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eISSN: 2576-4462

Horticulture International Journal

Commentary Volume 8 Issue 1

KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction) may explain electroculture and magnetoculture technologies in Horticulture

W John Martin

Institute of Progressive Medicine, South Pasadena CA 91030, USA

Correspondence: W. John Martin, Institute of Progressive Medicine, 1634 Spruce Street, South Pasadena CA 91030, USA, Tel 01-626-616-2868

Received: February 02, 2024 | Published: February 12, 2024

Citation: Martin WJ. KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction) may explain electroculture and magnetoculture technologies in Horticulture. Horticult Int J. 2024;8(1):8-10. DOI: 10.15406/hij.2024.08.00295

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This article proposes that the mechanism of action of electroculture and magentoculture procedures is to increase the level of a specific form of energy in the groundwater termed KELEA, an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction. This energy is distinct from the energies obtained by plants from photosynthesis and food catabolism. Rather, KELEA supports what is referred to as the Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) pathway in all forms of life. KELEA exists in conjunction with electrical charges with the probable fundamental purpose of preventing the fusion and annihilation of electrostatically attracted opposing electrical charges. It is presumed to be a radiating force that can lead to the quantitative loosening of the strength of hydrogen bonding of water molecules in its vicinity. This water is referred to be being KELEA activated.  It can facilitate chemical reactions and engage in other cellular functions. Electroculture and magentoculture procedures can create oscillating electrical charges and, thereby, increase the local level of KELEA. These procedures can be compared with or used in conjunction with other means of increasing KELEA in horticultural and agricultural applications.

Keywords: electroculture, magnetoculture, KELEA, ACE pathway, telluric, water, agriculture, horticulture


KELEA, kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction; ACE, alternative cellular energy


Advances in horticulture are based on both empirical observations and scientific explanations. The naming of certain practices can potentially be misleading by implying a known mechanism of action. Wrongly assumed mechanisms can impair efforts at further optimization. Moreover, the additional efforts may lead to negative or contradictory findings, which can lead to skepticism, especially by those whose financial interests are being challenged.  These considerations apply to the terms electroculture and magnetoculture, which presume that electrical currents and/or magnetic fields can directly enhance the quantity and quality of plant life, including the cultivation of food crops (e.g. Adding to the current interest is the historical evidence in many earlier societies of the construction of spectacular aerial antenna devices, presumably designed to collect atmospheric electrical activity and/or respond to the earth’s magnetic field.1-4 Aboveground pyramidal and cone-shaped structures with specifically defined relative dimensions and angles have also been widely used throughout history with demonstrated agricultural benefits. Magnetized galvanized steel rods, which are buried in the soil in a north-south orientation are also utilized as a means of enhancing plant growth. Certain beneficial soil additives, such as basalt, are paramagnetic and are also thought to function as energy transducers.

When used successfully, especially by home gardening enthusiasts, the many different energy-based technologies are reported to achieve essentially the same sets of benefits. These benefits include earlier and more complete germination of seeds, more robust plant growth with sturdier stems and greater resistance to physical damage from adverse weather conditions, fewer infections and infestations, greater productivity that can generally allow for earlier harvesting, longer shelf life, and improved taste. Attributes that are more specific to certain types of plants include more colorful flowers, extended growing periods of sugar cane, reductions in contaminating microbes, etc.

Barriers to replacing synthetic fertilizers

Arguably, some of the historical information relating to electroculture was suppressed following the Second World War as part of the commercialization of synthetic nitrogen-based fertilizers. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that synthetic fertilizers have long-term adverse consequences, including reducing the nutritional quality of cultivated crops.5 The lower food value occurs in part because synthetic fertilizers reduce the diversity of mineral-fixating microbes in the soil, with less micronutrient uptake into the growing plants. The widespread use of pesticides in commercial agriculture can also deplete soils of beneficial microbes.6

