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eISSN: 2576-4497

Hospice & Palliative Medicine International Journal

Mini Review Volume 7 Issue 4

How to use alternative and natural medicine in the 21st Century part III

Dr Rebecca L Burkett

Doctorate of Natural Medicine Online, IBEM College, USA

Correspondence: Dr Rebecca L Burkett, Doctorate of Natural Medicine Online, IBEM College, 154 Tollerton Trail, USA, Tel +1 304 582 8816

Received: September 24, 2024 | Published: October 3, 2024

Citation: Burkett RL. How to use alternative and natural medicine in the 21st Century part III. Hos Pal Med Int Jnl. 2024;7(4):115-116. DOI: 10.15406/hpmij.2024.07.00253

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Natural Medicine has another name called Naturopathy Medicine. Naturopathic doctors can earn ND or NMD degrees from a naturopathic medical school. The six principles of naturopathic medicine unite NDs across the world: First Do No Harm. ANCB: Means The American Naturopathic Board or ANCB is a 501(c) non-profit organization formed in 2003 to administer a National.1


The answers to these questions are listed below: What is Natural Medicine? How do we use it? What are its origins? Another name for Natural Medicine is Naturopathy.2

Natural medicine

Natural Medicine has another name called Naturopathy Medicine. The naturopathic medical doctor can earn ND or NMD degrees. Each medical doctor goes to a naturopathic medical school for four years. The rules for a natural medicine doctor are as follows:

  1. NDs have their own licensing exams, called the NPLEX, which they must take upon graduating from a four-year accredited institution.
  2. Naturopathic doctors are not licensed in every state or province in the United States and Canada. Please see the laws at the ANCB Website. Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself with these types of therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling.


Naturopathy is used around the world since ancient day. The United States was introduced to these techniques by the German Immigrants in the 1800’s.

ANCB’s history

ANCB’s history dates to the early 1980s, at a the time when the practice of Naturopathy was first gaining popularity in the U.S. ANCB’s organizational. It is to assure that ANCB certified naturopathic professionals meet specific standards of continuing education and experience and are committed to an elevated level of ethical practice.3

Naturopathic principles

Naturopathic medicine honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for lifelong wellness.

The six principles of naturopathic medicine unite NDs across the world:

I first do no harm: to all medical practice is the desire to help the human form and condition

The healing power of nature: NDs recognize the value of our natural world in assisting the healing process

Doctor as teacher: Naturopathic doctors elevate patient health literacy.

Treat the whole person: Naturopathic doctors understand the interconnectedness of our body, our environment, and our lifestyle on total health.

Prevention: Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible. Through their comprehensive practice

Identify and treat the cause: There is a time and place for symptom suppression, however most naturopathic patients will benefit from identifying the underlying causes of illness and removing obstacles to cure.

How does naturopathic work?

The first step in finding a Naturopathic is do your research to find a Naturopathic in your area for licensed ND’s or NMD. The second step is to set up an appointment when you do the first session with your NMD for a complete exam. The third step is the NMD will begin to treat the condition typically using naturopathic remedies. The exam will last about 1 to 2 hours. To know and understand the course of naturopathy is to understand the techniques to cure people. Naturopathy is to find the best possible techniques that fit the person’s illnesses, to find this out is to do an analysis or examination on the person. The NMD looks for these areas: Questions about their environmental life, behavioral lifestyles, culture, education, work. All these areas play a key role in our healing processes. This is a system that uses different remedies for a person’s healing. For example, the techniques and treatments are massages, herbs, acupuncture or acupressure, chakra healing, nutritional counseling, or nutritional coaching, life coaching, health coaching, hypnosis. The idea of these treatments is to treat the whole person.4

Case studies

Today’s Practitioner will help a patient with various health issues and devise a specific care plan for the patient. The Practitioner would offer a hint of herbal medicines that would pertain to their health issues.5

Second case study

Objective and Design: To summarize the current state of the research evidence for whole-system, multi-modality naturopathic medicine. A systematic search for research articles which is central tenet of naturopathic philosophy is vis medicatrix naturae.6


The discussion about this article was the Natural Medicine and Naturopathy perspectives and approaches along with the guidelines to go by. The discussion on the two case studies that deal with a variety of health issues. The case studies also promote ideas and improvements in the alternative medicine field.



Conflicts of interest

The author declared that there are no conflicts of interest.


Creative Commons Attribution License

©2024 Burkett. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.