Hyperleukocytosis is not always leukemia: uncovering the indicators in peripheral blood smear Sailuja Maharjan,1 Sristi Upadhyay,2 Madhu Sudan Dhakal,2 Sumnima Mainali,3 Gautam Das4 PDF | Full text | Share
A rare case of excessive bleeding after tonsillectomy; a diagnostic challenge Aysha Khan, Alishbah Waseem, Hamza Masood PDF | Full text | Share
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome secondary to nivolumab in a patient with mixed cell variety classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Santiago-Benítez Mary Jose,1López-Navarro Omar,2 Arias-Ruiz Luis Felipe,3 Gatica-Torres Michelle,4 Puentes-López José Alfredo,1 Fernández- Ferreira Ricardo,5 AguirreOrozco María Camila,1 Cervera Ceballos Eduardo2 PDF | Full text | Share
A study of platelet transfusion support to dengue patients in a hospital based blood transfusion centre Shankar S, Pailoor K PDF | Full text | Share
Suggestion for an easy storage and fast opening freeze dried (lyophilised) Plasma pack Jean Ginot PDF | Full text | Share