Residual concentration of Amikacin in expired drugs Mex-Álvarez Rafael Manuel de Jesús, Estrada Concepción Eneyda Amanda, GuillenMorales María Magali, Garma-Quen Patricia Margarita, May-Gil Iván Aaron, ChanMartínez Roger Enrique PDF | Full text | Share
Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of hydrogeochemical data from areas with chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka Rathnayake HMAD,1 Lakshika S. Nawarathna,1 Rohana Chandrajith2 PDF | Full text | Share
Discriminant analysis in the classification of anxiety disorders Bruno Guedes, Paulo Gomes PDF | Full text | Share
Association between oral health-related quality of life and oral health status in people with spinal cord injuries during the COVID pandemic: a crosssectional study Sakthi Soundarya Lakshmi VR,1 Aparna S,2 Madankumar PD3 PDF | Full text | Share
Reno vascular alterations through Doppler echography in patients with arterial hypertension Lianet Ojeda Delgado,1 C Manuel Eduardo Cortés Cortés2 PDF | Full text | Share