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eISSN: 2381-1803

Complementary & Alternative Medicine


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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The nonlinear no equilibrium theory of Prigogine is also called The Chaos Theory because it claims that our Universe was created in perfect order out of the chaos. According to the initial version of the nonlinear theory, four basic forces, called four attractors, created everything: one-dimensional (point) attractor, two-dimensional (cyclic) attractor, three-dimensional (torus) attractor, and four-dimensional attractor (but this article insists there should be five-dimensional attractor). Russian scientists found that the attractors are five, not four, and that the so-called ‘chaos’ specific for the right hemisphere of the brain and the Subconscious could actually be described as a five-dimensional attractor described by five independent variables. Taking the attractors as a basic simple starting point of the creation of everything, helps to systematize, organize, and see the common between micro- and macro-world, which wouldn’t be possible without the strong basic canvas of the no equilibrium theory. It helps to systematize all the achievements of our science as civilization until now and see what fits and how it fits in the global picture of the nonlinear no equilibrium theory.

Keywords: nonlinear theory, no equilibrium theory, attractors, new glance to attractors, new glance to universe


The nonlinear no equilibrium theory (also called the Chaos Theory) is the newest branch of physics. Prof. Ilya Prigogine took Nobel prize in 1977 for the development of his nonlinear no equilibrium theory. The Prigogine’s theory claims that the ordered Universe was created out of the chaos by four attractors.1‒3 In nonlinear physics phase space is frequently used to visualize the dynamic of a system. In a phase space, a point presents a state, another point presents the next state and as a result, a trajectory presents the whole dynamic of the system.

Prigogine defined “attractor” as the final state in the trajectory of evolution of dissipative systems. These are systems whose total energy decreases because part of it transforms into a different type of energy heat for example.4 Dr. Williams, who first applied the no equilibrium theory to the stock market writes:2 “The science of the chaos discovered that all events are governed by four forces, which derive order out of the chaos, called attractors”.

In our interpretation, the attractors are minimum energy valleys, which like magnets pull the development toward optimized forms and processes with deepest minimum of energy, which guarantee maximum stability. Russian scientists found that the attractors are five, not four. Ancient Chinese books claim that information can curve the space, which could explain the origin of these minimum energy valleys (the attractors).

Thus, information input created these specific deep energy valleys called attractors, but there should be a substance (space matrix) on which this specific information could be imprinted.5

The one-dimensional attractor reflects the unity and struggle for dominance of two opposite things. It reflects the dynamic equilibrium between two opposites in unity, which alternatively dominate in their attempts to achieve minimum energy for the whole, i.e. maximum stability of the unit. This was one of the building stones of the dialectic materialism of the Marxist philosophy, but it was actually copied from the ancient Chinese philosophy, where it was formulated as “the unity and fight (for dominance) of the opposite things Yang (active and positive) and Yin (passive and negative)”.6

The second building stone of the dialectic materialism was: accumulated quantitative changes lead to a state with a new quality. It was also borrowed from the ancient Chinese philosophy.6 The nonlinear theory also claims that quantitative changes accumulate until a critical point is reached, after which a new quality state appears manifested as a new solution (in mathematical terms). The branching of a new solution is called bifurcation point.

  1. The two-dimensional attractor is called cycle attractor. It describes an energetically optimized chain of transformations, which periodically repeat. The whole cycle of dynamic transformations is created on the principle of minimum energy.
  2. The three-dimensional attractor is called the torus attractor. It describes the torus-shaped nonlinear electromagnetic fields (NEMF) of all material forms from elementary particles to stars and from one cell living creatures to humans, each of them formed on the principle of optimum stability, i.e. minimum energy. All three-dimensional material forms not only have the same torus-shaped electromagnetic fields, these fields have the same cyclic dynamics (two-dimensional attractor), which is also based on the principle of minimum energy.
  3. The four-dimensional attractor is also called Strange Attractor because when first studied, its properties were very peculiar and difficult to understand. To be able to describe the exclusive dynamic of this self-organized force, to the three special coordinates a time coordinate was added as an active fourth variable (fourth dimension). It was considered to be the Creator of Everything through appropriate vibrations.7
  4. In his book: Exploring Complexity,4 Ilya Prigogine writes that the left hemisphere of the brain searches stability while the right hemisphere of the brain searches the chaos. Since the left hemisphere of the brain mainly relates to our Conscious, it seems that our Conscious searches stability. Since the right hemisphere of the brain mainly relates to our Subconscious, it seems that our Subconscious searches the chaos. However, what seems to us like chaos is probably order with higher complexity (proof of this follows).

