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eISSN: 2574-9722

Biology and Medicine

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 1

Cake kidney-complete crossed fused ectopia

Lokesh Rana,1 Dinesh Sood,1 Pooja Gurnal,1 Manjuswamy HR1

1Department of Radio-diagnosis, DRPGMC, India
2Department of Anaesthesia, DRPGMC, India

Correspondence: Lokesh Rana, Assistant Proffesor, Department of Radio-diagnosis, Dr RPGMC, Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh, India

Received: December 12, 2018 | Published: January 28, 2019

Citation: Rana L, Sood D, Gurnal P, et al. Cake kidney-complete crossed fused ectopia. MOJ Biol Med. 2019;4(1):16-17. DOI: 10.15406/mojbm.2019.04.00106

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Cake kidney or complete crossed fused renal ectopia refers to complete fusion of both kidneys and remain on the same side of the midline. It is due to failure of normal renal ascent during embryogenesis with fusion of kidneys within the renal pelvis.1,2 We present a case of 18years old male with heaviness in right lumbar region and CECT was done which showed complete crossed renal ectopia.3

Keywords: Cake kidney, crossed fused, embryogenesi

Case report

We present a case of an 18year old male presented with heaviness right lumbar region for 1year. The NCCT and CECT images shows complete crossed fused renal ectopia on right side with central hyperdensity in the medulla with ureters are on seen draining on same side of UB (Figure 1).

Figure 1 A 18 year presented with heaviness right lumbar region NCCT and CECT images shows complete crossed fused renal ectopia on right side with central hyperdensity in the medulla with ureters are on seen draining on same side of UB.


Cake kidney or complete crossed fused renal ectopia refers to complete fusion of both kidneys and remain on the same side of the midline. It is due to failure of normal renal ascent during embryogenesis with fusion of kidneys within the renal pelvis.1–4   

Clinical presentation

 Many a times this entity is asymptomatic or may present with obstruction, urolithiasis, reflux or infection.5

Key Imaging diagnostic clues

  1. Abnormal location of the kidney in this case fusion within same side of the midline.1,4,6
  2. Types are superior when lies superior to resident kidney, sigmoid when crossed kidney lying inferiorly, unilateral lump and unilateral disc.7


Crossed fused renal ectopia is asymptomatic unless complicated by infection, reflux or urolithiasis. Computed tomography is important in diagnosis, defining its subtype and surgical planning if causing complications.



Conflicts of interest

Author declares there is no conflict of interest towards this article.


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