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International Journal of
eISSN: 2576-4454


Opinion Volume 8 Issue 1

The Algae can be a source of wealth and help to resolve the climate crisis

Ana Catarina de Melo da Silva Pinto

Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Correspondence: Ana Catarina de Melo da Silva Pinto, Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Received: February 09, 2024 | Published: February 27, 2024

Citation: Silva Pinto ACM. The Algae can be a source of wealth and help to resolve the climate crisis. Int J Hydro. 2024;8(1):37-38. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2024.08.00371

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The cultivation of Algea on a large scale, if properly controlled, could help to reverse the process of global warming of planet and contribute to the survival of the human species.

In the north of Portugal where we live, there would be ideal conditions for creating a properly structured seaweed farm.


In the western word, there is no tradition in the use of Algae in food. However, due to their nutritional value, Algae have been consumed for centuries all over the world.

  1. In the northern europe programs were implemented with the aim of promoting production of Algae.
  2. Seaweed farms have been created and are becoming very promising.
  3. Doing photosynthesis, Algae can be an active element in combating the greenhouse effect in carbon dioxide consumption and oxygen production.
  4. Aquatic plants could have an impact on the future of humanity as they do not require watering, fertilizers or pesticides. this cultivation can be carried out in coastal areas and allow other activities such as fish farming.
  5. The species to be cultivated can be sown in aquariums or laboratories where the most favourable conditions for their reproduction are simulated.
  6. These plants will be supported by submerged cables fixed to the rocks, which then allow safe and efficient harvesting.


The Algae

Grown in unpolluted areas algae can be useful:

  1. A nutritious and accessible diet for human consumption produced in a sustainable way.
  2. In animal feed – there are studies that report a reduction in methane production by cattle if they are fed with Algae based feed.
  3. As agricultural fertilizer
  4. As a base for medicines, supplements, cosmetics and detergents.

The algeas are also usefull …

  1. In filtering polluted water and capturing pollutants…with due control so that they do not turn into weeds.
  2. There are studies that refer the production of biofuels.
  3. Also in the production of bioplastics, algae could play an important role, in reducing the environmental impact of the conventional plastic.

The figur es presented are by me from the beaches of my land.


The algae offers a sustainable alternative to land - based agricultural expansion in the future… The cultivation of Algea on a large scale, if properly controlled, could help to reverse the process of global warming of planet and contribute to the survival of the human species.

Discussion and conclusion

The cultivation of Algea on a large scale, if properly controlled, could help to reverse the process of global warming of planet and contribute to the survival of the human species.1-3


I thank, my son and daughter, that are a reference to me…

Conflicts of interest

I don't think there are any conflicts of interest in this opinion article.


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