Our sleep is a constant switch between light and deep sleep. During light sleep, EEG shows high activity on the surface of the brain, where our Conscious is. During deep sleep, EEG shows no activity on the surface of the brain. However, galvanic response is registered, which is specific for emotional response. Since the emotional brain is in the Subconscious, obviously during deep sleep the Subconscious is active. This means that the constant switches between light and deep sleep are switches between Conscious and the Subconscious.

Russian scientists showed7 that the so-called chaos specific for the right hemisphere of the brain and the Subconscious could be described as a five-dimensional attractor, which means attractor described with five independent variables. Since, we showed in our article8 that the weak human NEMF rules and regulates the functioning of all organs and everything else in the body from the Subconscious and works on the holographic principle,9 probably our NEMF is a hologram of the Creator, who must be a five dimensional attractor.

This means that the Creator is not a four-dimensional attractor, as the pioneers of the nonlinear no equilibrium theory initially claimed - the Creator is a five-dimensional attractor. Interestingly, it was found that during epileptic fits the EEG of the epileptic brain shows cyclic conscious activity, which can be described as a two-dimensional attractor. This means that during epileptic fits the conscious brain is locked up into a cyclic regime, which causes the fits.

Important characteristic of the attractors is their strong dependence on the initial and boundary conditions, which reflects the strong dependence of their development on the initial and environmental conditions.

The nature of the attractors

Maximum stability and maximum energy storage

The attractors are potential-energy wells, which like magnets draw the evolution of a system toward a maximally stable (optimal) form, which require minimum energy to function and at the same time store maximum energy. Plants created on this energy optimization principle would require minimum energy to function and at the same time they would store maximum energy. When humans consume these optimal-energy plants, they would utilize their maximal energy.

When we genetically modify plants to be resistant to diseases, bugs not to eat them, or for our convenience not to spit seeds, this energy optimization principle should be considered first hand. If we don’t do this, disasters will strike. Unfortunately, we started doing genetic manipulation before fully understanding the importance of this energy optimization principle. As a result, the genetically modified watermelons without seeds have much less energy to release in the human body (based on my measurements of the human NEMF).

Almost unlimited possibility to adapt

All forms, which the Creator (the Five-Dimensional Attractor) created, were endowed with almost unlimited possibility to adapt. We are not even aware how far these adapting abilities can reach. Dzasmuchin is a woman living in Australia,7 who is not eating or drinking since 1993. She is author of many books and articles. She is advocate of living with the energy of the sun without eating and drinking.

Similar is Zinaida, living in South Russia.7 It took one and a half month for Zinaida to adapt to not eating and drinking, but investigation of her body showed that now her anatomy is totally different from the anatomy of people who eat and drink. These two women live with the energy, which their bodies receive from the environment, and utilize this energy at cellular level.7

Now, when we know that a quantum computer operates in our Subconscious,9 which rules and regulates everything in the body through the waves (including light) of our NEMF, it is easy to understand that this quantum computer must be involved in the switch of these people from living on the energy of food to living on the energy of quants of light. Thus, the switch must be done by the quantum computer, which operates with the waves of our weak NEMF on the holographic principle.9

Also, in California a child was born with hereditary AIDS from his mother. At the University of California in Los Angeles, the child tested positive for HIV virus at birth, six months old, and one year old. When the child was 5years old, virus was not detected - the child was totally healthy. Studies of his DNA showed that his DNA was totally different from the DNA of every other human being.7

Our DNA consists of 64 codons, but only 20 of them are active. This child had 24 active codons and his immune system was 3,000times stronger.7 He was immuned not only against HIV virus, but against any other virus. After some time 10,000 children with such DNA were registered.7 This is a perfect illustration that we do not have idea how unlimited the abilities of the human body to adapt are and there are 40 more inactive codons holding their secrets.

