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eISSN: 2376-0060

Lung, Pulmonary & Respiratory Research

Review Article Volume 9 Issue 2

Management of drug resistant tuberculosis: isoniazid resistant, rifampicin resistant, multi drug resistant, and extensively drug resistant

Gudisa Bereda

Department of Pharmacy, Negelle Health Science College, Guji, Ethiopia

Correspondence: Gudisa Bereda, Department of Pharmacy, Negelle Health Science College, Guji, Ethiopia

Received: July 19, 2022 | Published: July 28, 2022

Citation: Bereda G. Management of drug resistant tuberculosis: isoniazid resistant, rifampicin resistant, multi drug resistant, and extensively drug resistant. J Lung Pulm Respir Res. 2022;9(2):46-50. DOI: 10.15406/jlprr.2022.09.00279

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains that are resistant to an elevating number of second-line medicines used to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis are becoming a threat to public health worldwide. Recent guidelines recommended at least 20 months of treatment, but recent regimens are toxic, poorly tolerated and insufficiently effective, with cure rates as low as 36% and failure rates as high as 50%. The emergence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis can be defined as strains resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin has introduced as they are challenging, but overcome the complexities to tuberculosis programs that have responded by treating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with second-line drugs. Longer multidrug-resistant tuberculosis regimens are treatments for rifampicin resistant tuberculosis or multidrug-resistant tuberculosis which last 18 months or more according to the new 2019 updated World Health Organization drug-resistant tuberculosis guidelines and which may be standardized or individualized. Longer multidrug-resistant tuberculosis regimens are usually designed to involve a minimum number of second-line tuberculosis medicines considered to be effective based on patient history or drug-resistance patterns. The exact number of drugs used to treat extensively tuberculosis drug-resistant is unknown, but most individuals will receive five to six drugs. Identically, as the majority of patients with extensively tuberculosis drug-resistant have been previously treated for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, prior exposure to drugs like ethionamide and terizidone frequently excludes their use.

Keywords: drug resistant tuberculosis, extensively drug resistant, isoniazid resistant, management, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, rifampicin resistant tuberculosis


BDQ, bedaquiline; CFZ, clofazimine; TB, tuberculosis; DOTS, directly observed treatment short-course; DR, drug-resistant; EMB, ethambutol; E, ethambutol; FQ, fluoroquinolone; HH, high dose isoniazid; HIV, human immune virus; INH, isoniazid; LFX, levofloxacin; LTBI,  latent TB infection; MFX, moxifloxacin; MDR-TB, multi drug-resistant tuberculosis; MTB, mycobacterium tuberculosis; NTB, national tuberculosis programme; PZA, pyrazinamide; PTO, prothionamide; RIF,  rifampin; RR-TB, rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis; SSA, sub-saharan africa; SCC, short-course chemotherapy; XDR-TB, extensively drug resistance tuberculosis; WHO, world health organization; Z, pyrazinamide


Tuberculosis (TB) is characterized as a communicable disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).1 Tuberculosis that can be frequently impacts the respiratory system are called pulmonary TB and spread when individual who were ill with PTB eject bacteria into the air but can also impact different sites are called extra PTB.2 The emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis can be characterized as the strains resistant to at least INH and RIF has proposed as they are problem, but overcome the difficulties to tuberculosis programs that have replied by managing MDR-TB with 2nd line medicines. Whether via formal MDR-TB management programs or unregulated causes, such as OTC and ‘‘black-market’’ sources, individuals with MDR-TB have acquired to elevated access to 2nd line anti-TB agents.3 Irrespective of the mechanism of access, a subset of individuals inevitably will fail to respond to MDR-TB therapy and in the process, perhaps acquire additional resistance to 2nd line drugs. The common risk factors for MDR-TB are encloses defaulting to respond to a 1st line DOTS regimen; relapse after a full course of management with a 1st line regimen; management after failure from management with a 1st line regimen; vulnerability to a familiar case of MDR-TB; exposure to TB in institution with most prevalent of MDR-TB such as a jail or health institution; living in areas or countries with most prevalent of MDR-TB; HIV co-infection.4 Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB can be characterized as MDR-TB with further resistance to the FQ and a 2nd line injectables is the resultant of sequential mutation selection procedure, and compromise the effectiveness of even the most tailored individualized regimen. Pre-XDR-TB notifies to MDR-TB resistant to either a 2nd line injectables medicine or a FQ.5 (Table 1).



