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eISSN: 2574-9722

Biology and Medicine

Opinion Volume 7 Issue 1

“Complex” kinesiological conundrum-could microzyman machinations/inhibitions explain the relative tardiness of initial infantile human locomotion?

Seun Ayoade

Independent Researcher, Alumnus, College of Medicine University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Correspondence: Seun Ayoade, Independent Researcher, Alumnus, College of Medicine University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Received: January 22, 2022 | Published: February 23, 2022

Citation: Ayoade S. “Complex” kinesiological conundrum-could microzyman machinations/inhibitions explain the relative tardiness of initial infantile human locomotion? MOJ Biol Med. 2022;7(1):38-39. DOI: 10.15406/mojbm.2022.07.00163

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“The onset of walking is a fundamental milestone in motor development of humans and other mammals, yet little is known about what factors determine its timing. Hoofed animals start walking within hours after birth, rodents and small carnivores require days or weeks, and nonhuman primates take months and humans approximately a year to achieve this locomotor skill”.1

We, mankind, are the tardiest living thing in terms of the age we start walking. This is highly embarrassing. It is embarrassing to evolutionists who declare man to be the most biologically advanced and evolved species. It is equally embarrassing to creationists who insist that man was made in the Image of God. If man is the most advanced and evolved animal why do our babies take so long to learn to walk? Why are we, the “peak of God’s creation” carried around by our mothers for a year while the zebras and goats and horses are proudly walking and cavorting just hours after delivery? Creationists have a ready excuse-the fall of man and his expulsion from the Garden of Eden caused man to become genetically degraded. After all, they argue, the first humans Adam and Eve walked and talked the very day they were created. Evolutionists on the other hand put forth other arguments for the very embarrassing ambulatory limitations of Homo sapiens. I hereby refute these arguments viz-

Refuting the gestation argument

This argument states that humans are pregnant for 9 months unlike those other animals that are pregnant for shorter periods. However baby elephants walk hours after birth and the gestation period in elephants is 18 to 22 months!

Refuting the life span relativity argument

This argument states that because horses and dogs have shorter life spans than we humans their apparent early walking is not really that early. I refute this argument in the Table 1 below by showing at what age human babies would walk if we had the life span of cats and dogs etc.


Lifespan In Years

Age at which human babies would start walking if relativity argument was true



A few hours



16 weeks



16 weeks [4 months]






Less than 24 hours



70 Days [2-3 months]



Less than 24 hours

Table 1 Age at which human babies would start walking if relativity argument was true

Refuting the brain development argument

This argument states that all animals start walking when their brains reach a particular stage of development. Then why do humans reach the stage so late if we are the most evolved animal?

Refuting the bipedal argument

This argument states that walking on two legs involves much more balance and coordination than walking on all fours and so should take longer. If this argument was true human babies would start crawling hours after birth! Human babies don’t crawl till 4 -7 months! Also studies by Francesco Lacquaniti at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy have shown that despite homosapiens’ unique gait, the motor patterns controlling walking in other animals are nearly identical to that in man!

Intelligence argument

This argument claims that since humans are more intelligent than other animals we have to start walking later because we have so many other things to do with our minds apart from walking. However ravens are very intelligent birds yet raven chicks walk and fly at one month old. Monkeys are intelligent and yet start waking at 6 weeks!

My hypothesis and proposal

The key to cracking this mystery will be to do a comparative study of the cellular dust2-4 of various animals. This is not likely to happen any time soon however as the mainstream scientific community continues to deny the existence of the microzymas.5-11


The authors are grateful to their respective Departments and Institutions/universities for their unconditional support.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declared no have conflict interest for the study.


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©2022 Ayoade. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.