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eISSN: 2576-4462

Horticulture International Journal

Research Article Volume 7 Issue 3

Arduino in agriculture and the teaching of mathematics

Jaime Cuauhtémoc Negrete

Professor of mechanization and agricultural machines, Autonomous Agrarian, Antonio Narro University, Mexico


Received: June 24, 2023 | Published: July 19, 2023

Citation: Negrete JC. Arduino in agriculture and the teaching of mathematics. Horticult Int J. 2023;7(3):80-83. DOI: 10.15406/hij.2023.07.00280

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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform designed for creating interactive projects. Arduino agriculture refers to the practice of using Arduino microcontrollers in the field of agriculture. In agriculture, Arduino is commonly used for various applications such as automated irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, temperature and humidity control, plant health monitoring, and more. By the other hand using Arduino in mathematics teaching can be an innovative and engaging way to enhance students' understanding and practical application of mathematical concepts. Teaching mathematics through Arduino in agriculture offers several benefits:  The aim of this work is to show that the applications of the Arduino board are very varied, and that it can be used efficiently in the teaching of mathematics, relating both disciplines agriculture and mathematics. From the unsystematic and elementary literature review, it can be concluded that there are enough research options, in which application projects in agriculture and livestock are implemented using the Arduino board and that can also be used for teaching mathematics, thus fulfilling the objective of this work is to highlight the possibility of the aforementioned. Therefore, it is suggested to follow this line of research that promises to be very productive.

Keywords: arduino, agriculture, precision agriculture, mathematics, education


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform designed for creating interactive projects. It consists of a microcontroller board, development environment, and a supportive community. Arduino boards are programmable using the Arduino programming language, which is a simplified version of C++. Arduino boards can interact with sensors, motors, displays, and other electronic components, making them versatile for prototyping and creating interactive projects. These boards are widely used in various applications, in this work some applications to agriculture and the teaching of mathematics are described.

Arduino agriculture refers to the practice of using Arduino microcontrollers in the field of agriculture. In agriculture, Arduino is commonly used for various applications such as automated irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, temperature and humidity control, plant health monitoring, and more. By integrating Arduino boards with sensors, farmers can collect real-time data on essential environmental parameters for their crops. This data can be used to make informed decisions regarding irrigation scheduling, fertilizer application, pest control, and overall crop management. Arduino-based systems provide farmers with the ability to automate and optimize their agricultural processes, leading to better efficiency, improved yields, and reduced resource consumption. With Arduino's versatility and compatibility with various sensors, it has become a popular choice for small-scale and urban farmers as well as researchers exploring innovative agricultural practices. The platform's open-source nature allows for easy customization and collaboration within the agricultural community. Overall, Arduino agriculture offers a cost-effective and accessible solution for implementing smart farming techniques, promoting sustainable practices, and maximizing agricultural productivity.

By the other hand using Arduino in mathematics teaching can be an innovative and engaging way to enhance students' understanding and practical application of mathematical concepts. Here are a few ways Arduino can be incorporated into mathematics lessons: 1. Data Collection and Analysis: 2. Programming and Algorithm Development: 3. Geometry and Spatial Reasoning. 4. Mathematical Puzzles and Challenges: 5. Interdisciplinary Projects: Arduino projects can integrate mathematics with other subjects like agriculture.

 Incorporating Arduino into mathematics teaching encourages students to think creatively, apply mathematical principles in real-life situations, and develop critical thinking skills. The aim of this work is to show that the applications of the Arduino board are very varied, and that it can be used efficiently in the teaching of mathematics, relating both disciplines agriculture and mathematics.

Material and methods

A semi-systematic review of the literature was carried out, that is, a mixture of narrative review and systematic review whose definitions are exemplified by Reyna,1 and Moreno,2 since some steps of the systematic review and others were omitted because the main objective is to highlight the importance of mechatronics in the teaching of mathematics, the steps that were followed from the systematic review were; define the research questions, review the search for evidence, extract the data and present the results, the omitted steps were; specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the results and evaluate the quality of the studies. The search was conducted in academic Google, and the questions were Arduino for Teaching Mathematics and Arduino for agriculture.


Arduino for teaching mathematics

Arduino can be used as educational tools for teaching mathematics. For instance, Arduino is used to teach concepts like algebra and trigonometry through coding projects that involve controlled movements and sensor measurements. Overall, incorporating Arduino into math lessons can make for engaging and interactive learning experiences. However, it's important to consider the level of technical knowledge required and provide necessary guidance to ensure students can fully benefit from these tools. By using Google Scholar, was obtained 20,900 search results for “Arduino for Teaching Mathematics “in June 2023. some articles are described in the following table 1.





