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eISSN: 2574-9927

Material Science & Engineering International Journal

Short Communication Volume 7 Issue 2

The role of the territory organization process in the sustainable use of functioning resources

Ludmila Ciugureanu,1 Ion Botnarenco2

1Department of Exact Sciences of the Ecology College, Technical University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
2Technical University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova

Correspondence: Ludmila Ciugureanu, Technical University of Moldova, Department of Exact Sciences of the Ecology College, Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova

Received: March 17, 2023 | Published: April 12, 2023

Citation: Ciugureanu L, Botnarenco I. The role of the territory organization process in the sustainable use of functioning resources. Material Sci & Eng. 2023;7(2):41-42. DOI: 10.15406/mseij.2023.07.00202

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The measures, which protect land resources, including agricultural land whose main object is soil, is a highly imported problem worldwide. In un committees and meetings, a topic of discussion is the issue of sustainable use and protection of land resources. Agrarian policy in the EU is also oriented towards the sustainable use of natural resources, the protection of land resources, soil resources, etc.

The Agrarian policy in the Republic of Moldova is the sustainable use and protection of limited land resources. Since 1992, with the implementation of the land reform (transmission of agricultural land to private ownership), an important process in the field of territory organization has been neglected, namely the sustainable use of agricultural land, as well as the application of measures for the organization of the territory.

Keywords: soil, protection, sustainable use, territory organization


Analyzing the history of development of the process of organization of the territory, we realize that the implementation of methodologies for rational (sustainable) use of land resources, including the soil, in all periods, remains a major problem.1

Studying the practical application of the process of sustainable use of land resources in the USA, we can say, that it has a rich experience. The State Commission, created by The President of the Country Bill Clinton, who formulated the Concept of Sustainable Use of Land Resources, based on the concept of land shaft.

If we explain Agrarian policy in the EU, it is also based on a number of principles regarding the sustainable use of land resources, including the application of anti-erosion measures.

Taking into account, that the territory of the Republic of Moldova is largely threatened by the danger of soil erosion, it would be very useful to develop methodologies for sustainable land use. At the beginning of the implementation of the land reform, the territory organization system was destroyed, which led to the lack of a legislative/normative framework in the field, of a methodology for sustainable use of land resources, an institutional system, etc.

Object of the organization of the territory

In the Republic of Moldova, as an object of the territory organization process, are agricultural lands, lands of the forest fund, water fund, etc.

The most important role, as an object of the territory organization process, are the agricultural land and the rotations applied as a methodology.

Land reparcelling – methodology for territory organization

According to Figure 1, the process of territory organization in the Republic of Moldova, unlike other countries, faces the problem of excessive parceling of agricultural land, the one that requires to reclaim land and land rights, by implementing the land consolidation project, which consists in solving the optimization of dimensions, by applying modern technologies of land processing, to achieve high productivity with minimal expense and maintaining or raising the fertility of the soil, to ensure a decent living.2,3

Figure 1 Example of a land settlement plan for exchange (developed within the framework of the land consolidation project).

Through various investments from the EU in the Republic of Moldova, a series of farmland reparcellings have been carried out through land consolidation projects. Currently, 43 land consolidation projects involving 39304 equivalent land elevations have been designed, of which 33 localities are completed, involving 27245 equivalent land quotas. In some cases of implementation of the land consolidation project did not have continuity,4 due to the lack of a well-defined system of territorial organization. The problem turned out to be with a more complicated theoretical and methodological content. of a legislative, methodological, organizational framework,5 the works have been stopped.

Methodological content of the territorial organization project

More and more often, at present, the problem of lack of rotation and the need to implement works, measures for the organization of the territory, land improvements, as well as the lack of a well-defined "Territory Organization System" is specified in Figure 2. The sustainable6,7 use of land resources will be fulfilled, if there is a balanced policy, a "System of Spatial Organization", methodologies for the liquidation of these consequences.

Figure 2 Example of a final plan for the reparcelling of agricultural land in the strengthening.

Unlike other fields, the process of sustainable use of land resources is indispensable for the Republic of Moldova, which implies a complex approach to the created problem:

  1. The lack of an institutional system of sustainable organization of land resources;
  2. lack of legislative and regulatory framework in this field;
  3. The intensive exploitation of land resources, without applying land organisation measures, appropriate methodologies, can lead to a decrease in their productive capacity and then to poverty of the population.


As a result of the land reform, through the fragmentation of agricultural land into very small plots, they created unfavorable spatial conditions for the implementation of technologies for sustainable use and protection of land resources. The protection of the environment, the nutrition of the population, etc., are just some of the problems of global level, including in the Republic of Moldova, for the liquidation of these problems, one of the solutions would be to start from the establishment of a well-defined system of territory organization, with the elaboration and implementation of methodologies for the sustainable use of land resources.



Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.




  1. Land management plan department of natural resources and mines: Muswellbrook Coal Company Limited; 2015. p. 1–10.
  2. Perju Tomiţa O. The trends and evolution of the organizational-legal forms of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Moldova in the process of economic reforms. Scientific papers, UASM, Chisinau. 2002;10:177–181.
  3. Kazmir P. Organization of agricultural land use on a landscape-ecological basis. E3S Web Conf; 2020;164:06021.
  4. Bold I. Organization of the territory of socialist agricultural enterprises. Editura Agro-Silvică de Stat; 2013. 233 p.
  5. Land Administration in Austria.
  6. Common agricultural policy of the European Union.
  7. Ecological land use planning and integrated management at watershed level in coastal North Carolina, USA.
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