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Journal of
eISSN: 2377-4312

Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 6

Influences of body condition score and somatic cell on the productivity and economic efficiency of the dairy cows with special highlighting on its milk constituents

Ahmed I El-Sheikh,1 Abdelgawad S El-Tahawy,2 Faisal Almathen3

1Faculty of Veterinary medicine, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2Department of animal husbandry and Wealth development, Damanhur University, Egypt
3Faculty of Veterinary medicine, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Correspondence: Abdelgawad S El-Tahawy, Department of animal husbandry and Wealth development, Damanhur University, Egypt

Received: July 27, 2017 | Published: August 28, 2017

Citation: El-Sheikh AI, El-Tahawy AS, Almathen, et al. Influences of body condition score and somatic cell on the productivity and economic efficiency of the dairy cows with special highlighting on its milk constituents. J Dairy Vet Anim Res. 2017;5(6):197-203. DOI: 10.15406/jdvar.2017.05.00160

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A total of 2874 cows belonging to six farms which responded to the request had been sent to 17 farms to participate in this study and have all needed data. Those six farms were distributed in the three provinces representing the Nile delta in Egypt: two farms located in Beheira, two farms located in Alexandria, and two farms located in Kafr El-Sheikh. Those cows were selected from different lactation order. The lactation order investigated in this study was classified as; first lactation, second lactation, third lactation, and higher than three lactations. The selected farms were similar in the production system, feeding method, and udder health management. Twenty five samples of bulk tank milk from the six farms were randomly collected every month staring from March 2015 to April 2016 totaling 1800 samples for somatic cell count (SCC) analysis. Body condition score (BCS) was determined and was classified into three groups as good (3-4), medium (2) and poor (1-5). The obtained results revealed that poor body condition score cows have significantly lower Fat% (3.10%) when compared with the medium BCS(3.88%) and good BCS(4.10%). Likewise, Protein% follows the same trend as Fat%. Good and medium BCS have 3.85% and 3.51%, respectively more than 2.95% recorded for poor BCS. In regard to the solid% among the body condition score groups, poor body condition score cows have 11.10% lower than the percentage obtained for medium body condition score (13.23%) and good BCS(13.69%). SNF (Solid Not Fat)% precedes the same trend as solid%. In terms of the relation between SCC and average milk yield, it has been remarked that milk of cows have SCC 100-199×103 and 200-299×103 have higher average milk yield (29.33±1.31kg and 28.50±2.24kg, respectively) when compared with the comparable cows having milk with SCC399×103 and >400×103. Furthermore, a negative correlation between SCC and milk return was detected however the total costs have positive correlation with SCC. In conclusion, BCS and SCC were confirmed as beneficial implement for mediating the cow farm health, milk constituents, and cow farm revenue.

Keywords: body condition score, somatic cell count, milk constituents, productive, economic efficiency


Body condition scores (BCS) are subjective, visual or physical assessment of the amount of metabolizable energy stored in fat and muscle on a live animal. It has been widely used as a management tool for producers to monitor and manage the nutritional, health, and fertility status of their herds.1‒3 Body condition score meets all the criteria to be considered a useful indicator trait for health and fertility status in dairy cattle.

Previous studies have investigated the relationship between BCS, milk yield and milk composition.4,5 Rennó FP et al.6 studied the effect of BCS at calving on milk composition and found higher production of milk and its components in cows with 3.25 BCS at calving. Mushtaq A et al.7 found that BCS had a significant effect on the milk yield and fat, protein and lactose contents in buffaloes. They also showed that the highest yield was documented to poor BCS (1.5) followed by moderate (2.5) and higher (3.5 and 3.0). Furthermore, they postulated that Protein contents amplified with increasing BCS up to 3.0 and declined with 3.5 while lactose showed a reverse trend.

SCC in milk is one of the most important indicators to evaluate the udder health of cows due to the high direct correlation with the mammary glands degree of infection.8,9 Somatic cells have varying effects on milk composition.10,11 Ying C et al.12 concluded that there were positive and negative correlations between log SCCs and protein and lactose. Diaz JR et al.13 also described that raises in SCC augmented the protein content. Nevertheless Lauri-Naviciute V et al.14 conveyed no significant effect on milk fat content with increases in SCC. In terms of the economic impact, Gonzalo C et al.15 and Rougers CW et al.16 established that SCC was a measure of the incidence of mastitis, whereby one could select cows for treatment, determine the animals that should be culled, and identify healthy cows for purchasing. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of BCS and SCC on the milk constituents, production and economic efficiency of the dairy cows.

