Assessment of the components that deliver agricultural extension services, at Gezira state-wad medani great locality, Sudan Adam Elradi M Ali,1 Mohamed Atta Ali Abdallh,2Mohammed AA Hamad3 PDF | Full text | Share
Effects of manganese on physiological characters of grapevine cultivars under salinity stress Sepideh Hatami,1 Latifeh Pourakbar2 PDF | Full text | Share
Heavy metal and chemical uptake patterns of water and plant (Ipomoea Aquatica) obtained from Agodi Reservoir in Ibadan Ogungbile PO,1 Akande JA,1 Sridhar MKC,2 Ogunbode TO1 PDF | Full text | Share
Agro morphological Characterization and Evaluation of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] Genotypes for Yield and Other Variability Components at Melkassa, Central Ethiopia Nesru Temam,1 Wassu Mohamed,2 Shimelis Aklilu3 PDF | Full text | Share
Black soldier fly liquid biofertilizer in bunga mayang sugarcane plantation: From experiment to policy implications Agus Pakpahan,1 Retno Widowati,2 Andri Suryadinata3 PDF | Full text | Share
Thermostable acidic lipase of Bacillus glycinifermentans-MK840989 isolated from contaminated environment; its optimization, purification and exploring potential applications Saba Shamim,1 Shahid Mehboob,1 Iftikhar Ali,1 Aroosh Shabbir,1 Maryam Khan,1 Muhammad Ashraf,2 Arif Malik1 PDF | Full text | Share