Mono resistance

Resistance to one first-line anti-TB drug only.

Polydrug resistance

Resistance to more than one first-line anti-TB drug, other than both isoniazid and rifampicin.

Multidrug resistance (MDR)

Resistance to at least both isoniazid and rifampicin.

Rifampicin resistance (RR)

Resistance to rifampicin detected using phenotypic or genotypic methods, with or without resistance to other anti-TB drugs. It includes any resistance to rifampicin, whether monoresistance, multidrug resistance, polydrug resistance, or extensive drug resistance.

Extensive drug resistance (XDR)    

Resistance to any fluoroquinolone, and at least one of three second-line injectable drugs (capreomycin, kanamycin, and amikacin), in addition to multidrug resistance.

Table 1 types of drug-resistant TB (WHO 2013b) (types are not mutually exclusive)6

A patient had drug-resistant TB; if the strain cause the disease is resistant to 1 or more of the 1st line medicines such as INH, RIF, PZA, ETH and S. 1st line medicines are the more effective agents; all but 1 low-dose ETH is bactericidal.7 Epidemiologically, drug resistance in TB is categorized into three classes:


Formerly unmanaged individuals are resulted to have drug-resistant organisms, very likely because they have been exposed from an extrinsic or outside source of resistant bacilli.8


Individuals primarily have drug-vulnerable tubercle bacilli that later become resistant because of insufficient, not appropriate or not regular management or, further significant because of non-adherence to management strategy.9


Initial group of drug resistance applies to individuals who deny former management but whose prior medicine utilization history can’t be confirmed. Initial types of drug-resistant tuberculosis consist of authentic initial resistance and an unfamiliar amount of undisclosed acquired resistance.7

Rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB) can be explains to TB strains that are thought to be eligible for management with MDR-TB regimen. RR-TB strains may be vulnerable to INH, or resistant to INH (such that MDR-TB), or resistant to different drugs from the 1st line class (poly-resistant) or from the 2nd line drug class (example, XDR-TB).10 Mtb strains that are resistant to an elevating amount of 2nd line medicines utilized to manage MDR TB are becoming a challenge to public health worldwide.11,12 Recent guidelines recommended at least 20 months of management, but the recent regimen is toxic, meagerly tolerated and insufficiently effective, with cure rates as low as thirty six percent and failure rates as high as fifty percent.13 MDR-TB management success rates are usually less than fifty percent. Since 2006, extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB, with additional resistance to injectable aminoglycosides and FQ has been explained with management success rates as low as sixteen to twenty two percent. Since 2009, even more comprehensively resistant Mtb strains have been observed, then producing scares (fears) that without new medicines untreatable TB perhaps reemerges in the 21st century.14 (Table 2).

Group 1: first-line oral TB drugs: Isoniazid (H), Pyrazinamide (Z) or PZA, Ethambutol (E) or (EMB), Rifampicin/rifampin (R) or (RIF), Rifabutin (RFB)

Group 2: second-line injectable TB drugs: Kanamycin (KAN), Amikacin (AMK), Capreomycin (CAP), Streptomycin (STR)

Group 3: fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin (LFX), Moxifloxacin (MFX), Ofloxacin (OFX), Gatifloxacin (GFX)

Group 4: oral bacteriostatic second-line TB drugs: Para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), Cycloserine (DCS), Terizidone (TRD), Ethionamide (ETH), Prothionamide (PTO)

