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eISSN: 2575-906X

Biodiversity International Journal


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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Background: Flora of Panama is one of the richest in the world and occupies fourth place in vascular plant diversity in the American content. Many plants of the families interalia Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Lauraceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae, Rutaceae, Rosaceae and Sapindaceae have yielded essential oils (EOs). A summary of results on chemical composition and biological activities of 20 EOs from selected Panamanian plants is provided here, which shows the potential of aromatic flora of Panama. Six species of Piper had sesquiterpene hydrocarbons as major components, three were characterized by monoterpene hydrocarbons, and one by a phenylpropanoid, dillapiole. EOs of hispidum and P. longipsicum at a concentration of 250μg/ml showed larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti, while P. multiplinervium against Helicobacter pylori (IC50 = 0.1μg/mL). The main components of EOs from 9 species belonging to 4 genera: Eugenia, Calyptranthes, Eugenia, Plinia, and Myrcia were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (E-caryophyllene) or oxygenated sesquiterpenes (α-bisabolol). EO of E. acapulensis showed strong antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC=125μg/mL) and Mycobacteria smegmatis (MIC=250μg/mL).

Keywords: aromatic flora, Panama, essential oils, biological activities, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae


Essential oils are widely distributed in nature and are found in conifers, Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Lamiaceae, Umbeliferae, Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Lauraceae, among others. Approximately 100 species are known to be the source of essential oils in the world, but there are more than 2000 species of plants distributed in more them 60 families, which are potential sources of novel essential oils. Approximately 300 essential oils out of an estimated number of 3000 are commercially important in the world. Currently, the world production and use of essential oils is increasing rapidly. It is estimated that world production of essential oils varies from 40,000 to 60,000 tons per year, with a market value of US$700 million. The countries which dominate the market are Brazil, China, U.S.A., Indonesia, India and Mexico, however the main consumers are the U.S.A. European Union and Japan.1 Essentials oils find diverse uses in food industry, perfumery and cosmetics, aromatherapy, and pharmaceutical industry.2 Many essential oils are used as antiseptic, flavoring agents, expectorants, carminatives, eupeptics, antispasmodics and analgesics, among others. Ethnobotanical and chemical components from most prevalent species of Piper from Panama have been recently reviewed by our group.3 This minireview aims to provide summarized information on the chemistry and biological activities of EOs from most prevalent aromatic species in the Panamanian Flora studied in our Center.


For this minireview, the data were collected from our published and unpublished work on the Panamanian Aromatic Flora. In addition, literature search on Panamanian species was carried out using different databases.

Aromatic flora of panama

The Table 1 shows important plants families, with number of genera, species, including endemic which are of potential importance as a source of novel essential oils.2


No of genera

No of especies

No. of endemic species

Principal genera





Hydrocotyle (6)
Myrrhidendron (3)





Mikania (18)
Neomirandea (14)





Hedyosmum (9)





Hyptis (20)
Salvia (11)





Ocotea (45)
Nectandra (17)





Morella (1)





Eugenia (26)
Myrcia (6)





Piper (139)
Peperomia (100)





Rubus (5)





Zanthoxylum (13)
Citrus (6)





Paulina (39)
Serjania (16)





Kalistroemia (3)

Table 1 Families, Genera, Species represented in Panamaa
avalue in parenthesis indicates number of species

Chemical composition of essential oils of selected species

Over the last 20 years, we have studied chemical composition of 37 essential oils and evaluated biological activity of 18. The chemical composition of essential oils was analyzed by a combination of GC-FID and GC-MS procedures using capillary columns with HP-5MS, methylsilicone SE-30, Carbowax. Identification of components was achieved by means of their GC retention indices, determined in relation to Kovat indices, and by comparison of fragmentation patterns in the mass spectra with those stored in our own library, in the GC-MS database and with literature data (Adams, NIST, Wiley).4 Quantification of each compound was performed on the basis of their GC peak areas. Plants were collected from different places in Panama, their taxonomic identification was established by Alex Espinosa and Carlos Guerra. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation using Cleavenger type apparatus described in the European Pharmacopoeia (Table 2).5



Plant part

Main components



Ocimm basilicum L.
(FLORPAN 8366)


methyl eugenol (78,7%)
germacrene D (3,1%)