Electroculture and magnetoculture technologies can potentially avoid the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Yet the implementation of these technologies faces difficulties especially because of inconsistencies in reported results. This variability reflects to some extent, the over-reliance on outdated, incomplete, and untested explanations as to how these technologies work. For example, the activity of a vertically placed metal antenna is commonly simply attributed to electrical conduction to the earth because a higher electrical voltage occurs in direct relationship with the distance above the earth’s surface. Magnetic force lines between the north and south poles are proposed sources of energy for only certain inground materials yet would potentially affect all materials, whether magnetic, paramagnetic, or diamagnetic. It has been suggested without proof that scalar energies that supposedly surround the earth explain the beneficial actions of pyramids and coils. There are vested marketing interests in maintaining distinct and somewhat oversimplified explanations for the different procedures being advocated as the ideal means of improving crop productivity.

KELEA & The Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) pathway

A better approach is to place the electroculture and magnetoculture agricultural findings within the larger context of i) ways of also improving both human and animal health, ii) other means of enhancing the growth of plants, and iii) recently conducted scientific experiments on an alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. This pathway is different from both photosynthesis and food metabolism. Multiple names have been previously suggested for a presumed adjunctive (non-metabolic) life-force energy. These include subtle, zero-point, spiritual, chi, ki, prana, orgone, etheric, scalar, torsion, tachyon, and many others. A more functionally defined term for which there is increasing evidence is KELEA, an abbreviation for Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction.7 KELEA is viewed as a fundamental force of Nature, which is necessary to prevent the fusion and annihilation of electrostatically attracted opposing electrical charges. It is a radiant repulsive energy that can extend from opposing electrical charges, becoming diminished as the electrical charges approach one another. While it is not sufficient to prevent electrical attraction, it can act as the ultimate barrier to the fusion and annihilation of the attracted charges. KELEA can be equated to a major form of chemical energy.8 When acting over a distance, KELEA can lead to the slight weakening of electrostatic bonding, including the hydrogen bonding between water molecules and between water molecules and various electrolytes.9 These changes can add to the kinetic, chemical, and electrical activities of the water. It can also add to these activities in other fluids, including gasoline10 and in certain solids, especially those principally composed of bonded dipolar compounds.

KELEA activation of water can be demonstrated by a variety of methods. These include increased movements of particles of poorly or only partially soluble dipolar molecules sprinkled onto the surface of the water. It is also indicated by the ability of the water to increase the germination rates of seeds and the speed and extent of sprouting of snippets from various types of plants.

The practice of electroculture is consistent with KELEA activation of the water within the ground. Rather than postulating the transmission of electricity from the atmosphere to the ground, the flow of electrons will occur in the reverse direction. KELEA can enter the antenna from above, possibly coinciding with the presumed periodic electrical discharges from the antenna. The top of the aerial antenna would, thereby, provide for the downward passage of KELEA into the groundwater. This explanation is consistent with the description of Odic energy by Carl von Reichenbach in the mid-1800s.11 The energy that he described traveled through copper wire at an estimated speed of approximately two meters a second. When certain individuals in a darkened room viewed the lower end of the wire, they could see the upward flow of a visible wavering column of light. This effect is consistent with molecules within the air being ionized into a plasma, as can be shown using KELEA. A similar molecular ionization can explain gas discharge visualization (GDV) and Kirlian photography of living and many non-living entities.12

In addition to the relatively steady north-south magnetic lines of force, there are various sideward geoelectrical and geomagnetic pulses, including telluric currents.13 Arguably, these currents would have a greater impact on a magnetized rod that is positioned to avoid the continuing pull of the earth’s major magnetic field. Horizontally acting telluric and other natural or even manmade electrical currents would be expected to induce regions of varied electrical charges in a material that was slopped away from the vertical position, as are the sides of pyramids. Similarly, electrical conducting wire that is shaped into different size coils or other structural variations could develop fluctuating regional differences in electrical charges.