Group 5: TB drugs with unclear efficacy or unclear role in treating drug resistant-TB: Clofazimine (CFZ), Linezolid (LZD), Amoxicillin/clavulanate (AMX/CLV), Thiacetazone (THZ), Clarithromycin (CLR), Imipenem/cilastatin (IPM/CLN), High-dose isoniazid (high-dose H)

Table 2 first- line and second-line drugs depending on the WHO classification15,16

Regimens for INH-resistant tuberculosis

Isoniazid resistance is the most frequent form of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance encountered, whether in isolation or in combination with different medicines. Isoniazid mono-resistant tuberculosis is somewhat easy to manage. In individuals with verified RIF vulnerable and INH-resistant tuberculosis, management with RIF, E, Z and lvf is recommended for duration of six months.17 RIF-containing short-course chemotherapy (SCC) remains efficacious in the management of INH-resistant tuberculosis, but its efficacy becomes substantially compromised in the management of MDR-TB, noted by bacillary resistance to at least both INH and RIF. SCC can reach better success (near to ninety eight percent cure and < 5 percent relapse) when all 4 medicines such as INH, RIF, Z and E are used considered to be the six months of management. When the 4 medicines are lowered to rifampicin and isoniazid after two months the relapse rate after six months of management rises to ten percent. As there perhaps a small chance of resistance amplification with involvement of rifampicin, certain authorities recommended optional regimen such as RIF+ E, or RIF+E+Z, for further prolonged durations.18

Regimens for RR-resistant TB

 RIF monoresistance in Mtb is rare, except maybe in HIV-infected individuals and RIF resistance thus generally serves as a surrogate marker for dual resistance to RIF and INH such that MDR-TB. RIF-resistant TB carries a much further ominous prognosis as the effect of standard SCC for such disease is meager in terms of both disease status on cessation of six month management and relaps.19 Recommendation has been made to manage such disease with isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol for eighteen to twenty two months. Certain authorities feel that the duration of management can be shortened to twelve months by the addition of a fluoroquinolones to isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol regimen.20

 Drugs recommended for the management of RR-TB and MDR-TB

The primary phase includes of five medicines and lasts for 8 months in most patients (Table 3).



Group A

  FQb such as Levofloxacin (Lfx), Moxifloxacin (Mfx), Gatifloxacin (Gfx)

Group B

  Second line injectable agents such as Amikacin (Am), Capreomycin (Cm), Kanamycin (Streptomycin)c (Km (S))

Group C

  Different core 2nd line agentsb such as Ethionamide / prothionamide (Eto / Pto), Cycloserine / terizidone (Cs / Trd),  Linezolid Clofazimine (Lzd Cfz)

Group D

  Add-on agents (not part of the core MDR-TB regimen) such as D1 includes Z, Et, High-dose isoniazid (Hh); D2 includes Bedaquiline (Bdq), Delamanid (Dlm); D3 includes p-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), Imipenem–cilastatindd (Ipm), Meropenemdd (Mpm), Amoxicillin-clavulanatedd (Amx-Clv), (Thioacetazone)e (T).

Table 3 drugs recommended for the management of RR-TB and MDR-TB grouped21–23

Examples of standard medicine code utilized to explain medicine regimen 8Km6-Lfx7-Eto7-Cs7-Z7/12Lfx7-Eto7-Cs7-Z7. Kanamycin is given 6 days a week and all other medicines are given 7 days a week and the phase without the injectable continues all the oral agents for a minimum of twelve months, for a total minimum management of at least twenty months.22 In individuals with RR-TB or MDR-TB, a regimen with at least 5 effective TB drugs during the intensive phase is recommended, involving PZA and 4 core 2nd line TB drugs one chosen from Group A, one from Group B, and at least two from Group C. If the minimum amount of effective TB drugs can’t be composed as given above, an agent from Group D2 and other agents from Group D3 may be added to bring the total to five. In individuals with RR-TB or MDR-TB, it is recommended that the regimen can be more strengthened with high-dose INH and/or E.23