The cited above case is also a vivid illustration that our DNA is not fixed, i.e. if we were born with certain DNA, it doesn’t mean that we will die with the same DNA. Our DNA can change. Maybe one day, we will be able to imitate the DNA change of these spontaneously-healed from AIDS children, and then we will all have their strong immunity not only against the HIV virus, but against any other disease that will come.

We already can cure diseases caused by genetic defects. In Prague, a child was born with immune deficiency syndrome. Such children need to live in a breathing helmet to stay insulated from the germs and usually they don’t live long. With special equipment in a special hypo-geomagnetic camera, the DNA of his mother was read and projected onto him. The child recovered and happily lived ever after. In Russia, in a similar way child epilepsy and other diseases caused by genetic defects were successfully treated.7

As far back as in year 2000, I wrote that DNA could change during a lifetime in my book Listen and Talk to Your Body and Soul.10 I wrote that the people born with genetic predisposition to dominant negative thinking are the ones that become addicted to hallucinogenic drugs. However, if understanding the harm of negative thinking, they chose to work toward changing their way of thinking, and they succeeded in shifting to positive thinking, their DNA would change and their children wouldn’t be born with dominant negative thinking.

The biggest gift, which our Creator gave us, was the freedom of choice, and if we choose to change, we could, and even our DNA would change. And the material DNA is not everything; the information it carries is everything. In the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Novosibirsk, all DNA was removed from unfertilized frog egg. However, when torsion generator imprinted the information from already developed tadpole on this unfertilized egg with removed DNA, a tadpole developed.7


For best adaptation to the media, all living bodies have a built-in feedback mechanism, which is the basis of their self-organization. Built-in feedback mechanism is best illustrated with self-observing video system consisting of a video camera looking at its own monitor. This set-up illustrates that the feedback is essential element of the self-organization.11

When a camera is a few feet from its own monitor, first the images start to dance on the screen, but after a period of trials and errors, coherent pattern can be observed. The system may settle down to a stable image corresponding to point attractor or undergo periodic changes associated with a limited cycle. Or the system may approach a chaotic attractor leading to erratic unpredictable behavior. This is how the four major attractors were discovered.12

The attractor-creator

All material forms have a built-in weak NEMF with encoded evolution plans for development toward optimal forms with minimum energy consumption for functioning, maximal stability, and maximal energy storage. Nonlinear Physics teaches that when turbulence is present only the anti-vortices, which spin counterclockwise, emit energy. If so, they are the only ones that can give birth to material forms.

Proof that the whole material world was created by anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise (to the left) is the fact that all the molecules in the material world – alive and not alive - are left-handed. The direction of spinning (counterclockwise) cranks magnetic field, which makes all the molecules synthesized in this field to be left-handed. The Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Novosibirsk also confirmed it - only when the created by them torsion generator was spinning counterclockwise (to the left), it was stimulating cellular growth.7

Another proof is the fact that all twist-and-twine plants twist counterclockwise (to the left) when they grow following the same counterclockwise rule of creation and growth based on the counterclockwise spinning of the anti-vortices, which give birth to all material creations. Also, during solar activity, when the turbulent activity in the equatorial area of the Sun is high, solar anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise are the ones that throw spinning energy balls out.

Since ancient Chinese books claim7 that information can create space deformation, obviously the Attractor-Creator sent information, which created the first anti-vortex, which started creating the material Universe because only anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise emit energy and can give birth to material forms. Since the Five-dimensional Attractor is the Creator of Everything, He must have been a very deep “potential energy well” spinning counterclockwise and having a lot of energy. “The potential energy well” has quotation marks because we cannot really speak about potential energy in nonlinear physics.13

The created material forms were self-organized and with unlimited abilities to adapt to new environmental conditions. While attempting to adapt to the new ever-changing environmental conditions, these material forms were evolving to myriad of new forms. However, since self-organization cannot exist without feedback connection, the created NEMF was periodically switching between spinning clockwise and sucking energy in and spinning counterclockwise and emitting energy out.

The five-dimensional attractor created the attractors of lower dimension

First, the five-dimensional Attractor-Creator, created in his image the attractors of the lower fourth and third dimension. They were also “potential-energy wells”, spinning counterclockwise but with lower and finite energy. They were local Gods endowed with ability to create optimal forms and processes of theirs or lower dimensions. Since the attractors are spinning “potential energy wells” with steep walls, they were strongly nonlinear. According to nonlinear physics, this made the initial and boundary (environmental) conditions important for all of them.