Describes an extremely inexpensive, straightforward and surprisingly powerful platform for implementation of real-time control algorithms. The platform consists of an Arduino board and a Raspberry Pi running the REX Control System. The Arduino board is used for interaction with the physical world via its inputs and outputs.



Presents an educational tool for teaching the numerical methods of bisection and secant through its hardware implementation with a card based on Arduino Due. It is an accessible practice for the university level in which students who are not familiar with programming languages can simultaneously learn numerical methods and the Arduino language given its accessibility and simplicity.



Propose the incorporation of Arduino technology within the Primary Education classrooms as a tool for teaching mathematics. More specifically, an easy-to-program system has been implemented for teachers that allows performing arithmetic operations of positive integers and representing their results visually



Development of new tangible game tools for learning basic mathematic concepts. The prototypes can be easily implemented by exploiting new open source electronic hardware technologies, such as Arduino

and related sensors and actuators, combing simplicity, wide diffusion and low cost.



Present several exercises in numerical mathematics which are based on experiments in electrical engineering with Arduino, and show how to turn them into motivational examples



Made  a  literature review and concludes that Arduino is a microcontroller board used for the teaching of mathematics should be interrelated with agricultural projects so that students learning a positive way with contributions to the community.



Table 1 Arduino for teaching mathematics

Arduino in agriculture

By using Google Scholar, we obtained search results for “Arduino agriculture “in June 2023. These results indicate that many researchers and practitioners center their attention on this topic. Only articles from 2018 to date were analyzed.





From the review of literature made highlights the amount of research work and design proposals for systems based on the Arduino board with application in Indian agriculture, over the other countries in which it is used. Likewise it was found that the Arduino board is used in the different fields of agriculture in Mexico; Irrigation, Livestock Production, Agricultural Machines, Photovoltaic Energy, Biotechnology, Agricultural Education, Agrometeorological, Greenhouses.



Made a literature review on the use of Arduino in the irrigation of agriculture in Mexico.



Proposes a Smart TMHG Measurement System, to measure the values of Temperature, Moisture, Humidity and Gas. Initially soil moisture sensor, humidity sensors, gas sensor and water pump which is connected to Arduino. These measured values are displayed in Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). After detecting soil moisture and Humidity level, dc pump will be on or off based on the measured value



 Design a programmed microcontroller chip to control watering automatically based on soil moisture detected using a domestic soil moisture sensor. This device detects whether the soil is dry or not. The farmers do not need to do watering manually. In addition to helping farmers, the device can also be installed on plantations, seedbed nurseries, urban parks, hotels, offices, and in homes that have parks or plants that need regular watering.



 Proposed the Markov Decision Process (MDP) with a reward function for efficient water use. Based on the prediction of soil humidity soon, the MDP decides for watering. By doing so, the water can be supplied to plants in well-time for expected water demand. Compared to the threshold level-based decision, the MDP can save more than 63% water and energy consumption. Moreover, the commercial Arduino board is used to implement this MDP with low cost.



Developed an automated Arduino-based low-cost capacitive soil moisture sensor for data acquisition. A sensor- and soil-specific calibration was performed for the soil moisture sensors (SKU: SEN0193 - DFROBOT, Shanghai, China).



 Proposing an effective moisture control based Modern Irrigation System (MIS) using Arduino Nano with various adjustments to the plantation. The main purpose of this project is to reduce the excess water usage, thereby saving crops from damage. There were numerous projects and prototypes for automatic irrigation using Arduino, but these projects are effective only for only one crop. The proposed system can be applied to various crops, as those crops have different moisture conditions for its growth.



 Design a smart agricultural greenhouse control system that can collect, display and control the temperature, humidity and light environment in the greenhouse in real time. The system is based on the Arduino mainboard, using temperature and humidity sensor DHT11, light sensor GY-30, relay and LCD display to realize the real-time collection, display and control of temperature, humidity, and light intensity in the greenhouse.



Design an autonomous watering system. Continuous sensing and looking of crops through the convergence of sensors, an Arduino and thus the web of Things (IoT), allowing farmers to recollect of crop growth and harvest on a daily basis, resulting in high agricultural yield and correct product delivery to end users.



Discusses the problems of agriculture digitization, shows the reasons for its appearance. One of the ways to solve these problems is proposed based on the modern Arduino microcontroller platform implementation. A brief review of its capabilities for building distributed systems for collecting and processing information has been carried out. 



Developed an Arduino based Automatic Irrigation System backed up by cloud/server that serves two major purposes. Firstly, it reduces the workforce needed in the fields as the water supply will be automatic.