Materials and methods

Study area, population, and sampling

The present study was conducted at three localities representing the delta region of Egypt. Beheira, Kafr El-Sheik, and Alexandria Provinces were the localities which randomly selected from different provinces located in the Nile delta. These localities are the major for cattle production.17 A total of 2874 cows belonging to six farms which responded to the request had been sent to 17 farms to participate in this study and have all needed data. Those six farms were distributed in the three provinces: two farms located in Beheira, two farms located in Alexandria, and two farms located in Kafr El-Sheikh. Those cows were selected from different lactation order. The lactation order investigated in this study was classified as; first lactation, second lactation, third lactation, and higher than three lactations. The selected farms were similar in the production system, feeding method, and udder health management. Twenty five samples of bulk tank milk from the six farms were randomly collected every month staring from March 2015 to April 2016 totaling 1800 samples for SCC analysis.

Milk samples and Total somatic cell count

Some tanks were randomly selected in the cow farms for collection of the sample.18 The hygienic measures were followed during the collection of the milk samples. The samples were collected during the morning milking in sterile 100mL bottles, which putted on ice and transferred directly to the laboratory. The sources of contamination were strictly avoided during transportation. The raw, unpreserved samples were stored overnight at +4°C and analyzed on the following day. Milk was analyzed for protein and fat content on a Milkoscan 134 (Foss-Electric A134 Hillord, Denmark).19

Total bulk SCCs were determined by direct microscopic cell count of smears that were stained with May-Grunwald and Giemsa medium, described by Gonzalo C et al.11 In brief, the milk was heated to 40°C in a water bath and incubated for 15min. before being cooled to 20°C by gentle stirring. We used the method that was recommended by the International Dairy Federation.20 Two slides of each sample were prepared and counted. The working factor–the number by which the actual count of somatic cells by an instrument is multiplied to calculate the SCC of a sample–was 1600. SCCs were categorized, and the status of the cows was determined based on the resulting classifications.21,18

Body condition score: (BCS) was determined by observing the condition of tail head and loin areas and was classified into three groups as good (3-4), medium (2) and poor (1-5) according the methods described by Nicholson MJ et al.22

Productive and reproductive variables: Daily milk yields, average milk yield, days in milk and total milk yield were recorded. Peak milk yield, day peak, and peak period were also considered. Calving interval was taken as a reproductive parameter for this study.

Economic parameters: Fixed, variable, and total costs were calculated according the methods indicated by El Tahawy AS et al.23 As well, the return parameters were calculated. The net income was calculated as the difference between the total returns and total costs. The benefit-cost analysis was estimated as the percentage of total returns to the total costs as investigated by El Tahawy AS.17 Additionally, the ratio of the net income to the feed costs was also estimated.

Data analysis

For statistical analyses, the following were considered as sources of variation: lactation order = 1st lactation, 2nd lactation, 3rd lactation, and >3 lactation; body condition score range=poor (1-5), medium (2), and good (3-4); SCC categories=100-199×103, 200-299×103, 399×103, >400×103. Data were subjected to variance analyses and mean comparison test. The Statistical procedures were conducted by the means of PROC GLM using multivariate analysis of SAS (2010). The effects of different treatments on each variable were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. The relationship between the productive, reproductive, and economic parameters with the body condition score and somatic cell count were conducted using Pearson correlation through PROC CORR. As well as, logarithmic functions were performed between the milk constituents and somatic cell count.