According to the attractors’ classification scheme, the creation of the three-dimensional Universe must be a cycle, which is a two-dimensional attractor. The lifecycle of the Universe starts with peaceful creation of the Universe in perfect order. It continues with aging of the Universe and becoming more and more disordered following the entropy law. (The Universe ages just as we do.) Observations with the Hubble telescope show that 60% of the galaxies in our Universe are already warped because they have swallowed smaller galaxies in the past. It seems that our Universe is more than middle age.

The lifecycle of the Universe finishes with destruction of the totally disordered Universe, so that a new Universe in perfect order could be created in its place. Alexander Freeman described mathematically such cycle of creation and destruction, and his rough estimate was it should have a periodicity of about 10bilionyears. Interestingly, ancient Hindu texts claim that the cycle of creation lasts 4.32bilionyears and the cycle of destruction lasts another 4.32bilionyears.14 The total cycle of creation and destruction would last 8.64bilionyears, which is close to the Freeman’s rough estimate of 10billionyears.

As you can see, the three-dimensional Universe could not have been created with a Big Ben because: 1/ explosion is an uncontrollable process, which cannot create a three-dimensional Universe in perfect order and 2/ something needs to be done with the over-expanded and totally disordered Universe – it needs to be recycled and as we shall see the preparation for it has already started. Recycling is necessary, so that a new Universe in perfect order can be created.

By the way, everything in our whole material world (alive and not alive) was created as a three-dimensional attractor with torus shaped NEMF. They all have a material body and the same nonlinear torus-shaped spinning electromagnetic field (NEMF) with the same cyclic dynamics.5 Both alive and not alive systems are self-organized with ability to adapt and reproduce, and it seems that the nonlinearity is a measure of their stability and their evolution to more complex forms.

When the nonlinearity is high, at reaching the high critical points Ec the material forms evolve to a new state with higher complexity. When describing one-dimensional attractor we stated that accumulated quantitative changes lead to a state with a new quality. Now, we accentuate on the fact that the new state not only has higher complexity, it has higher nonlinearity.

For the human body, stress causes delays because the body needs to stop its habitual work and mobilize for response to the stressor. For periodic processes, like our biorhythms, the delays are called phase shifts. These delays (phase shift) circulate in the body until they reach the genetically inherited weak organ, which does not have enough energy to propel them, and they accumulate there.

This leads to decreased nonlinear connections among the biorhythms of the genetically inherited weak organ. When the strength of the nonlinear connection reaches the low critical point Ec, the organ evolves to a new state with low integration of its biorhythms (see the description of one-dimensional attractor stating that accumulated quantitative changes lead to a state with a new quality). This manifests itself in sluggish poor functioning of the genetically inherited weak organ, which we call chronic disease.15

Morphogenetic field or NEMF and its role

In order to explain the fact that once a tribe animal has learn to perform a new task, the rest of the tribe animals adapt it fast, biologist Rupert Sheldrake11 postulated the existence of morphogenetic field. However, if we consider each animal as a nonlinear oscillator, considering the fact that nonlinear oscillators can entrain or synchronize, it is easy to explain the fast adaptation of the new skills as entrainment.

Such entrainment or synchronization is observed even among generators of electricity. If only one generator supplies electricity, the frequency would likely drift. If many generators supply electricity, the mutual entrainment stabilizes the oscillating frequency. This tendency to beat as one is considered by some scientists to be illustration of self-organization.11

Rupert Sheldrake11 also used the morphogenetic field to explain how an egg cell develops into a three-dimensional life form. He was convinced that a morphogenetic field must exist, which contains information about the final shape of the embryo and guides it development. However, trials to measure this field failed and I am going to explain why they failed.

They failed because the human Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF), which I measured for almost 40years with my patented sensitive and noninvasive equipment, is 1,000 times weaker than the body biocurrents created by the nervous system. While the biocurrents in the body are measured in milliamperes (one thousandth of the ampere), the currents of the NEMF are measured in microamperes (one millionth of the ampere). Thus, 1,000 times more sensitive equipment is necessary to measure the weak NEMF16,17 and for that reason the morphogenic field, which is our NEMF, was not found until now.