Santana et al.6


Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
(FLORPAN 2932)


spathulenol (19,3%)
β-caryophyllene oxide (14,1%)
β-caryophyllene (8,0%)

Santana et al.7


limonene (60,2%)

Santana et al.7


p-cymen-8-ol (14,4%)
spathulenol (9,5%)
hexadecanoic acid (8,4%)

Santana et al.7


p-cymen-8-ol (6,1%)
spathulenol (9,0%)
hexadecanoic acid (7,8%)

Santana et al.7


Siparuna thecaphora
(Poepp). Et Endl.) A.DC.


spathulenol (9,4%)
α-copaene (4,5%)
α-cadinol (3,6%)

Vila et al.8


Calycolpus warszewiczianus O. Berg
(FLORPAN 8353)


E-caryophyllene (24,3%)
β-selinene (16,8%)
α-selinene (14,7%)
δ-amorphene (5,2%)

Santana et al.9

Calyptranthes hylobates Standl. Ex. Amshoff
(FLORPAN 8852)


carotol (29,8 %)
elemicine (23,7 %)
myristicin (18,0 %)
α-selinene (5,4 %)
β-(E)-farnesene (4,7 %)

Santana et al.10

Calyptranthes microphylla B. Holts & M.L.
(FLORPAN 8843)


α-pinene (48,4%)
β-bisabolene (12,0%)
β-pinene (4,5%)
trans-caryophyllene (3,4%)
cis-pinocarveol (3,7%)

Santana et al.11

Eugenia acapulcensis Steud
(FLORPAN 2630)


cadinol (4,2%)
spathulenol (4,2%)
trans-pinocarveol (4,2%)
δ-cadinene (3,8%)
(Z)-nerolidol (3,5%)

Vila et al.12

Eugenia octopleura
Krug & Urb
(FLORPAN 8548)


α-pinene (43,1%)
limonene (23,6%)
β-ocimene (5,5%)
viridiflorol (3,6%)
linalool (3,0%)

Santana et al.11

Eugenia principium Mac Vaugh
(FLORPAN 8362)


E-caryophyllene (12,7%)
valerianol (6,9%)
10-epi-γ-eudesmol (5,6%)

Santana et al.9

Eugenia venezuelensis O. Berg
(FLORPAN 8359)


α-pinene (24,5%)
β-pinene (27,4%)
germacrene B (8,7%)

Santana et al.9

Myrcia aff fosteri Croat
(FLORPAN 8544)


α-bisabolol (19,2%)
β-bisabolene oxide (19,3%)
β-bisabolol B oxide (7,0%)
caryophyllene oxide (3,5%)

Santana et al.11

Myrcia platyclada DC
(FLORPAN 6631)


stragol (95,0%)

Santana et al.13

Plinia cerrocampanensis Barrie
(FLORPAN 6623)


α-bisabolol (42,3%)

Vila et al.14
Durant et al.15


Piper aduncum L.
(FLORPAN 3264)


β -caryophyllene (17.4%) aromadendrene (13.4%)
α-pinene (8,8%)
linalool (8,6%)
limonene (4,3%)

Vila et al.16

Piper amalago L.
(FLORPAN 3014)


2-octanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (38,9%)
β-pinene (26,8%)
2-hexanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (14,6%)
α-pinene (11,5%)

Freixa et al.17


2-octanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (74,7%)
β-pinene (3,8%)
2-hexanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (11,1%)
'2-Decanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (3,2%)

Freixa et al.17


α-thujone (4,1%)
2-octanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (64,8%)
2-hexanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (9,0%)

Freixa et al.17


2-octanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (41,8%)
α-selinene (9,5%)
β-bisabolene (7,3%)
2-hexanoyl-3-hidroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (7,7%)
β-caryophyllene (4,9%)
β-sesquiphellandrene (4,5%)

Freixa et al.17

Piper arboreum Aublet
(FLORPAN 2484)


δ-cadinene (25,8%)
α-copaene (7,4%)
β-pinene (6,6%)
germacrene D (5,3%)
6E-nerolidol (5,2%)
β-caryophyllene (4,4%)
α-pinene (4,3%)
α-muurolene (4,2%)
sabinene (4,0%)