Results and discussion

Table 1 presented the effect of the BCS and the somatic cell categories on the milk constituents. As shown, poor body condition score cows have significantly lower Fat% (3.10%) when compared with the medium body condition score (3.88%) and good body condition score (4.10%). Likewise, Protein% follows the same trend as Fat%. Good and medium body condition scores have 3.85% and 3.51%, respectively more than 2.95% recorded for poor body condition score. In previous study conducted by Mushtaq A,7 they found that BCS had a significant effect on the milk yield and fat, protein and lactose contents in buffaloes. They showed that the highest yield was documented to poor BCS (1.5) followed by moderate (2.5) and higher (3.5 and 3.0). Furthermore, they postulated that Protein contents amplified with increasing BCS up to 3.0 and declined with 3.5 while lactose showed a reverse trend

In regard to the solid% among the body condition score groups, poor body condition score cows have 11.10% lower than the percentage obtained for medium BCS (13.23%) and good body condition score (13.69%). SNF% precedes the same trend as solid%. Concerning the total fat, protein, lactose, and total solid, as observed in Table 1, the poor body condition score cows were associated with lower values when compared with the medium and good body condition scores. Our obtained data are matched with those obtained; they declared that there was non effect of BCS on milk composition in multiparous cows while primiparous cows had positive correlations to the content of protein, casein, total solids and non-fat solids. Besides, Rennó FP24 studied the effect of BCS at calving on milk composition and found higher production of milk and its components in cows with 3.25 BCS at calving.

In terms of the effect of somatic cell categories in the milk constituents, it has been remarked that Fat% was gradually decrease with the increase of somatic cell count. Somatic cell count of 100-199×103 have 4.23% and somatic cell count of 200-299×103 have 3.95% compared to 3.10% and 2.99% for 300-399×103and >400×103, respectively. As well as, protein, lactose, solid, and SNF percentages decreased with increasing somatic cell count. In the same manner, total fat, protein, lactose, and solid were all significantly decreased with increasing of somatic cell count. For instance, total lactose of the cow milk having somatic cell count of 300-399×103 and >400×103 have 12.88kg and 10.11kg, respectively when compared with those of somatic cell 200-299×103 (18kg) and 100-199×103(18.40kg). Our results are in consistent with the results obtained by El Tahawy AS et al.18 who concluded that fat% declined with increasing of SCC. Furthermore they remarked that milk protein content steadily diminished from 3.82% to 2.06% with increasing SCC. As well they recorded that lactose, solid and SNF percentages decreased considerably with elevated SCC.

Data obtainable in Table 2 showed that dairy cows of good and medium body condition scores have significantly longer days in milk (344.70±10.16 and 320.70±13.19days; P<0.05) when compared of those of poor body condition score (289.40±12.22). Conversely, days of dry period in the poor condition cows were higher than the medium and good body condition cows. Days of dry period for poor condition cows were recorded as 101.22±5.22days while days of dry period for medium and good body condition cows were 75.11±4.18 and 61.78±3.79days, respectively. In regard to the total milk yield, cows of poor condition score were associated with lower total milk yield (8258.28±125.22kg; P<0.05) than the comparable medium (10334.98±115.60kg) and good (11987.33±130.5kg) body condition scores. In accordance with our results,7 indicated that the milk yield was negatively correlated with BCS. Moreover, studies conducted by Jílek F13 clarified those cows with moderate BCS in the first month of lactation showed the highest milk yield during the first 5months of lactation. Roche JR et al.25 described that optimum calving BCS for milk production was roughly 3.5 in the 5point scale. Nevertheless, there was slight rise in milk yield beyond a BCS of 3.0.

The effect of lactation order on the days in milk, days of dry period and total milk yield was presented in Table 2. The results demonstrated that cows in their first lactation and higher than three lactations (>3) have days in milk longer than those of second and third lactation. Concerning the days of dry period, cows in the first and third lactation have longer days than those in the second lactation or those of more than three lactations. Total milk yield in the first and second lactation was associated with greater milk yield (11487.37±108.12 and 11052.90±120.99kg; P<0.05) when compared with those in the second lactation (10650.50±118.33kg) and those of >3 lactations (10112.45±182.46kg).

