Conceptual Paper Volume 11 Issue 5
1Chief Ayurveda consultant of Aradhya Ayurvedic hospital and panchkarma research centre, India
2Senior Ayurveda consultant at Garlico herbal International, Nigeria
Correspondence: Arpit Kumar Ranawat, Aradhya Ayurvedic Hospital &Panchkarma research Centre, 42, tirupati nagar, behind railway station road, near baafna deep school, Mandsaur, 458001(M.P.), India, Tel +91 9584 7371 63
Received: December 01, 2017 | Published: October 8, 2018
Citation: Ranawat AK. Clinical study of netra shalaka with palash moolark and trifla churna for the treatment weak eye sight & cataract. Int J Complement Alt Med. 2018;11(5):269. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2018.11.00410
In this era, maximum people age of more than 15 are suffering from different types of weak eye sight and age of more than 50 are suffering from cataract and other eye disorders. Sometimes, patients feel pain in eyes and head, also patients come complain with vertigo and hair fall. Ayurveda treat to root cause of the problem naturally. Very few of patients and people know Ayurveda also have a very good treatment for eye problems to avoid surgical procedures. Even if patients start to follow the life style according to Ayurveda with treatment then results come very quicker. According to Ayurveda, eyes are the place of Pitta dosha. Sometimes AAM is also an important factor which affects the eyes. AAM is associated with tridosha called as SAM DOSHA like sam vata, same pitta and sam kapha. Ayurveda described 76 types of eye disorder with their treatments. So according to Ayurveda, firstly AAM must be treated. It means Ayurveda doctors start the treatment with AAM pachan.
The aim and objective of the study is to evaluate the effects of Netra shalaka with oral Ayurveda preparations to cure weak eye sight and cataract. This study shows how patient can manage their eye glasses and avoid surgical process to cure cataract with the help of Ayurveda and panchkarma including modification of lifestyle.
First step is AAM pachan. So according to Ayurveda, patients are advised for langhan. langhan means avoid food or heavy food. Patient use easily digestible food and drink luke warm water. Luke warm is a very good AAM pachak. After proper langhan, we start oral medication and pacnhkarma. For this 100 patients, age more than 15 years complain of high number of eye glasses and 50 patients of pre-diagnosed cataract. Then divided into 2 groups of each type of the patients, Group A & Group B and Group AC & Group BC. Group A & B contain 50-50 patients. Group AC and BC contain 25-25 patients. Group A is treated with maintained life style such as yoga, luke warm water, sun bath and follow Ayurveda way of daily routine according to ritucharya (season/climatic condition) etc with Ayurveda oral medicine. Group B is treated including panchkarma (Netra tarpan) and Netra shalaka. Both groups treated by chakshushya herbs like aamla, kantkari, Sounf, haridra with some classical preparations like saptamrit louha and eye drop of Ark of palash mool. After langhan- pachan, in addition, Group B is also treated by Netra tarpan (panchkarma) with local application of Netra Shalaka of swarnkshiriadi churna. Both group also prescribed by eye wash with trifla kwath and trifla churna at bed time for koshth shuddhi. Group A and C treated as same manner as Group A, B and C treated as same as Group B. All patients advised to use 3 drops in each eye of ark of palash 3 times in a day.
Treatment given for 6 months and monitor for next 6 month without medicine. Netra tarpan is done for 21 days and netra shalaka used for 6 months and eye wash done by trifla kashaya is done for 30 days. Total duration is of 12 months. All patients are advised to maintain lifestyle with luke warm water and light exercises of eyes.
After completing the above treatments with maintained dose of medicine and lifestyle 75 % patients of group A showed normal performance (80% restoration). 95% patients of group B showed 100% relief followed by maintained lifestyle. 60% Patients of Group AC showed more than 50% recovery from cataract. 75% patients of Group BC showed more than 75% recovery from cataract.
According to Ayurveda, after complete pachan of dosha, oral Ayurveda treatment with the help of netra shalaka and netra tarpana weak eye sight and cataract can easily recover and patient can avoid surgical process. So it also proves that Ayurveda treatment is also help to avoid surgery as well as save money.
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