The whole material world is a material body and the weak nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF), which being a three-dimensional attractor has a torus shape and initially span counterclockwise. However, to be self-organized, i.e. with feedback connection, they need to periodically switch between spinning clockwise and sucking energy in and spinning counterclockwise and emitting energy out.

This is true for the alive and not alive forms from the smallest elementary particle to the stars, galaxies, and the whole Universe. This is also the basis of the so-called dualism wave-particle, which means that all material particles are waves at the same time because they all have NEMF. The same is true for all material forms.

The universal three-dimensional attractor is spinning

Torus-Shaped Field – as Above so Below

Since anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise and emitting energy created the material universe, all material forms from elementary particles to planets and stars must have spun initially counterclockwise. If some planets don’t spin counterclockwise now, something has happened to them, i.e. something has changed the initial direction of their spinning.

Let us look at our solar system. All the planets spin counterclockwise except Venus and Uranus. Venus is spinning very slowly – one day of Venus is 243 Earth days. Something must have happened, like hitting at the equator, to slow down the spinning that much. Uranus is spinning with an axis parallel to the ecliptic (plane of orbiting), which suggests hitting at the pole. More details will be given in another article.

However, let’s first start with the micro-world. Let a photon spinning counterclockwise has enough energy to knock out from the primary space matrix an electron e- with mass me and negative electric charge; the electron spins counterclockwise, which is considered spin +1/2. The hole left in the space matrix would spin clockwise (which is considered spin -1/2), would have a negative mass (– me) and positive electric charge. This is the anti-particle of the knocked out electron e-, which is called positron e+.

Considering this simple scenario, what our Encyclopedia of Physics18 says on p. 953 is trivial. It says that article of Schwinger et al. “guarantees that any particle and its anti-particle have equal masses, equal lifetimes if the particle is unstable, and equal magnetic moments”. (But please consider the fact that the magnetic moments of particles and anti-particles are equal in value, but have opposite magnetic polarity because a particle and anti-particle spin in opposite direction).

On the same page 953,18 it is written that in 1949 “Feynman showed that a mathematical formalism could be set up, in which the positron behaved like an electron traveling backward in time.” This is also trivial because when we change the spin and mass to the opposite, we need to change the time to the opposite. However, we wouldn’t need any of these “proofs”, if our starting point and vision of what are matter and anti-matter were right.

When an electron and positron meet, they first spin around each other for a while, as if dancing waltz, before they would merge together (annihilate) and give birth to a gamma quant. I was giving this dancing scenario as an example to my students. “Don’t be in a hurry with the sex. Look at the electron and positron, they first dance around each other before to annihilate.”

US scientists announced in 2017 that they observed with two distant LEGO interferometers merging of two “Black Holes” (BH). It was nothing else but dancing around each other before to annihilate.19 At the annihilation, energy was emitted with Gamma-ray frequency. Considering the way the two BH dance around each other, I can guarantee that they would have had opposite magnetic polarity, which means that they were spinning in opposite direction because they would attract each other only if they have had opposite magnetic polarity.

Now, recall the annihilation of the electron and positron. They dance around each other before to annihilate and when they annihilated a gamma quant was released. Their interaction was considered electromagnetic. Compare with the merging of the two “Black Holes” – the same dancing around each other, and gamma rays were also emitted at the merging. However, since astronomers think that everything in astronomy is gravitation, they announced they registered gravitational waves, when they must have been electromagnetic waves.

LIGO in the US and VIRGO in Italy detected merging of two Neutron Stars on August 14, 2017.20 If the total mass of the annihilated neutron stars is larger than the critical mass at which a neutron star collapses into a Black Hole, a Black Hole will be created. If the total mass of the neutron stars is under the critical, it will wander until it meats another neutron star with opposite spinning and annihilate with it. When the critical mass is reached, the neutron stars would collapse into a Black Hole.

The nonlinear theory describes adequately this behavior - the two Neutron Stars will continue to merge (annihilate), which is quantitative changes until the critical mass is reached, after which a qualitatively new state appears (Black Hole) manifested as a new solution (in mathematical terms). The appearance of a new solution is called bifurcation. This new quality state is a Black Hole with large enough mass that can create stars, which would give birth to a new Galaxy.