Mundina et al.18

Piper augustum Rudge
(FLORPAN 4654)


cembrene 11,7%)
cembratrienol 1*(25,4%)
cembratrienol 2* (8,6%)
α-pinene (6,0%)
β-elemene (12,3%)
β-caryophyllene (3,8%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper corrugatum Kuntze
(FLORPAN 4653)


β-pinene (26,6%)
6E-nerolidol (12,8%)
α-pinene (12,2%)
p-cymene (8,6%)
β-phellandrene (8,2%)
1,8-cineole (5,9%)
α-phellandrene (4,7%)
linalool (4,2%)

Mundina et al.18

Piper curtispicum C.DC.
(FLORPAN 3263)


α-pinene (19,4%)
β-caryophyllene (13,9%)
limonene (8,1%)
δ-cadinene (3,7%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper darienense C.DC.
(FLORPAN 4643)


trans-β-farnesene (63,7%)
limonene (6,3%)
camphene (3,4%)
p-cymene (3,3%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper fimbriulatumC.DC.
(FLORPAN 2479)


germacrene D (12,8%)
β-caryophyllene ((11,3%)
linalool (5,3%)
linalyl acetate (5,3%)

Mundina et al.18

Piper friedrichsthalii
(FLORPAN 3107)


11-selin-4-α-ol (12,8%)
α-selinene (12,0%)
β-selinene (7,9%)
germacrene D (9,6%)
β-caryophyllene (4,3%)
spathulenol (4,3%)
δ-cadinene (4,2%)
α-copaene (3,3%)

Vila et al.20

Piper grande Vahl.
(FLORPAN 6653)


p-cymene (43,9%)
β-pinene (14,5%)
γ-terpinene (8,0%)
α-pinene (6,3%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper hispidum Sw.
(FLORPAN 3266)


dillapiol (57,7%)
piperitone (10,0%)
β-caryophyllene (4,3%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper jacquemontianum Kunth.
(FLORPAN 6611)


linalool (14,5%)
α-phellandrene (13,8%)
limonene (12,2%)
β-pinene (10,1%)
α-pinene (9,6%)
p-cymene (7,4%)
6E-nerolidol (4,6%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper longispicum C.DC.
(FLORPAN 3265)


β-caryophyllene (45,2%)
α-copaene (3,4%)
caryophyllene oxide (5,5%)
spathulenol (3,8%)
germacrene D (3,3%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper marginatum Jacq
(FLORPAN 8367)


isosafrol (34,4%)
myristicin derivative (10,7%)
γ-terpinene (10,5%)

Santana et al.6

Piper multiplinervium C.DC.
(FLORPAN 6610)


linalool (16,5%)
α-phellandrene (11,8%)
limonene (11,4%)
p-cymene (9,4%)
β-pinene (7,9%)
α-pinene (7,1%)
6E-nerolidol (5,5%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper obliquum Luis Lopez & Pavón
(FLORPAN 2480)


β-caryophyllene (27,6%)
spathulenol (10,6%)
caryophyllene oxide (8,3%)
α-copaene (5,6%)
β-bisabolene (4,5%)
germacrene D (3,9%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper reticulatum L.
(FLORPAN 3109)


β-selinene (19,0%)
β-elemene (16,1%)
α-selinene (15,5%)
spathulenol (6,1%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Piper trigonum C.DC.
(FLORPAN 3267)


germacrene D (19,7%)
α-copaene (6,0%)
β-elemene (8,4%)
δ-cadinene (7,2%)
β-caryophyllene (7,1%)
α-cadinol (5,8%)
γ-muurulene (3,7%)

Rodríguez et al.19

Table 2 Chemical composition of different essential oils studied

Biological activity of essential oils studied

Antimicrobial, antifungal, larvicidal, anti- Helicobacter pylori activities were evaluated according to the published protocols (Table 3).14,21‒24



Plant part

Biological activity



Protium confusum (Rose) Pittier
(FLORPAN 2932)


Sa: 62.5µg/mL
Ms: 62.5µg/mL
No active: Ca, Ec, Kp, Sg, Pa.
Active against Aedes aegypti

Santana et al.7


Inactive against: Sa, Ms, Ca, Ec, Kp, Sg, Pa
No active against Aedes aegypti (LC100:500µg/mL)