Making a system so using the Arduino Uno microcontroller, SIM-800L V2 Module, Piezoelectric Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, Buzzer and LCD. The designed system will be able to display information on the spot and can send via SMS. In pre-erosion conditions, there are two variables used, namely soil moisture and soil vibration.



Design of a Prototype System for Electromagnetic Treatment of Agricultural Seeds using Arduino



Describe the MeteoMex project aims to build simple hardware kits and their integration into current Internet-of-Things (IoT) platforms. Shows the use of low-end Wemos D1 mini boards to connect environmental sensors to the open-source platform Things Board. Two printed circuit boards (PCB) were designed for mounting components. Analog, digital and I2C sensors are supported. The Wemos ESP8266 microchip provides WiFi capability and can be programed with the Arduino IDE. 




Describe a work for automate the processes that are still manual, focusing on increasing the production success rate through a simple and effective system that aims to increase productivity and reduce waste. The method used consists of bibliographic research on the subject and prototype creation with reduced implementation cost that uses Arduino, sensors and actuators for automation. By reading the data collected by the sensors, measures will be taken to intervene in the internal parameters, such as irrigation, artificial lighting or nutrient injection, in order to maintain the ideal environment for the best plant development.



Made a research was the objective is to test the germination of two lettuce cultivars in coconut fiber and to propose a system for the production of lettuce seedlings in a low-cost germination table automated with Arduino. For that, curly lettuce cultivars Rafaela and Moana were used. In the production of seedlings, the nutritional formulation proposed by Furlani (1998) was used. The automation system was developed with Arduino Uno R3 and the germination table for irrigation by capillary rise. From the results obtained, it was found to be possible to use the automation system with Arduino Uno in the production of lettuce seedlings in a low-cost germination table with irrigation by capillary rise.



Proposed a system to increase the efficiency of the seeding process without affecting the nature of soil. The proposed system is equipped with Arduino MEGA and Arduino UNO which acts as the main control unit while ultrasonic and soil moisture sensors are used to detect the obstacles and soil moisture level, respectively. 



Teaching mathematics through Arduino in agriculture offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced learning experience: Arduino enables firsthand, experiential learning in both agriculture and mathematics. Students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts.
  2. Practical application in agriculture: Arduino allows students to design and develop automated systems for agricultural purposes, such as monitoring soil moisture, controlling irrigation systems, or creating precision farming techniques. This practical application bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and agricultural practices.
  3. Interdisciplinary approach: Integrating Arduino in both agriculture and mathematics teaching promotes an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Students can explore and gain insights into mathematical concepts, such as data analysis, statistics, programming, and problem-solving, while simultaneously understanding their practical implications in agriculture. Also students can explore connections between math, technology, and agriculture, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.
  4. Engagement and motivation: The firsthand nature of Arduino projects in agriculture and mathematics captures students' interest and enhances their engagement. It supplies tangible results and encourages creativity in finding innovative solutions to agricultural challenges or mathematical problems.
  5. Firsthand Learning: Using Arduino in agriculture allows students to engage in practical, hands-on learning experiences. They can apply mathematical concepts in a real-world context, enhancing their understanding of mathematical principles.
  6. Critical Thinking Skills: Arduino projects in agriculture often require students to analyze data, measure variables, and find solutions to specific challenges. This cultivates their critical thinking skills, critical thinking, and mathematical reasoning abilities.
  7. Data Analysis: Agriculture involves collecting and analyzing data related to crop yields, soil moisture, weather patterns, etc. Through Arduino-based projects, students can learn data analysis techniques, statistical concepts, and mathematical modeling, which are crucial skills in modern agriculture.
  8. Practical Applications: Arduino's versatility allows students to design and build automated systems for monitoring and controlling various agricultural processes. By incorporating mathematics, students can optimize resources, make informed decisions, and develop innovative solutions to improve efficiency and sustainability in agriculture.
  9. Career Opportunities: Teaching mathematics through Arduino in agriculture introduces students to the practical applications of math in a rapidly advancing field. It can inspire them to pursue careers in agricultural engineering, data analysis, precision farming, agricultural mechatronics, or other related areas.
  10. Generally, combining Arduino and mathematics in agriculture empowers students with practical skills, fosters an immersed understanding of mathematical concepts, and prepares them for a technology-driven future in agriculture.


From the unsystematic and elementary literature review, it can be concluded that there are enough research options, in which application projects in agriculture and livestock are implemented using the Arduino board and that can also be used for teaching mathematics, thus fulfilling the objective of this work is to highlight the possibility of the aforementioned. Therefore, it is suggested to follow this line of research that promises to be very productive.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that there is no conflicts of interest.


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