 MDR-TB management

The management regimen for MDR-TB includes of a cornerstone of a later production FQ (Mfx, Gfx or Lfx) and an injectable aminoglycoside (either amikacin or kanamycin), any 1st line medicine to which the isolate is vulnerable, and the addition of class four drugs such as cycloserine/terizidone, and ethionamide, such that as least 4 medicines to which the isolate is probably to be vulnerable are being utilized.24 The intensive phase (with injectable) is 8 months, followed by a continuation phase of twelve to eighteen months. The recommended duration of management is guided by culture conversion and is often determined by adding eighteen months to the date of the 1st of consecutive negative cultures; the WHO recommended total management duration of at least twenty months.25

 A shorter MDR-TB regimen

 is notes to a course of management for RR-TB or MDR-TB lasting nine to twelve months according to the new 2019 updated WHO DR-TB guidelines, which is largely standardized, and whose composition and duration follows closely the one for which there is noted evidence from other settings.12 In MDR or RR-TB individuals who have not been formerly managed for further than one month with 2nd line drugs utilized in the shorter MDR-TB regimen or in whom resistance to FQ and 2nd line injectable agents has been precluded, a shorter MDR-TB regime of nine to twelve months may be utilized instead of the longer regimen.13,14

Longer MDR-TB regime

 are managements for RR-TB or MDR-TB which last eighteen months or more according to the recent 2019 updated WHO DR-TB guidelines and which perhaps standardized or individualized. These regimes are often designed to involve a minimum amount of 2ndline TB drugs thought to be effective depending on individual history or medicine-resistance patterns.14,15 These regimens were formerly qualified as “conventional”, having been the crucial of MDR-TB management before the 2016 update.26

The recent WHO recommendations

 are a departure from former approaches to manage MDRTB or RR-TB in several regards such as injectables are no longer thought priority drugs when designing longer MDR-TB regime; oral regimens are preferred for further individuals; FQ (Lfx or Mfx), bedaquiline, and linezolid are strongly recommended for all longer regimen (unless contraindicated), with different drugs ranked by a relative balance of benefits to harms. Most regimens should include at least 4 drugs that are likely to be effective in the first six months and three medicines thereafter.27 The total duration of longer MDR-TB regime should be eighteen to twenty months, modified based on individual response. A standardized, shorter MDR-TB regimen perhaps offered to eligible individuals who agree to a briefer management (nine to twelve months) if they are cognizant that this perhaps less effective than an individualized longer regime and of the inconvenience/risks correlated with the daily injectable agent required for four to six months. It is strongly recommended that MDR-TB regime should be monitored with cultures rather than meagerly with sputum microscopy, and it is preferred that cultures are performed monthly to diagnose management default, relapse, or unidentified/acquired medicine resistance in a timely fashion.28 Bedaquiline may be given to pediatric less or equal to six yrs old and delamanid to those less or equal to three yrs old. Regimen that different substantially from the recommended composition and duration can be explored under operational research situations. Patient-centered help for drug adherence (involving the utilization of digital technologies where feasible) and active TB medicine-safety monitoring and treatment are crucial for anyone launching an MDR-TB regimen.29

 The duration of longer MDR-TB regime

In MDR or RR-TB individuals on longer regimen, total management duration of eighteen to twenty months are proposed for further individuals; the duration perhaps modified according to the individuals response to management.30 In MDR or RR-TB individuals on longer regimen, management duration of fifteen to seventeen months after culture conversion is proposed for further individuals; the duration perhaps modified according to the individuals response to management. In MDR or RR-TB individuals on longer regimen including amikacin or streptomycin, an intensive phase of six to seven months is proposed for further individuals; the duration perhaps modified according to the individuals response to management.31,32

