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Advances in
eISSN: 2378-3168

Obesity, Weight Management & Control

Opinion Volume 4 Issue 1

Gluten free lifestyle

Katharine N Wagner

Florida Department of Health, USA

Correspondence: Katharine N Wagner, Public Health Nutrition Supervisor, Florida Department of Health, 115 K. D. Revell Rd., Wauchula, Tel (863)7733276

Received: March 20, 2015 | Published: January 4, 2016

Citation: Wagner KN. Gluten free lifestyle. Adv Obes Weight Manag Control. 2016;4(1):6-7. DOI: 10.15406/aowmc.2016.04.00075

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Introduction and background

  1. Diagnosed in 1999 with Celiac Disease
  2. Process took one whole year before getting my final diagnosis, 2 family Physicians and 2 Dermatologists.
  3. At that time there were very few gluten free options.
  4. My family’s diagnosis

Celiac Disease

  1. Immune response in the small intestine when ingesting gluten found in wheat, barley and rye products. Damage to the villi and lack of absorption of nutrients.
  2. Classic symptoms: abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, diarrhea, anemia, weight loss, bone pain.

Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis

  1. Otherwise known as DH
  2. Skin form of Celiac. Extremely red and itchy bumps and blisters, hurts and itches at the same time!
  3. Classic location of rash: found on knees, elbows, buttocks, scalp.
  4. Usually no GI symptoms (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Examples of DH.

Gluten sensitivity

  1. Individuals who cannot tolerate gluten
  2. Does not trigger the immune response
  3. Hence does not show any GI symptoms or damage
  4. Becoming more recognized
  5. Currently unsure if gluten sensitivity has any long term health affects
  6. No current testing is available
  7. Diet

Hereditary links and Population

  1. Prevalent in Scandinavian and Celtic roots
  2. 1% of Americans or 3 million are diagnosed
  3. 97% are undiagnosed
  4. Those with a autoimmune diseases is more likely to also develop Celiac disease.

DH-the unbearable itch!

  1. Common age ranges are 15- 40 yr of age
  2. More common in women than men
  3. Only affects 15-25% of those with celiac disease
  4. Dapsone antibiotic. “Old fashioned” 1950s drug
  5. Also used to treat AIDS related pneumonia and Leprosy
  6. Does have side affects


  1. “Trauma” can trigger Celiac disease, therefore, it may lay dormant for many years.
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Car accident
  4. Death
  5. Divorce
  6. High stress environment


  1. Blood testing: anti-tissue transgluteaminase (tTG)
  2. Anti-endomysium (EMA)
  3. Anti-demidated gliagin peptides(DGP)
  4. Biposy- from small intestine or skin for DH
  5. Must be eating gluten for at least 12 weeks to confirm
  6. Genetic testing to confirm carrier of DQ2 and DQ8 genes


  1. Healing varies from person to person
  2. Potato, rice, soy and bean flours
  3. Can include all plain fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy
  4. Gluten Free choices that are available
  5. Hidden gluten sources

Deficiency of nutrients

  1. Iron, folic acid, and calcium
  2. Vitamins-A, B-12, D, E and K
  3. Affects on body
  4. Supplementation

New labeling law

  1. New law in affect Aug 2, 2013, manufacturers have a year to be in compliance m/PressAnnouncements/ucm363474.htm
  2. Reports must be 20 ppm or less to be labeled as gluten free.
  3. This also includes all dietary supplements and restaurants claiming gluten free on their menu.
  4. Not required to place gluten free on an specific location on the product.
  5. Not required to have uniform symbols.


  1. Restaurants
  2. Gluten Free diet as a “Cure all” for weight loss or other diseases/conditions
  3. Credible sources.


  1. If properly diagnosed, Celiac disease is manageable.
  2. Following a gluten free diet can reverse affects over time.
  3. Being gluten free does not mean you have to give up eating all the foods you like.
  4. Read labels and educate.



Conflicts of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.

Creative Commons Attribution License

©2016 Wagner. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.