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eISSN: 2574-9722

Biology and Medicine

Mini Review Volume 6 Issue 1

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases – past, present and beyond

Jyoti Oswalia,1 Kavita Vasdev2

1School of Biotechnology (SBT), Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
2Department of microbiology, Gargi College, University of Delhi, India

Correspondence: Kavita Vasdev, Associate Professor, Department of microbiology, Gargi college, (University of Delhi), Siri Fort Road, 110049, New Delhi, India

Received: December 12, 2020 | Published: January 11, 2021

Citation: Oswalia J, Vasdev K. Sound levels in movie theaters: is there a potential for hearing loss? MOJ Biol Med. 2021;6(1):5-8. DOI: 10.15406/mojbm.2021.06.00121

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Surge in infectious diseases either emerging or re-emerging can be seen almost every year. The emergence can occur in different forms such as an adaptation of the organism to provide resistance against an antibiotic or mutation in an existing non-pathogenic strain making it virulent strain or spread of a zoonotic agent to the humans. The advancement in infection only goes on to continue without any hindrance due to the various factors including increased population, intense inter globe travelling, climate change, and loss of habitat. The control of emerging or re-emerging diseases is quite difficult but not impossible, this review underlines the factors responsible for the emergence and possible precautionary measures that can be taken, along-with the detailed mention of various pandemics faced by human kind.

Keywords: emerging, infectious disease, COVID-19, SARS, pandemic, epidemic


One of the most concerning transitions we encounter due to the modernization of the world is, the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases. During the course of time, world has faced some deadly, uncontainable pandemics and epidemics. The very first such disease outbreak ever recorded dates back to CIRCA 3000 BC, "Hamin Mangha" a best-preserved prehistoric -archaeological site in north-eastern China showed the evidence about the origin of an epidemic. The findings of the archaeological studies done at the Hamin Mangha published in the Cell magazine in 2015 which revealed the presence of Yersinia pestis sequences in the DNA of Bronze age skeleton indicating the plaque provenance by 3000 years.1

Next was the ancient pandemic, the Plague of Galen or Antonine Plague (165 AD) the disease was carried by the soldiers who returned to Rome which devastated the population and caused the death of 5 million souls. The next epidemic recorded and faced by the humankind occurred during the war between Athens and Sparta (430-426 BC), the infected individuals suffered eye inflammation with reddening, foul smell with bloody tongue and throat and heat in the head. As time flew, centuries passed, new diseases emerged, generating the fear of death, and agitating the lives, however, with the evolution of civilization of mankind, and the advancement of technologies, the death toll due to infectious disease has declined. During earlier times, there was no existing literature, no information about causative agents, fewer facilities were available for identifying the cause and development of a cure was not possible. Even at the time of writing this review, the world has been facing the adversity of highly disseminating infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV2, COVID-19.

Timeline of the various epidemics and pandemics

The archaeological study of the Hamin Mangha provided the strong evidence that the humankind is battling with the catastrophe of novel diseases from the early times. Although at that time of pre- historical era or ancient times, the adversity of the disease was constraint to a geographical area as then the travelling between the continents was not as convenient as it is now. So, the widespread of the infection was restricted but the severity of the infection was unmeasurable, as it spread vastly between the populations at the site of origin of the infection. If we peruse the timeline of various pandemics and epidemics, we will recognize a pattern that shows that as the humans step up in civilization and modernization, the emergence of novel infectious diseases also escalated, as in 16th century there was emergence of only 2 pandemics and in 21th century 7 disease calamities have been recorded so far.     

Name of epidemic/pandemic


Spread of disease/
infection sites


Death toll

Mode of transmission


Pre-historic epidemic/ Hamim Manga epidemic

3000 BC


Yersinia pestis

50 Million

Personal Contact


Plague of Athens

430-426 BC

Greece and eastern Mediterranean

measles, Ebola, typhoid fever?

Upto 100,000

Personal contact/Rats





Antonine Plague /
Plague of Galen

165-180 AD


Smallpox or Measles Unknown

5 Million



(origin- China)



Plague of Cyprian

250-271 A.D.

Rome, Greece, Syria

Small pox, Bubonic plague?