XDR-TB management

With the loss of two of the most potent classes of 2nd line medicines (namely FQ and aminoglycosides), the design of a management regimen for XDR-TB is more complex. The intensive phase with capreomycin should be at least 8 months. The exact number of medicines utilized to manage XDR-TB is unfamiliar, but most individuals will receive 5 to 6 medicines.33 Identically, as the majority of individuals with XDR-TB have been formerly managed for MDR-TB, prior exposure to medicines like ethionamide and terizidone often excludes their usage. Moxifloxacin has been revealed to be effective against isolates phenotypically resistant to ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin, and may be correlated with ameliorated effects for individuals with XDR-TB. In isolates where lack of INH vulnerability sequences from mutations in the promoter region of the inhA gene, low-level resistance can probably be overwhelm by elevated doses of the INH (“high-dose INH”).34 Different medicines like clofazamine and beta-lactam antibiotics like meropenem and co-amoxiclav from group 5 are also used, although good quality efficacy data is lack. Bedaquiline, the 1st novel antituberculous medicine to emerge in almost half a century has been cautiously confirmed in an interim recommendation by the WHO for individuals in whom a regimen including four effective 2nd line medicines can’t be constructed, or in individuals where there is MDR-TB plus noted resistance to a FQ (pre-XDR-TB), provided that bedaquiline can be protected by at least three effective medicines. Safety concerns have been enhanced about the interaction between bedaquiline and clofazamine and the FQ, as all causes QT prolongation.35

The drug regimens for treatment of XDR are as follows Z-Mpm (plus Clv)-Mfx-PAS-Lzd-Cfz/ Z-Mpm (plus Clv)-Bdq-PAS-Lzd-Cfz/ Z-Mpm (plus Clv)-Dlm-PAS-Lzd-Cfz/ Z-Mfx-PAS-Amx (plus Clv)-Cfz-Lzd.36

 Management of medicine susceptible TB

 conducted under strong national TB programs (NTPs) using standard four medicine management and directly observed therapy (DOT) has led to relapse-free cure rates over ninety five percent and dramatic national declines in TB incidence. This success has needed consistent allocation of substantial money and resources. Oppositively, meagerly organized and underfunded NTPs result in unsupervised and inappropriate management, leading to management default and the advancement of medicine resistance, which is then spread to others. The treatment of drug-resistant TB is much further difficult than medicine vulnerable TB, leading to epidemic transmits of DR-TB in various countries.37,38


Mtb strains that are resistant to an elevating number of 2nd line medicines utilized to manage multidrug-resistant tuberculosis are becoming a challenge to public health worldwide. Extensively drug-resistant TB can be characterized as MDR-TB with additional resistance to the FQ and a 2nd line injectable is the sequence of this sequential mutation selection procedure, and compromises the effectiveness of even the further tailored individualized regimen. Pre-XDR-TB notes to MDR-TB resistant to either a 2nd line injectable medicine or a FQ. A shorter MDR-TB regimen is notes to a course of management for RR-TB or MDR-TB lasting nine to twelve months according to the new 2019 updated WHO DR-TB guidelines, which is largely standardized, and whose composition and duration follows closely the one for which there is noted evidence from various settings. The drug regimen for treatment of XDR are as follows Z-Mpm (plus Clv)-Mfx-PAS-Lzd-Cfz/ Z-Mpm (plus Clv)-Bdq-PAS-Lzd-Cfz/ Z-Mpm (plus Clv)-Dlm-PAS-Lzd-Cfz/ Z-Mfx-PAS-Amx (plus Clv)-Cfz-Lzd.


The author would be grateful to anonymous reviewers for the comments that increase the quality of this manuscript.

Data Sources

Sources searched include Google Scholar, Research Gate, PubMed, NCBI, NDSS, EMBASE, PMID, PMCID, Scopus database, Scielo and Cochrane database. Search terms included: management of drug resistant tuberculosis



Competing interests

The author has no financial or proprietary interest in any of material discussed in this article.


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