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eISSN: 2577-8250

Arts & Humanities Open Access Journal

Opinion Volume 2 Issue 6

I was sixty-two

Abdon Mateos

Faculty of geography and history, Department of Contemporary History, UNED, Spain

Correspondence: Abdon Mateos, Faculty of geography and history, Department of Contemporary History, UNED, Spain, Tel 91398-6750

Received: May 21, 2018 | Published: December 27, 2018

Citation: Mateos A. I was Sesentayochista. Art Human Open Acc J. 2018;2(6):402-403. DOI: 10.15406/ahoaj.2018.02.00088

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Although it was just 7 years old that may, I was a Spanish postsesentayochista. Early reader the coup against Allende awoke my political consciousness, leaving aside my children's fantasies, such as of being an astronaut, which epataba to the cousins of my people, becoming antifranquista with Portuguese cravos revolution at age 13 years, a future democratic and Socialist thinking. I then wrote my first school essays on Viet Nam, strikes or the transition to constitutional monarchy. In the course of Bachelor of 1975 we founded the SEI Union, or for the minority faction, independent student society. We deal cards with fees instead of spending it in comics and did some graffiti. I became an actor of a University group at 16, and elders spoke whispers of PTE and FRAP, going to youth national competitions of the Vertical theatre and acting on tour in Albacete. Doing the Cou we form groups in a club of debate on the kind of training of the national spirit. Assigned us Christian democracy, although I asked to enter in socialism. With the gang we talked about girls and impossible round beds, but we also were arbitristas, regenerationists and revolutionaries and, soon, countercultural and antibpatriarales. I started to read Camus and Fromm, Marcuse and all the counter-culture utopias that allowed me my little pocket. In addition, older friends passed me leaflets of propaganda and political reporting and I could attend a rally of tender in the colegio Maravillas.

Acting on the Cou festival with a parody of the Grapo which was an unexpected and my most successful applause in my young career as an actor, even if later interpreted to Dragun, Lorca, red, Genet, mimicking numbers. In the Easter of the 77 we did the trip of the Cou to Poland and for the first time at 16, a Polish girl led me to sleep in their House, although in my inexperience we hardly did anything. I always kept the dedicated photo of the blonde Maryla, and the memory of a madrugrada hiding from the police. Me cure of Stalinism to know resistance worker, nationalist and Catholic. Upon entering the school of mines of the University I met teachers and I admired others as Michavila, but the course continued to be collegial rather than University in the imposing building bicentennial of Rios Rosas. We fluffy with pencil or pen initials that swarmed the street alive or received in memory. I happened to stay only in the summer of 77 going to an Academy to study algebra and physics, as well as take care of the business from my father, while my little sisters went to the beach with my cousins Cantabrian. Goodbye adolescence of bicycles, rivers, beaches, hiking, haystacks and verbenas. On the other hand, I did guateque in that torrid summer and I know my impossible love, my oldest friend, who could be my wife and, on the other hand, I divorced and married recently remarried to my bouncy sister Emma Mateos.
A day of that summer of the 77 went to see Equus and upon impact decided to pass to history. Not without difficulties, I left to Polytechnic for my just turned 18 pass to the autonomous. It was a rare group. Most of the students were somewhat older and some of them Maoists, acratas and Trotskyists. I was the only Socialist without card and my friend of Andalusian origin, Lola, feminist reader of Nin and Miller, was a Communist sympathizer. A tiernista and a eurocomunista, he wanted that we were going to live together because we were already of legal age will.

I then participated in protests against the first projects of university autonomy law speaking at a mass meeting in the Pavilion of sports in the winter of 1979. We took the train and we are in the Philippine Islands and the Gran Via, while a few violent commands threw incendiary devices and overturn cars, facing off against police. I themilitary me in those days that we believed pre-revolutionary and knew of arrests and two killed at Atocha. I had become a student leader and I was elected three years later staff meeting and delegated course and speciality and representatives of the Board of students and doctoral researchers and postdoctoral until 1991 in the autonomous and the Uned, until my fellow March, newly fulfilled the 30 years and father of Sara, as Senior Associated Member in the St. Antony´s College of the University of Oxford, where Sir John Elliot spoke to me kindly by my studies, as Raymond Carr retired signed my receipt, asked for my studies on the war in Spain and the Franco regime and the PSOE in the seminar who had led Juan Pablo Fusi and secretariaba and closed Charles Powell. Actually, I had wanted to go to Mexico for postdoctoral researcher, but the patrons of the Fundación Indalecio Prieto, told me that the file was not available yet. It would make my wishes in 1995 at Universidad Iberoamericana, as Professor of historiography holder for two months, knowing my first love defeño and Caribbean cyclones. Before had ended my internship gun artillery of scale military complement in the CIR of Madrid, instructed the regiment a snowy day that had not reached the thinning and military chiefs with the aspiring Knights of the artillery Academy by Recoletos and instructed a unit of machine gun heavy in Tenerife and a canon in the practices in the Leonese Maragatería, at the same time working the summers of swimming and lifeguard teacher, was awarded a scholarship by the long Foundation Knight and taught my first Conference in the House of the village of Valdepeñas and in the course of history of socialism of Saints Juliá in the Pablo Iglesias in 1984 and 1985, received my card of the PSOE in 1984 and of the UGT, it knew the Godfather Koniecki and Juan Iglesias and the unfortunate brother of Forges I was finishing my bachelor's degree in political sociology. I did my first research stays in Barcelona and Martorell, impregnating me with the self-managed project use and PSC, and less of the FOC. Next Tuesday I will travel to Mestre-Venice, my desired multicultural Trieste and Capodistria to relief and reflect upon my readings and studies Socialist self-managed with a group of young people from the South of Europe, under the academic auspice of the Slovak from the plebiscite of 1956 Koper. The revived first international live!!

I lived 15 days in Mallorca in a House lent to Mallorcan honey, and hitchhiking, from Madrid to the Alhambra, sleeping four in a same bed thanks to a local friend, and, also, finger, from Versailles to Santiago. I visited hitchhiking in Paris of Mitterrand and the Centre Pompidou and the Lisbon post-revolutionary Eanes in the autumns of 1981 and 1982, staying in his home and with his family, an acquaintance of Porto trip. In 1981 went to the Congress of the fiftieth anniversary of the second Republic in Tarragona, the course of Tomás y Valiente at the UIMP Santander and Tusell on discussed problems of 20th-century Spanish, presenting my first paper to the first Congress of sociology in Zaragoza on the agrarian reform and the Castilian Catholic prefascismo, collaborating with the Complutense research group in the inventory of Expropiables farms in 1933 for the province of Avila, I paid, we organized the first Conference of students of the history of Spain, published the magazine modern history and contemporary, and some conferences with the teacher Pérez Ledesma, Alvarez Junco and Julia, and published my first academic articles in 1985-1987, was commissioned to a Congress of 50th anniversary of October of 34 by Largo Caballero and down to mine them from Asturias, while admired teacher Santos Juliá offered me his first Assistant in policies of the UNED.

Had to make curriculum and I left after my time at Socialist left active militancy, although I know the re-founded Socialist grouping University already commanded by Rafael Simancas, and to beautiful student and colleague of ASU completo sociology. I started my stage of Professor at UNED, after my research since my entry into the doctorate during the 1985-1986, already 33 years of graduate and Professor, now candidate for Dean and Secretary of the historical University Socialist grouping.



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