KELEA activation of water

As outlined in prior publications, there are multiple ways of increasing the KELEA level of water.14-19 These include adding small amounts of various mineral and plant-based compounds to the water. These compounds typically have regions of opposing electrical charges, which can create fluctuating internal currents. While certain of these compounds, such as humic/fulvic acids, zeolites, mica, and various oxides, can be a source of useful minerals, the treated water remains active even if the materials are subsequently removed from the water by filtration. Pulverized volcanic rock material that is subsequently heated to approximately1,200o Celsius and slowly cooled before pelleting can also transfer KELEA to nearby water. Other insoluble materials include crystals and piezoelectric chemicals. Once water is sufficiently activated, it can extend the KELEA activation to added water, as is practiced during the repeated dilutions used in homeopathy.20 Furthermore, the activated water can induce activity in water within nearby containers. KELEA activated water can also add to the KELEA levels of crystals, ceramics, and various dipolar compounds.

Fluctuating electrical, electromagnetic, and magnetic fields from various devices can also lead to increased levels of KELEA in water.16-17 These fields include those emitted by the creation of electronic plasma, pulsed electromagnetic fields, converging electromagnetic fields, etc. Water placed into such an environment will show steadily increasing levels of KELEA. This approach is analogous to the presumed capacity of the brain and probably muscles to act as the primary receivers of KELEA by humans and animals.21

Benefits of KELEA activated water

KELEA activated water can be consumed by humans and animals and can be applied directly to home gardens and commercial crops. As noted above, it can expedite seed germination, with other advantages such as markedly increasing the female-to-male plant development from hemp seeds. An important observation is that KELEA activated water can be both clinically and agriculturally effective even when placed into closed pouches.

Studies are being conducted on a natural source of KELEA activated water available from a ranch in Southern California. The well water from this location outperforms the functional activities of regular municipal water. One example is furthering the lives of numerous rescued horses maintained on the ranch. Drinking of the ranch water, soaking in an earth-pond located at the ranch, and the more recent wearing of waterceutical pouches produced at the ranch, have each led to marked clinical improvements in individuals with a wide range of clinical conditions. Equally impressive has been the consistent reporting of improvements in emotional and mental attitudes upon consuming the water and/or wearing of the pouches.22,23 Bicycle inner tire tubes containing KELEA activated water from the ranch have been successfully used on plants by several local farmers. Plans are underway to see if further augmentation of plant growth will occur using ground-based antennas or other water-activating technologies.

The addition of Kiko pellets to farmland soils can significantly enhance the yields of various crops, including rice, sugarcane, and numerous garden fruits and vegetables.14,16,24 Only a single application is required since the water activating capacity is long-lived. Approximately, 20-30 small (9 mm) pellets per acre are sufficient. They are ideally initially applied at the end of harvesting to allow for beneficial changes within the soil microbiome before the next planting season. A similar principle applies to other KELEA-delivering methods. Arguably, there may also be value in using biochar and small amounts of healthy soil microbiome.

In summary, based on the overall similarities of outcomes it is proposed that electroculture and magnetoculture technologies provide significant horticultural benefits by increasing the levels of KELEA in both the groundwater and growing plants. It will be advantageous, therefore, to compare the different approaches to water activation and to determine if some are additive and/or particularly suitable for specific applications. Moreover, measuring water activation as an endpoint should help in the further optimization of electroculture and magnetoculture technologies for both their horticultural applications and scientific studies. Included in the latter can be the further characterization of telluric currents and the anticipated periodic electrical discharges from both vertically and horizontally placed antennas and appropriately aligned pyramids. The linking of electroculture and magnetoculture to KELEA activation can also allow for those circumstances in which electricity has deleterious effects on plant growth. Except for historical purposes, it may be advisable to avoid the use of terms that imply horticultural benefits simply to the direct passage of electricity and/or magnetic fields through plants. Even without referring to KELEA, terms such as creating beneficial biofields would be preferable to electroculture and magnetoculture. Additional studies are clearly warranted.


Research on KELEA and the ACE Pathway is supported by MI Hope Inc., a non-profit public charity. One of the missions of MI Hope Inc. is to help in the compiling and reporting of data relating to clinical, agricultural, and industrial applications of research on KELEA and the ACE Pathway.

Conflicts of interest



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