In terms of the effect of somatic cell count, it has been noticed that cows of somatic cell count ranged (100-199×103) and those ranged (200-299×103) have longer days in milk than those ranged (300-399×103) and (>400×103). However, days of dry period for cows recorded somatic cell count ranged (300-399×103) and (>400×103) were higher than those of somatic cell count ranged (100-199×103) and those ranged (200-299×103), respectively. Milk production reasonably decreases with SCC increasing in milk from individual cows. This was shown in Table 1 a higher level of milk production was detected for the cows their SCC ranged (100-199×103; 12652.11±105.34kg) and those ranged (200-299×103; 12145.19±143.80kg) when compared with total mil yield of cows of somatic cell count ranged (300-399×103; 10115.27±125.88kg) and those (>400×103; 10103.30±111.28kg). The results of the milk production under the effect of SCC were in the same line of the results obtained by Pritchard DE26,27 and El Tahawy AS18 they declared that milk yield of cows under investigation significantly decreased with increasing of SCC. The later one found the monthly milk yield decreased from 429kg/cow to 329kg/cow as a result of SCC increment.

Average daily milk yield for good body condition score cattle was significantly higher (28.78±1.78kg; P<0.05) than those cattle of medium and body condition scores, Table 3. However, calving interval of cattle have poor body condition score was indicated greater (446.20±10.97 d; p<0.05) than cattle of medium and good body condition scores (380.30±17.16b and 360.20±11.20 d, respectively). The peak milk yield for cattle having good body condition score was significantly higher than the yield for cattle of poor and medium body condition score.

In terms of the relation between somatic cell count and average milk yield, it has been remarked that milk of cows have somatic cell count 100-199×103 and 200-299×103 have higher average milk yield (29.33±1.31kg and 28.50±2.24kg, respectively) when compared with the comparable cows having milk with somatic cell count 399×103 and >400×103. Conversely, cows which have milk of somatic cell count 399×103 and >400×103 noted greater calving interval (450.16±21.13d and 468.39±18.11d, respectively) than those of somatic cell count 100-199×103 and 200-299×103, Table 3. Similar results matched with our data obtained by Kvapilik J28 who point out that with the increase in SCC, Calving interval prolonged by 33days and the insemination index elevated from 2.87 to 3.28.

Concerning the variable and total costs incurred under the effect of the explored parameters, Table 4 revealed that feed costs of the good and medium body condition scores were meaningfully higher (19069.17±148.36EGP and 19122.23±122.24EGP; P<0.05) when compared with the feed costs of those having poor body condition score (17487.23±180.35EGP). Nevertheless, the costs of veterinary management were calculated greater for cows having poor body condition score (212.15±15.18EGP) comparable to those of medium (176.20±10.55EGP) and good body condition score (170.44±15.87EGP). The variable and total costs of the medium and good body condition score cows have higher values when compared with the poor ones.

The variable and total costs varied across the different lactation order. The second, third lactation and over than three lactation have greater total variable (18235.60±115.910EGP, 18070.62±124.45EGP, and a 1816258±130.17EGP, respectively) and total costs (18450.72±115.910EGP, 18285.74±124.45EGP, and 18377.70±130.17EGP, respectively) when compared of cows in the first lactation (17634.43±120.89EGP and 17849.55±120.89EGP). Regarding the variation of the variable and total costs among the different category of somatic cell count, cows which have milk of somatic cell count 399×103 and >400×103 indicated greater variable costs (19899.84±125.41EGP and 19769.06±131.42EGP, respectively) than those of somatic cell count 100-199×103 and 200-299×103 (17824.59±115.18EGP and 17243.60±121.78EGP). The same trend was detected for the total costs. Our results are in agreement with Kvapilik J28 who described the losses incurred with increasing of SCC. They stated that these losses were in the form of costs of treating cows, higher labor requirement, and high culling rate. Moreover, they indicated that the veterinary management was calculated between 4 and 40%.

In terms of the return parameters influenced by the body condition score and the categories of somatic cell count (Table 5), it has been noticed that total returns and net income of good body condition scores achieved higher values than the medium and poor body condition score. The total returns for the good body condition score was 35961.99±146.54EGP and for medium and poor body condition score was 31004.94±133.74EGP and 24774.84±143.48EGP, respectively. The net income follows the same direction as the total returns. The benefit-cost analysis showed that good body condition score have higher value (184.84±118.43%; P<0.05) when compared with those of medium (158.88±117.78%) and poor body condition score (138.29±110.18%). Additionally, the ratio of the net income to the feed costs for good body condition score was obtained as 0.86 compared to the poor body condition score of 0.39.

