress-induced emotional decrease of the integrating informational NEMF energy between the cells. If so, it should be possible with information (prayer) to influence (restore) the integrating informational NEMF energy between the cells and cure the cancer. This belief is based on scientific research done in Russia,5 which found strongly positive influence of prayer on the immune system (Figure 1a illustrates the immune system of a healthy person before prayer and Figure 1b illustrates the immune system of the same healthy person after prayer. One can see that the prayer has activated the immune system especially in the higher frequencies. Figure 2 presents the increase of the blood components after prayer.

Figure 1a Immune system of healthy person.

Figure 1b Effect of prayer on the immune system of healthy person.

Figure 2 Blood components before prayer (blue), the blood components increase after prayer (red).

The Russian scientists colored different blood cells with different colors to determine how prayer changes the blood content. The results before and after prayer are presented on Figure 2.4,5 Prayer increased: 1/ the natural defense of the cells and their balance (PLT), 2/ the mean platelets volume (MPV), etc. This speaks of balanced sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.4 Thus, prayer seems to be restoring the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which were imbalanced by stress.4,5 Also, the erythrocytes in the bloods before prayer and after prayer were found to be dramatically different – they were doubled after prayer.4,5 Since the erythrocytes are the soldiers that defend the body against germ-invaders, prayer can really boost the immune system. Also, the amount of hemoglobin (HGB) was doubled after prayer, which means that after prayer twice more oxygen is provided to all organs and systems.4,5

The Russian studies found that cancer cells multiply senselessly because they are disconnected by stack-coins formations in the extracellular space.5 When a cut disconnects the cells, they multiply fast to heal the wound fast, and the current of regrowth rules where the cells go. In cancerous tissue, there is no current of regrowth to rule the growth and the cells multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy.6

Stacked-coins-like formations were found between the cells of cancerous tissue

Statistical data of the last few decades show a substantial increase of the cancer disease every year. This prompted the Russian scientists to develop methods for early diagnosis of cancer. They found a way to measure the bonding energy E of the cells, which is a measure of the weak informational NEMF connecting the cells.5 Figure 3a presents the infrared specter of the blood of a healthy person (the binding energy of his cells was E=0.0023.10-4). Figure 3b presents the infrared specter of the blood of a cancer patient (the binding energy of his cells was found to be about 10 times weaker E=0.00028.10-4).5

Figure 3a Histogram of energy distribution by frequency of a healthy person.

Figure 3b Histogram of energy distribution by frequency of a person with cancer.

My studies of the aura - the role of emotions and way of thinking on our health

I started my studies of the aura with photographing the aura with Kirlian photography, which uses high frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura to make it photographable. I found that the aura is emotionally sensitive – positive emotions make it brighter, while negative emotions make it dimmer.7 Since when experiencing positive emotions, we say we are in high Spirit, and when experiencing negative emotions, we say we are in low Spirit, I concluded that the aura must be our Spirit. Then I found that the ancient Jewish Cabala was teaching to high priests the aura is our Spirit - our emotional aura (Spirit).7

Since the NEMF2 of the aura is 1,000 times weaker than the NEMF1 of the material body, to be able to measure the weak NEMF2 energy of the aura (light), I had to create and patent supersensitive equipment (High Sensitivity Energy Meter – HSEM). My measurements of the aura (Spirit)8 showed that not only negative emotions, just negative thinking is enough to lower the energy of the aura (Spirit) and make it more unbalanced (Figure 4) because the energy of the genetically inherited weak organ drops in energy maximum. Since perfect energy balance means perfect health, obviously negative emotions (or just negative thinking) by lowering the energy make the genetically inherited weak organ with lowest energy to collapse first and suffer a disease.8

Figure 4 Positive thinking brings energy and improve the balance, which means make us healthy, negative thinking decreases the energy and the balance, which means brings disease.8

For some individuals, negative emotions or just negative thinking lead to a chronic disease of the genetically inherited weak organ. For other individuals, negative emotions or just negative thinking lead to cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ – it is believed to be determined by genetic predisposition. My explanation of this “genetic predisposition” is the following:

1/ for the people with genetically inherited weaker integrational energy within the cells, negative emotions or just negative thinking will easily disintegrate the biorhythms of the cells and lead to a chronic disease;

2/ for the people with weak integrational NEMF energy between the cells, negative emotions or just negative thinking will lead to the appearance of stacked-coins formations in the extracellular space. This will disconnect the cells and they will start to multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy or cancer. However, knowing that negative emotions (or just negative thinking) caused the cancer, we should do our best to avoid negative emotions and negative thinking.


This article explained for the first time why the same emotional stress lead to: 1/ chronic disease of the genetically inherited weak organ in one individual, and 2/ cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ in another individual – it is believed to be with genetic predisposition. This article explained for the first time what is behind the genetic predisposition. Emotional stress leads to cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ when the integrating informational NEMF energy between the cells is low (by inheritance). Emotional stress by farther lowering the integrational energy between the cells leads to the appearance of stacked-coins-like formations, which disintegrate the cells. The disintegrated cells start to multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy or cancer. Since cancer is present when the informational NEMF energy between the cells is low, and prayer is informational energy, it should be possible with prayer to boost the low informational NEMF energy between the cells, and cure the cancer. And here is what happens in the final stage – when the person dies. Since the Spirit (the weak informational NEMF seen as aura) brings to the material body the life energy that rules and regulates everything, at death when the Spirit leaves there is no more life energy and the electrical impulses of the material body drop down to zero. The material body is dead, but the Spirit NEMF carry the life energy and being informational field carry detailed information of the person’s last lifetime (hypnotists found records of previous lifetimes, as well).9 This makes the death a transfer to a different form of energy existence – from material form to a Spiritual form.



Conflicts of interest

The author declares there is no conflict of interest.


  1. Kuman M. Glimpse to Future Science - The Quantum Computer in Our Subconscious. USA: Health and Happiness Books. 2020.
  2. Kuman M. Modern Aspects of Ancient Acupuncture. Health and Happiness Books; 1997.
  3. Kuman M. Let There Be Light. Health and Happiness Books. 2021.
  4. Kuman M. Can the Info-Energy of a Prayer Boost the Immune System? What Our science Says? Journal of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology. 2024;5(3):1–3.
  5. Maslov L, Michailova I. The Informational Energy. Medicine of the Future. Moscow. 2016.
  6. Kuman M. What Everybody Ought to Know about Chronic Pain, Chronic Diseases and Cancer. Health and Happiness Books. 1996.
  7. Kuman M. Why Are We Emotional? Why Are We Craving Love? Health and Happiness Books. 2020.
  8. Kuman M. The Key to Health and Happiness – Not Only Is It Important What We Eat and Drink, It Is Equally Important What We Think. Current Trends in Biological Engineering and Biosciences. 2020;18(1):555980.
  9. Weiss B. Many Lives, Many Masters. Bantam Books. 1997.
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