Santana et al.7


Sa: 500µg/mL
Ms: 500µg/mL
Inactive against: Ca, Ec, Kp, Sg, Pa
Active against Aedes aegypti

Santana et al.7


Sa: 500 µg/mL
Ms: 500µg/mL
Inactive against: Ca, Ec, Kp, Sg, Pa
No active against Aedes aegypti (LC100:500µg/mL)

Santana et al.7


Calyptranthes hylobates Standl. Ex. Amshoff
(FLORPAN 8852)


Disminution of elongation of lettuce seeds germination (250µg/mL)

Santana et al.10

Calyptranthes microphylla B. Holts & M.L.
(FLORPAN 8843)


Inactive against: Sa, Bs, Pa, and Ksp.

Santana et al.11

Eugenia acapulcensis Steud
(FLORPAN 2630)


Strong antibacterial
Active against Sa and Ms at a concentration of 1,000μg/mL; the MIC=125 and 250μg/mL, respectively.
Inactive against A. aegypti

Vila et al.12

Eugenia octopleura Krug & Urb
(FLORPAN 8548)


Inactive against: Sa, Bs, Pa and Ksp.

Santana et al.11

Plinia cerrocampanensis Barrie
(FLORPAN 6623)


Ec: > 1000µg/mL
Sa: 125µg/mL
Ms, Ca, Kp, Sg: 1000µg/mL
Pa: 62,5 µg/mL
Ca. Ct, Sc, Cn, Afl, Ani, Afu, Mc, Ef CIM >250µg/mL
Mg: 125µg/mL
Tr. 62,5µg/mL
Tm: 32µg/mL
larvicidal activity = 10 µg/mL
Anti-Helicobacter pylori activity: 0.1µg/mL

Vila et al.14
Durant et al.15

Myrcia aff fosteri Croat
(FLORPAN 8544)


Good activity against Sa and Bs;
Inactive against Gram negative bacteria Pa and Ksp

Santana et al.11


Piper aduncum L.
(FLORPAN 3264)


Inactive in vitro against seven cancer cell-lines: (M-14, DU-145, ME-180, H460, MCF-7, K562, HT-29) but was not toxic

Vila et al.16
Arroyo et al.25

Piper amalago L.
(FLORPAN 3014)


2-Hexanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (75 mg) showed the highest activity against C. albicans and S. cerevisiae.
2-Octanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (230mg) was the most active against C. lacto-condensi.
2-Decanoyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one (35mg)
showed activity against C. lacto-condensi.

Freixa et al.17

Piper augustum Rudge
(FLORPAN 4654)


 Moderate biological activity against Artemia salina.

Santana et al.19
Delgado et al.26

Piper curtispicum C.DC.
(FLORPAN 3263)


Inactive against Aedes aegypti

Santana et al.19

Piper darienense C.DC.
(FLORPAN 4643)


Pipercallosine, showed, local anesthetic activity

Santana AI et al.19

Piper fimbriulatumC.DC.
(FLORPAN 2479)


Active against Aedes aegypti (6.25mg/mL) and Active against Plasmodium falciparum (11mg/mL) and at 150mg/mL against Aedes aegypti

Mundina et al.18
Calderón et al.27

Piper grande Vahl.
(FLORPAN 6653)


Inactive against: Ec, Sa, Kp, Ms, Ca, Sg, Pa and against fungal strains. Inactive against Plasmodium falciparum

Santana et al.19
Mitscher et al.21
Ríos et al.28
Calderon et al.27

Piper hispidum Sw.
(FLORPAN 3266)


Active against Aedes aegypti (LC100=250µg/mL)

Santana et al.19

Piper jacquemontianum Kunth.
(FLORPAN 6611)


Inactive against bacterial and fungal strains tested

Santana et al.19
Mitscher et al.21
Ríos JL et al.28

Piper longispicum C.DC.
(FLORPAN 3265)


Active against Aedes aegypti (LC100=250µg/mL)

Santana et al.19

Piper multiplinervium C.DC.
(FLORPAN 6610)


Inactive against bacterial and fungal strains tested.
Inactive against Aedes aegypti.
Inactive against bacterial and fungal. Active against H. pylori (IC50=0.1µg/mL)

Santana et al.14

Piper reticulatum L.
(FLORPAN 3109)


Inactive against Aedes aegypti (LC100>500µg/mL).