 5000 deaths/day

Personal contact/






Plague of Justinian

541-542 A.D


Yersinia pestis

30-50 Million



1st Pandemic of Bubonic Plaque


Eastern Mediterranean



Japanese smallpox epidemic

753-737 A.D


Pox virus (variola)

1 milion

Personal contact


The Black Death


Asia to Europe

Yersinia pestis

200 Million



2nd Pandemic of Bubonic plaque





Europe, Africa, America, Austraia, Asia

Pox virus

56 Million

Personal contact


(11th, 15th to 18th century )



Cocoliztili epidemic



Viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) – Salmonella paratyphi C

15 Million

Personal contact


American Plaques

16th Century

Europe to

One of the illes was Smallpox





The Italian Plaque



Bubonic plaque- Yersinia pestis

280 Thousand



Great Plague of London



Bubonic plaque- Yersinia pestis

100 Thousand




Great Plague of

 1720 to 1723

western Europe

Bubonic plague / Yersinia pestis

100 Thousand

Rodents/ Fleas





Russian Plague

1770 to1772


Bubonic plague / Yersinia pestis

100 Thousand




Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic


United States of America

Yellow Plague







1st – India

Vibrio cholerae

1 Million

Contaminated water/ Rodents



(6 outbreaks
of Cholera)

2nd – Europe, America




3rd - Asia, Europe, North America and Africa








5th- Germany




6th- India, Russia, the Middle East and northern Africa





Third Bubonic plague pandemic


China, India

Yersinia pestis

15 Million

Rat flea bites



Flu Pandemic

1889 to 1890

Asia and Russia

Influenza virus

1 Million



Asiatic / Russian Flu





American Polio epidemic



Polio Virus




New York city



Spanish Flu



Influenza virus

40-50 million






Asian Flu - Pandemic



Influenza virus

1.1 Million






Hong-Kong Flu


Hong Kong

Influenza virus

1 Million






AIDS pandemic Epidemic



chimpanzee virus- HIV

25-35 Million

Sexual contacts


(Peak years

Originated in Democratic Republic of the Congo 




2002 -Present day



770 Thousands



Swine Flu pandemic



Influenza virus




Originated in Mexico





2012- Present

Arabian peninsula


850 Thousands




West African Ebola epidemic

2014 - 2016

West Africa

Ebola virus

11.3 thousands



First case - Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo



Zika Virus

2015- Present

South Africa and Central America

Zika virus

 Variable no definite data

Spread through Mosquitoes & Sexual contacts







Global Started


Bats/ Civet Cats/ Pangolin

1.09 Millions( as on 15/10/2020)



Present day

in China



On going

Major Global pandemics occurred over the time1–8

What accounts for emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases?

In the last 20 years, we have seen the emergence and re-emergence of both bacterial, viral diseases, and vector transmitted viral diseases at the global level including on-going COVID-19, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) originated from China, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in the Middle East, Ebola virus disease in Africa, Zika virus disease, chikungunya, yellow fever and dengue in the Americas, West Nile fever, and Japanese encephalitis.9 Our environment harbors a diversity of microorganisms including both pathogenic and non-pathogenic to humankind.

The emergence and re-emergence of infections involve both viral and bacterial diseases. Emerging infectious diseases are the diseases which are novel or unknown and have not been recognized, whereas remerging infections are the disease caused by the known causative agent which once has occurred and declined to a level that the disease was perceived to be ceased and some variant of the causative agent or any mutation in their genome caused their re-emergence.

Many factors account for the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases, however, the most crucial reasons which can be said to be the source of other factors is the increased population or enhanced movement of humans all over the globe and environmental changes. Over-population and the rapid spread of human contributes to the spread of infectious diseases, this can be said due to the following grounds. Overpopulation leads to higher demands of lands, overcrowding with poor sanitation, increased travel around the world.10 To fulfil the surged demands forests are wiped out, deforestation is frequent that causes the loss of the natural habitat of animals and microorganisms.

