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eISSN: 2576-4497

Hospice & Palliative Medicine International Journal

Opinion Volume 7 Issue 2

Using alternative medicine in the 21st century

Dr Rebecca L Burkett

Doctorate of Natural Medicine Online, IBEM College, USA

Correspondence: Dr Rebecca L. Burkett, Doctorate of Natural Medicine Online, IBEM College, 154 Tollerton Trail, USA, Tel +1 304 582 8816

Received: June 21, 2024 | Published: June 26, 2024

Citation: Burkett RL. Alternative Medicine. Hos Pal Med Int Jnl. 2024;7(2):51-52. DOI: 10.15406/hpmij.2024.07.00239

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I have enjoyed training over the years to bring these types of treatments to bring relief to the patient. Alternative Medicine has an array of modalities’ of healing methods. Which are: Integrative medicines is also known as an evidence-based approach for treatment. For example, Lifestyle treatment, along with nutrition, diet, meditation, and yoga. Its purpose is to restore the natural energy levels of the body and promote balance. A practitioner can add life coaching, health coaching, spiritual coaching. Whatever the patient would need. Biofeedback uses sensors and a machine that are placed on the body to determine the appropriate treatment. Bio Energetic Medicine involves this involves training in Auricular therapy, Iridology, nutrition, essential oils, herbology and herbal medicine, spondylar therapy which is the study and manipulation of the spine, biochemistry, and Native American healings. Before taking these classes, you need to research if your state accepts these types of modalities or choose a specialized training to be good at one skill. Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM). We have often heard of these modalities. They are known as natural medicines that help relieve a patients illness. The reasons to use CAM are for mind for mental health, body for illness and spirit for calm. This type of treatment can also be used in modern medicine. Honestly, the way to use this treatment is to ask you healthcare providers which would be the right course of action to take. Naturopathy uses no medication and so the appropriate treatment of the mind, body, and spirit. Allopathy here in this area of medicine the doctor’s actually prescribed medications to deal with the patient’s illness. Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into the affected areas of the patient body. It is main goal is to alleviate any pain or discomfort. Acupressure the practioner’s uses their fingers to adjust the area of the patient’s body to balance and levels of energy in the body. Also, to treat pain. Aromatherapy uses essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from the roots, leaves, seeds, or blossoms of plants, to promote healing. Its sole purpose is to manage pain. Alleviate stress levels, sooth and relaxes. Ayurveda is a modality that originated in India. Practitioners use a variety of techniques, including herbs, massage, and specialized diets, with the intent of balancing the body, mind, and spirit to promote overall wellness. It is main goal is to provide a patient that needs help with change of lifestyle interventions. It also provides balance of the mind, body, and spirit. Esoteric Science or Energy medicine is the subtle change of a person’s energy and increase spiritual development.

For example, Reiki is such a form of energy healing based on the idea that a “life force” energy flows through everyone’s body. Reiki technique is a non- contactless healing. The Practitioner will use their hands up and down the body to determine what is ailing the patient. Next, modality is TCM also called Traditional Chinese Medicine. This type of medicine was developed during the 3rd Century B.C.E. The people used acupuncture and herbs to take care of illnesses. The earliest known record was from the Huangdi neijiung, the Yellow Emperor Inner Classic. The TCM medicine is still in practice to this day. The Chinese healers used two distinct types of complementary forces: Yin (Passive) and the Yang (Active). Its primary directive is to promote healing and balance in the body. These modalities have specialized areas that can be combined, for example: Acupuncture, Acupressure, moxibustion (Moxa treatment), cupping therapy where hot glass cups are placed on the body that draw the blood vessels to the skin. The Chinese practitioner may use a combination of different herbal medicines. Another course in TCM is the Meridian Energy which are pathways or channels that allow energy to flow through the body. The science of Energy flows through our system along a pair of major vessels and a set of lesser meridians. There are twelve major vessels that are in the major organs, except two areas in our brain and our eyes. The meridian system is a key concept of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), understandings of the energetic body shared by many countries in Southeast Asia. It is believed that energy. Also called the life force, prana, or qi (chi), flows throughout the body. Energy is free to move and transform- that can mean different things. If Qi becomes disrupted, halted, under/overactive, or otherwise compromised it can impair the flow of energy. If Qi is a universal force, then healthcare rooted in TCM principles should be accessible and affordable for everyone. In advocating for this perspective, the understanding of Qi becomes a tool for promoting health equity it aligns with the idea that the benefits and availability of TCM to a person should not be limited to a privileged few, but accessible to individuals from all walks of life. In this regard, poverty is stagnation of qi. This can create and perpetuate illness, especially for children.1 Chronic stress due to poverty can also affect the health outcomes, quality of life, and longevity in adults as well.2 The energy, or chi, moves throughout the body along these lines. Each line relates to a bodily organ and an emotion or set of emotions. We begin our coverage with the two major vessels, and then proceed to the twelve meridians following the order of tapping points from EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TFT (Thought Field Therapy), and TTT (Trauma Tapping Technique) from top to bottom! Last is the metaphysical field. This area can be used for life coaching and spiritual coaching. Any of these modalities can be combined to suit the patient’s needs. Make sure the patient is not allergic to any ingredients of herbs and oils. Always do an assessment before applying any herbal plants or Essential oils to a patient. A disclaimer from a practitioner should never tell a patient they should not go to their family doctor. Make sure the practitioner has the appropriate certifications in your state or country. Also, do research to make sure you go to the right practitioner that fits your needs.



Conflicts of interest

The author declared that there are no conflicts of interest.


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©2024 Burkett. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