In regard to the variation of the return parameters among the somatic cell categories, cows which have milk of somatic cell count 200-299×103, 399×103 and >400×103 indicated lesser total returns (36435.57±151.50, 30345.81±162.28EGP and 30309.90±158.25EGP, respectively) than those of somatic cell count 100-199×103 (37956.33±131.14EGP). As well, the net returns of the cow milk have somatic cell count of 100-199×103 were greater than those of cow milk having somatic cell count 200-299×103, 399×103 and >400×103, respectively. These findings are in agreement with El Tahawy AS18 who found that the milk return was significantly decreased from 905.19EGP for SCC of 1000-99×103 to 694.61EGP for <400×103.

Table 6 depicts the Pearson correlation between the various dependent parameters under the effect of the body condition score and various categories of somatic cell count. It has been showed that SCC has negative correlation with the BCS and all milk constituents and the return parameters. However, SCC has positive correlation with the total costs. In regard to the relationship between the BCS and the investigated parameters, the table demonstrated that BCS has positive correlation with the milk constitutes and the return and costs parameters. The previous reports conducted by Mushtaq A7 stated that Correlation analysis of the data exhibited that BCS was significantly and positively correlated with fat and protein contents while negatively with milk yield. Additionally, they indicated that BCS correlated positively with fat and protein and negatively with lactose contents.

On other studies, BCS and milk yield are in a negative correlation Veerkamp RF29 and high yielding dairy cows generally have a lower BCS.5 Cows that are genetically inclined to lose more BCS in early lactation tend to have higher yields of milk, fat and protein.4 Furthermore, El Tahawy AS18 reported an inverse correlation between SCC and daily milk yield; fat, protein, lactose, total solid and SNF percentages; and total fat, protein, solid, lactose and milk return levels.

Table 7 showed the logarithmic regression between somatic cell count, body condition score, and the milk constituents. When SCC increased by 1%, the Fat%, protein%, Lactose%, solid% and SNF% were decreased by 0.28, 0.99, 0.30, 0.14, 0.72%. Additionally, the milk yield, return was decrease by 0.80 and 0.87%, respectively. However, total costs were increased by 0.18% as SCC increased by 1%. These outcomes are in consistent with the previous work done by El Tahawy AS18 who revealed that with increasing of SCC by 1% led to decline in the percentages of fat, protein, lactose, solid, SNF, and moreover decrease in the milk yield and return.30,31

Main Effects

Fat %

Protein %

Lactose %

Solid %


Total fat

Total protein

Total lactose

Total solid

Body Condition Score


3.10± 0.08b

2.95± 0.13b

3.10± 0.10c

11.10± 0.22b

7.11± 0.11b

13.87± 0.68c

11.44± 0.52b

13.15± 1.90b

44.22± 0.44b


3.88± 0.16a

3.51± 0.17a

3.88± 0.14b

13.23± 0.13a

8.28± 0.04a

16.33± 0.44b

16.88± 0.17a

17.60± 1.02a

50.08± 0.47a


4.10± 0.20a

3.85± 0.12a

4.25± 0.11a

13.69± 0.20a

8.58± 0.12a

17.90± 0.90a

17.90± 0.43a

18.29± 1.44a

51.13± 0.81a

Somatic Cell Count


4.23± 0.11a


4.65± 0.22a

13.25± 0.45a

9.10± 0.22a

17.87± 1.18a

17.12± 1.45a

18.40± 1.80a

51.33± 2.47a


3.95± 0.14a

3.41± 0.11ab

4.40± 0.17ab

13.10± 0.09a

8.33± 0.51ab

16.12± 1.44a

16.20± 1.03a

18.00± 1.90a

50.65± 1.69a


3.10± 0.06b

3.20± 0.10ab

4.00± 0.13ab

12.68± 0.89ab

7.19± 0.67b

14.21± 0.90b

12.88± 0.87b

15.22± 1.12b

43.11± 1.58b


2.99± 0.16b

3.00± 0.20b

3.89± 0.12b

12.10± 0.61b

7.01± 0.50b

12.80± 0.67b

10.11± 0.50c

13.93± 0.88c

41.58± 1.71b

Table 1 BCS and SCC effects on the milk composition

Means within the same column carrying different superscript are significantly different at P<0.05

