André Chwalibog is professor emeritus at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. At present, he is also visiting professor at the Faculty of Animal Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. For his scientific achievements, he has been nominated to the Knight of the Dannebrog Order by the Queen Margarethe II of Denmark. André has been a coordinator of several national and international research projects. Member of expert panels and evaluator of projects for European Commission for Food Safety and research councils in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Poland, Qatar and Russia. Editor-in-Chief Journal of Molecular Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Avian and Wildlife Biology. Board member of Archives of Animal Nutrition, Animal Science Journal, Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, South African Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, Annals UMCS, Annals WULS. He has 409 publications, out of which 209 peer reviewed, 43 books and compendia, 157 abstracts. H-index 27, 3006 citations.
Research Interest
Research activities have been devoted to several aspects of nutrition and physiology. Major activities have concerned energy and protein metabolism in different animal species and humans. These include energy and nutrient metabolism under different genetic and environmental conditions, during growth, reproduction and lactation; Evaluation of energy and protein utilization and requirements; Feed evaluation; Mathematical models of nutrient and energy metabolism; Substrate oxidation and utilization for gluconeogenesis, lipogenesis and protein turnover; Metabolic programming; Application of nanotechnology in nutrition and tumour therapy. Investigations have been performed at cellular, tissue and whole body levels, both in vitro and in vivo. Major methods have been nutrient and energy balances, indirect calorimetry, stable isotopes, and histological, microscopic, immunological and molecular techniques.
Advisory Board
Asst. Professor Kirandeep K Dhami Wright State University USA
Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences Ph.D. Program, Wright State University, Dayton, OH (USA), M.S. Environmental Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID (USA), M.Sc. Environmental Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, PB (India)
Research Interest
Botanical & Environmental Sciences, Conservation Biology, Atmosphere and Hydrosphere,Climatology.
Honorable Editors
Dr Philip D Tanimoto American Bird Conservancy USA