Changes in human behaviour also have a part to play in contracting the pathogen. One such behavioural notion is “Experimentation with food” which motivates the people to eat far-reached, forbidden, or hard to get food products. In curiosity, we tend to try new things including poisonous/dangerous fruits or animals which are the natural reservoir of zoonotic microorganisms. Animals are the natural reservoir of Zoonotic agents which are not harmful to their host but can cause disease in human via direct contact, scratch or consumption of the animal meat 11 and the best example of this such scenario is none other than the COVID-19 pandemic, resulted from a single person eating the bat soup.Globalization and intense traveling around the globe also provided the opportunity to the pathogens for their easy dissemination. Easy access to the exotic location again enhanced the exposure between the host and novel pathogen.

Another crucial factor is environmental alterations, Our environment is the reservoir of infinite kinds of organisms whether pathogenic or non-pathogenic. Change in natural habitat provides the coercion to mutate to survive resulting in the conversion of a human non-pathogenic organism into a disease-causing agent.12 Destruction of the natural ecosystem exposes us to all kinds of potentially pathogenic species, disease vectors, or vice versa. Another factor that causes the emergence of pathogenic strains is the evolution of established pathogens trying the bypass the drugs used to treat them13 resulting in generation of multidrug resistant strains multidrug-resistant or extensively resistant tuberculosis, extended-spectrum β-lactamase E. coli and vancomycin-resistant enterococci.

Climate change also leads to an increase in vector-borne diseases such as chikungunya and dengue due to the changes in vector biology, their persistence, and expansion to new areas with better and easy transport systems.14 An excellent example of this is provided by the spread of ongoing COVID-19, which originated in the city Wuhan, China got spread around the globe by the travellers who flew from there in different locations and acted as the carrier of the virus. Similarly, global warming aids in growth of algal blooms which seems to be associated with growth and epidemic of cholera.15

Control of emerging infectious diseases

Vaccination, chemotherapy, and prophylaxis can be said to be the three major pillars for the containment of any disease. These three norms should be accompanied by the quarantine, isolation of the infected person and, social distancing. However, with EIDs, it is very difficult as they are caused by the novel, undocumented and untreated pathogen which may not have vaccines or drugs at our disposal at the time of the emergence. A scrutinized investigation is required to find even a single therapeutic molecule to reduce the burden of illness without having any adverse effects.

For EIDs, the most significant action will be the active surveillance and proper documentation of the cases which together with the help of social networks media, epicenters of infection can be determined.16 An effective disease surveillance system will provide the information about the most common symptoms, susceptible age groups, meaningful interventions and, the possible cause of the outbreak.17

A scientifically validated message should be delivered( Infomation dissemination) to the population about the risks of emerging diseases and people need to be encouraged to seek medical care after exposure and comply with general preventivemeasures11 Lastly, the ecosystem needs to be maintained rather than destroying it for personal use and pleasure. Deforestation needs to be controlled, the loss of the natural habitat of the organism should be avoided and efforts should be made to save the environment.


Ongoing pandemic made us realize that we are still not ready or equipped to face global adversity. The situation with the emergent disease is complex as we do not have the vaccine at our hands to combat the disease. The first requirement for the protection against infection is the implementation of an effective disease surveillance system even in remote areas with amicable health practices. This will require co-ordinated efforts among, clinicians, para-medical staff, patients and communities in diagnosis, sharing of information about symptoms, therapy as well as maintainence of data about prevalence and spread of disease. Unique skill sets, of paramedical staff and nurses brought to health care settings can enhance the ability to assess patients for EID as well as promote health in the community.18

Targeted screening for migrants arriving from or moving to different areas can be frontline defense. Being knowledgeable about emerging infections increases the ability to include these in differential diagnoses in clinical practice as well as recognizing best practices in care through evidence-based resources. Personal protective measures include regular hand washing and proper drying of hands, respiratory hygiene, early self-isolation, and avoid the touching of the eyes, nose, or mouth. All health care providers must use airborne precautions 18 Adequate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) should be manufactured and present all the time for the health workers.

Establishment of well- equipped laboratories, with level 4 safety biosafety cabinets and trained technicians to carry out sensitive tests like RT-PCR for the diagnosis and identification. International collaboration with inter-institutional and inter-continental will help in sharing in-conclusive results, which will benefit in the development of a vaccine. Last but not the least management of infectious diseases involves providing Antiviral drugs like Neuraminidase can reduce the onset and duration of spread if provided within 48 hrs.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.




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