Santana et al.19

Piper trigonum C.DC.
(FLORPAN 3267)


Inactive against Aedes aegypti and Sa, Ec, Kp, Pa, Ms.

Santana et al.19

Table 3 shows the name of the species, family, and biological activity

Ec, Escherichia coli; Sa, Staphylococcus aureus; Kp, Klebsiella pneumoniae; Kps, Klebsiella sp; Ms, Mycobacterium smegmatis, Ca, Candida albicans; Sg, Salmonella gallinarum; Pa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
not active (> 1000μg/mL).
Ct, Candida tropicalis; Sc, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Cn, Cryptococcus neoformans; Afl, Aspergillus flavus; Ani, Aspergillus niger; Afu, Aspergillus fumigatus; Mg, M gypseum; Mc, M canis; Tr, T rubrum, Tm, T mentagrophytes; Ef, E floccosum

Discussion and conclusions

It is interesting to note that many essential oils (EOs) are new and many have very high percentages of chemical constutuents and some are mainly constituted by a single component, for example estragol (95%) in Myrcia platicada, methyl eugenol (78.7%) in Ocimum basilicum has use as a flavouring aganet in confectionery, icecreams and other food items. It is also an attractant of male insects and has been used in programs of monitoring and control of insects.29 Protium confusum has varied concentration of components in oils from different plant parts. In the EO from the stems limonene (60.2%) is the principal component. EO from the leaves was the most active against Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium smegmatis, (MIC=62.5µg/mL). EO from the bark was active against Aedes aegypti (LC100=125μg/mL).7 Most of our work has concentrated on more prevalent species of Myrtaceae and Piperacae. EO from leaves of Myrcia platyclada was active againts Helicobacter pylori at a concentration of 0.1µg/mL. This species was rich in stragole which has acaricidal, analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. In addition, it finds application in perfumery and as a flavoring agent.13 EO of Plinia cerrocampanensis is an excellent source of α-bisabolol (42.8%), and showed activity against Aedes aegypti, and bacterial and fungal strains tested. The strongest activity was against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum (MIC=32 to 125µg/mL). EO also was active against three strains of Helicobacter pylori (MIC and MBC 62.5µg/mL) and at a concetration of 500µg/mL caused 100% mortality of A. aegypti.12 EO of P. cerrocampanensis at a concentration <10μg/mL showed activity against Plasmodium falciparum. This effect was synergistic when tested in combination with chloroquine.15 EO of Calycolpus warszewiczianus has been also studied in Costa Rica and the sesquiterpenes were the principal components (61,2%vs. 85.1%in Panama sample).30

The main components of EO of Eugenia principium have shown antimicrobial, larvicidal and anti-inflammatory activieties.11 EO from the leaves of Calyptranthes hylobates has carotol (29.8%), elemicine (23.7%), and myristicine (18.0%) and this species has been studied for the first time. EO showed inhibitory activity of seed germination of Lactuca saliva.10 EO from 18 species of Piper (Piperaceae) have been studied and the results are summarized in a review.30 Larvicidal activity against A. aegypti of six essential oils was tested. Only two EOs from P. hispidum and P. longispicum were active (LC100=250µg/mL).19 P. curtispicum, P. multiplinervium, P. reticulatum and P. trigonum were inactive (LC100≥500µg/mL). The essential oils of P. grande, P. jacquemontianum, and P. multiplinervium showed o significant antifungal activity (MIC>250µ/mL) against several yeasts and filamentous fungal strains. EOs from different parts of Protium confusum show antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium smegmatis, EO from the leaves being the most active (62.5µg/mL).


Thanks are due to the SNI Program of the National Secretariat for Science, Technology, and Innovation of Panama (SENACYT). Organization of American States for financial support and to the National Environment Authority (ANAM), Ministry of Environment for granting plant collection permission. Thanks are due to Dr. Susana Zacchino, University of Rosario, Argentina, for carrying out the antifungal activities studies and to Dr. Sergio Mendonca, San Francisco University, Brazil for anti-Helicobacter pylori screening. Thanks are due to the Office of Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies, University of Panama for Grants No VIP-01-14-00-02-2005-02 and VIP 01-14-00-02-2013-05.

Conflict of interest

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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