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International Journal of
eISSN: 2574-9862

Avian & Wildlife Biology


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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The study was conducted to assess various micrometrical readings of different layers in the gizzards of Kadaknath breed of fowl at Department of Anatomy, College of Veterinary Sciences, Pantnagar. The study used 24 birds, divided in age groups of (day old, 7, 28 and 112days old) with 6 birds in each age group. Gizzard samples were collected and processed for paraffin sections and slides were stained with H&E stain and viewed at different magnifications. It has been found that the thickness of the different layers were maximum in 112days old whereas it was minimum in day old birds, indicating that the thickness of different layers also increased as the age of the birds advanced due to continuous development. Micrometry of epithelial cell and nucleus diameter reveals that there is less variation in height, width and diameter with the advancement of age.


Kadaknath is a famous Indian poultry breed and pride of Madhya Pradesh. It is also known as “Kala Masi” because of the black color meat, skin, tongue, beak, legs and intestines. So it requires a continuous research to add scientific inputs. Digestive system is vital which needs to be explored starting from its basic structural peculiarities and as there is paucity of literature pertaining to the micrometrical studies of gizzard of Kadaknath breed of fowl. Therefore, this study was embarked to act as base line data for this breed for further research.

Materials and methods

The present study was conducted on Kadaknath breed of fowl in the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar. The birds were procured from Instructional Poultry Farm, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. The birds were divided into four groups (day old, 7days, 28days and 112days) with six birds in each age group. The birds were sacrificed by severing the carotid artery and jugular veins. Feathers were removed manually and the gizzards were carefully dissected out. Tissue samples were collected and processed in routine manner and slides were prepared. Then the slides were stained with H&E stain. Slides were observed under compound microscope at different magnifications. For each slide 10 observations were taken and the average of these micrometrical observations were recorded and presented in table form of Mean±Se. In the present study thickness of inner cornified layer, tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muscularis, tunica serosa, epithelial cell height, breadth and nucleus diameter was recorded.

Results and discussion

The thickness of the inner cornified layer of the gizzard in day old, 7, 28 and 112days old birds was 184.5±18.595µm, 276±20.666µm, 368±15.567µm, and 411±23.872µm respectively (Table 1). Results from the current study are (in agreement or not in line with) Ahmed et al.1 who reported the thickness of keratinized layers of gizzard of Japanese quail during 1,15,30,45days were 136.55±30.12, 223.07±42, 318±17.12, 336±15.12µm respectively. In another study, Kausar et al.,2 reported the thickness of keratin layer in Japanese quail during 4 weeks, 8 weeks and above 8 weeks were 134.43±7.89, 164.43±12.75 and 201.63±41.42µm respectively.

The thickness of the tunica mucosa of gizzard in day old, 7, 28 and 112days old birds was 300.5±12.028µm, 319±11µm, 459±27.826µm, and 634±26.381µm respectively (Table 1). The results are similar to Ahmed et al.,1 reported the thickness of gizzard glands of Japanese quail during 1,15,30,45days were 301.41±30.32, 410.49±43.10, 532.81±23.12, 541.82±21.43µm respectively.

The thickness of the tunica submucosa of gizzard in day old, 7, 28 and 112days old birds was 41±4.268µm, 78.6±4.522µm, 158.55±8.453µm, and 198.75±21.033µm respectively (Table 1). The thickness of the tunica serosa of gizzard in day old,7,28 and 112 old birds was 23.1±2.350µm, 36.15±3.582µm, 50.25±3.598µm, and 81.5±9.945µm respectively (Table 1). In the present investigation, it was observed that with the age advances there was an increase in the dimension of various layers of gizzard of Kadaknath fowl which is in agreement with Ahmed et al.1 in Japanese quail and Lambate et al.,3 in broiler birds.

Name of the layer

Age groups





Inner Cornified Layer





Tunica Mucosa





Tunica Submucosa





Tunica Serosa





Table 1 Showing the thickness of various layers in various age groups

The average height of the epithelial cell of the gizzard mucosa in day old, 7, 28 and 112days old birds was 7.62±0.471µm, 7.7±0.478µm, 9.35±0.605µm, and 10.6±0.515µm respectively (Table 2). In their study, Ahmed et al. (2011) reported the height of gizzard glands epithelium of Japanese quail during 1,15,30,45days were 6±2.12, 9±1.90, 14±2.43, 17±1.90µm respectively. In another study, Kausar et al.,2 found the height of gizzard epithelium in Japanese quail during 4weeks, 8 weeks and above 8 weeks as 188.57±7.18, 195.86±5.2 and 220.13±24.54µm respectively. The average breadth of the epithelial cell of the gizzard mucosa in day old, 7, 28 and 112days old birds was 4.51±0.404µm, 4.6±0.4µm 5.01±0.439µm, and 6.76±0.420µm, respectively (Table 2). The average nucleus diameter of the gizzard epithelium in day old, 7, 28 and 112days old birds was 4.92±0.370µm, 5.03±0.257µm, 5.97±0.468µm, and 6.13±0.381µm respectively (Table 2). The increase in the epithelial dimension in the present investigation indicated higher activity with advancement in age.4–10

Mucosal epithelium

Age groups

Day old














Nucleus Diameter





Table 2 Showing the Height, Breadth and Nucleus diameter in various age groups



Conflict of interest

Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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