Main Effects

Days in Milk

Days Dry

Total Milk Yield

Body Condition Score


289.40± 12.22b

101.22± 5.22a

8258.28± 125.22c


320.70± 13.19a

75.11± 4.18b

10334.98± 115.60b


344.70± 10.16a

61.78± 3.79b

11987.33± 130.54a

Lactation Order


324.35± 14.23b

78.91± 1.32a

11487.37± 108.12a


341.70± 18.78a

66.10± 2.52b

11052.90± 120.99b


311.37± 16.05b

79.10± 2.11a

10650.50± 118.33c


331.70± 18.19a

65.30± 2.70b

10112.45± 182.46d

Somatic Cell Count


352.87± 8.19a


12652.11± 105.34a


349.22± 8.19a

62.19± 2.11b

12145.19± 143.80b


308.22± 8.19b

93.06± 3.30a

10115.27± 125.88c


268.55± 8.19c

98.57± 2.60a

10103.30± 111.28c

Table 2 Productive parameters for different body condition scores of dairy cattle affected by different categories of somatic cell count

Means within the same column carrying different superscript are significantly different at P<0.05

Main Effects

Average Daily Milk

Calving Interval

Day Peak

Peak Milk Yield

Peak Period

Body Condition Score


19.90± 1.24b

446.20± 10.97a

80± 1.16c

21.32± 1.28b

5.20± 1.18c


20.20± 1.16b

380.30± 17.16b

112± 0.94a

25.18± 1.90b

10.12± 1.99b


28.78± 1.78a

360.20± 11.20b

96± 1.22b

34.12± 1.60a

17.20± 1.39a

Lactation Order


24.48± 0.31b

368.22± 13.98c

120± 1.24a

27.32± 1.33b

12.30± 0.64c


27.21± 1.24a

405.06± 10.22b

76± 1.16d

35.88± 2.13a

18.11± 1.74a


22.36± 1.01c

436.12± 14.27a

105± 1.78c

26.10± 2.89b

9.78± 1.80b


23.10± 0.94c

410.74± 20.18ab

113± 1.55b

27.22± 2.11b

15.02± 1.67a

Somatic Cell Count


29.33± 1.31a

355.50± 12.42c

76± 0.80d

34.27± 3.08a

16.42± 1.58a


28.50± 2.24a

380.22± 14.26b

100± 1.36c

33.16± 2.47a

12.14± 1.64b


20.06± 1.31b


120± 1.80b

25.13± 2.50b

7.28± 1.44c


19.97± 2.24b

468.39± 18.11a

130± 1.12a

24.23± 2.60b

8.20± 1.88c

Table 3 productive and reproductive parameters for different body condition scores of dairy cattle affected by different categories of somatic cell count

Means within the same column carrying different letters are significantly different P<0.05

Main effects

Fixed Costs

Feed Costs

Veterinary Management Costs

Variable Costs

Total Costs

Body Condition Score


215.12± 12.24a

17487.23± 180.35b

212.15± 15.18a

17699.38± 125.18b

17914.50± 125.18b


215.12± 12.24a

19122.23± 122.24a

176.20± 10.55b

19298.43± 112.78a

19513.55± 112.78a


215.12± 12.24a

19069.17± 148.36a

170.44± 15.87b

19239.61± 122.43a

19454.73± 122.43a

Lactation Order


215.12± 12.24a

17445.18± 174.18b

189.25± 9.24b

17634.43± 120.89b

17849.55± 120.89b


215.12± 12.24a

18987.10± 118.70a

248.50± 15.10a

18235.60± 115.910a

18450.72± 115.910a


215.12± 12.24a

18810.15± 133.10a

260.47± 18.30a

18070.62± 124.45a

18285.74± 124.45a


215.12± 12.24a

18984.47± 124.85a

178.11± 10.36b

1816258± 130.17a

18377.70± 130.17a

Somatic Cell Count


215.12± 12.24a

17668.47± 152.14b

156.12± 10.78c

17824.59± 115.18b

17039.71± 115.18b


215.12± 12.24a

17101.36± 128.61b

142.24± 14.43c

17243.60± 121.78b

17458.72± 121.78b


215.12± 12.24a

19647.42± 134.11a

252.42± 13.55b

19899.84± 125.41a

19114.696± 125.41a


215.12± 12.24a

19487.91± 114.27a

281.15± 10.16a

19769.06± 131.42a

19984.18± 131.42a

Table 4 Costs parameters for different body condition scores of dairy cattle affected by different categories of somatic cell count