As you can see, the preparation for the next new cycle of creation has already started. The increased merging of Neutron Stars and Black Holes will continue to increase the dark matter in our Universe (which is already dominant). Considering also the fact that 60% of the Galaxies in our Universe are warped, we can firmly say that our Universe is more than middle age.

But let’s go back to the micro-world of the electrons and positrons. We learn in physics that particles with opposite spin attract each other. However, when we use the word “spin +1/2”, we don’t see the particle spinning counterclockwise and we don’t see the magnetic field induced by the spinning. If we do this, we would see that behind particles with opposite spin attract each other stays magnets with opposite polarity attract each other.

Things are this way because we have built a science that only describes ‘how’ things were found to be. Our science does not feel obligated to explain ‘why’ things are the way they are. An advanced science should not only explain how things are, but should be able to explain why they are the way they are. The time has come to shift our science to the next level of understanding when our science would be able to explain the observed phenomena.

In the same way, behind the phrase “particles with the same spin repulse each other” stays “magnets with the same polarity repulse each other”. Thus, particles with the same spin always repulse each other, except at very low temperatures, close to the absolute zero (-273K), when electrons with the same spin start to form couples. They are called Cooper pairs after the name of the scientist, who first observed the effect.21,22

Again, all physicists accept the fact that pairs of electrons with parallel spins exist at very low temperatures without trying to explain why. This is because we have built a science that describes ‘how’ things are, but does not bother to explain ‘why’ they are the way they are. However, our science will become real science, only when the scientists will start explaining why things are the way they were found to be, and nonlinear physics would play substantial part in it.

Here is my explanation why at temperatures close to the absolute zero electrons with parallel spins form pairs (Cooper pairs). At such low temperatures, the electrons’ spinning becomes so slow that the direction of spinning becomes not important because it cannot create magnetic field of importance. Anyway, I jokingly explained to my students the strange parallel coupling of the electrons at very low temperatures as homosexual behavior.

My students were still remembering the homosexuality of the electrons at very low temperature twentyyears after graduation (on reunion). They told me that they would have forgotten long time ago about the Cooper pairs being with parallel spin, if I didn’t name it homosexual behavior. I noticed that if I would say during lecture a funny story related to my teaching, they would remember the story and the teaching that went with it to the end of their lives.

Particles and anti-particles, stars and back holes

Let us sum up: since anti-vortices spinning counterclockwise throw energy out, they were the creators of the whole material world. When material particles with positive mass are created, which spin counterclockwise and have negative electric charge, the remaining holes in the space matrix have negative mass, spin clockwise, and have positive electric charge – they are the anti-particles of the created material particles.

If so, only nonlinear physics could explain the creation of the material world because it deals with vortices, anti-vortices and magnetic fields. Unfortunately, neither our astronomy nor astrophysics is based on nonlinear physics – not yet. Also, in the micro world, macro world, and humans we see the same torus shape NEMF with the same dynamics.

It was found that the elementary particles have torus shape electromagnetic field (just like our Sun) and they emit virtual photons and catch them back, just like our Sun emits spinning energy ball from anti-vortices in the equatorial areas, which are caught back by nearby vortices. As you can see, the elementary particles and the Sun have the same torus shape fields (NEMF) and the same dynamics.

The human’s NEMF also has the same torus shape and the same dynamics (see the author’s book).5 As shown in the same book the dynamic of interaction of two people is just like the dynamic of interaction of two stars, which have the same torus shape NEMF with the same dynamics.

However, while emotions rule the direction of spinning of the humans’ NEMF, the switching of the direction of spinning of stars to opposite is determined by the maximal pressure, which the stars’ plasma can tolerate, at the equator (if the star spins clockwise) or at the poles (if the star spins counterclockwise).5


This article offers a new glance to the role of the attractors for creating order out of the chaos. The offered here attractors’ theory is extended to five major attractors instead of four in the original Theory of Chaos and the nature of attractors is profoundly explained. Nobody has offered this new glance - neither the author in a previous article or others and this is a substantial contribution to the original Theory of Chaos.



Conflict of interest

Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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  20. Kuman M. Advances in Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. 2018;2(1)
  21. Kuman M. Advances in Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. 2017;1(4).
  22. Kuman M. Research in Medicine and Engineering Sciences. 2018;5(3).
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