Means within the same column carrying different letters are significantly different P<0.05

Main Effects

Total Returns

Net Income

Benefit-Cost Analysis (%)

Net Income/Feed Costs

Body Condition Score


24774.84± 143.48c

6860.34± 134.98c

138.29± 110.18c

0.39± 0.001b


31004.94± 133.74b

11491.39± 162.58b

158.88± 117.78b

0.60± 0.08a


35961.99± 146.54a

16507.62± 155.43a

184.84± 118.43a

0.86± 0.02a

Lactation Order


34462.11± 141.58a

16612.56± 178.29a

193.06± 133.89a

0.95± 0.01a


33158.70± 155.99b

14707.98± 155.10b

179.71± 120.910b

0.77± 0.03b


31951.50± 148.33c


174.73± 121.45b

0.72± 0.01b


30337.35± 162.46d

11959.65± 167.17d

165.07± 141.17b

0.62± 0.02c

Somatic Cell Count


37956.33± 131.14a

20916.62± 174.55a

222.75± 115.18a

1.18± 152.14a


36435.57± 151.50b

18976.85± 166.22b

208.69± 121.78a

1.10± 128.61a


30345.81± 162.28c

11231.11± 143.96c

158.75± 125.41b

0.57± 134.11b


30309.90± 158.25c

10325.72± 167.41d

151.66± 131.42b

0.52± 114.27b

Table 5 Return parameters for different body condition scores of dairy cattle affected by different categories of somatic cell count

Means within the same column carrying different letters are significantly different P<0.05

Dependent Variable





Log (Fat %) = 1.01-0.28 log (SCC)
T 23.54* 33.89*



Protein %

Log (Protein %) = 0.51-0.99 log (SCC)
T 40.11* 23.15*



Lactose %

Log (lactose %) = 1.01-0.30 log (SCC)
T 23.54* 33.89*



Solid %

Log (Solid %) = 0.59-0.14 log (SCC)
T 36.04* 29.10*




Log (SNF %) = 0.96-0.72 log (SCC)
T 50.11* 23.50*



Total fat

Log (total fat) = 0.33-0.89 log (SCC)
T 27.36* 40.15*



Total Protein

Log (total protein) = 0.40-0.01 log (SCC)
T 74.40* 63.89*



Total Lactose

Log (total lactose) = .11-0.08 log (SCC)
T 41.74* 38.09*



Total Solid

Log (total solid) = 0.17-0.64 log (SCC)
T 50.54* 51.89*



Total Milk Yield

Log (total milk yield) =0.69-0.80 log (SCC)
T 40.50* 70.11*



Total Return

Log (total return) = 0.62-0.87 log (SCC)
T 23.54* 33.89*



Net Income

Log (net income) = 0.61-0.34 log (SCC)
T 63.54* 40.89*



Total Costs

Log (total costs) = 0.12+0.18 log (SCC)
T 53.14* 61.10*



Table 7 Regression analysis between milk constituents, SCC, and profitability measures


This study explored the effect of body condition score and somatic cell count on the productivity and economic efficiency of the dairy cows with highlighting of its influence on the milk composition. Our results revealed that SCC had a negative effect on the milk constituents. In addition, poor body condition score have lower values for the milk composition parameters when compared with medium and good body condition score. In terms of the economic efficiency, increasing of the SCC level than normal level was associated with higher total costs and lowers in return and net income. Moreover, the benefit-costs analysis showed lesser values when the SCC increases. In conclusion, BCS and SCC are beneficial tools for evaluating the dairy farms productivity, economic efficiency, and milk constituents.


The authors would like to introduce their deeply thankful for the dairy owners and the managers in the investigated provinces.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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