Individual immune response to rabies vaccination in an African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) in Dubai Safari Park Murad B Mustafa,1 Ni Made Herawati,1 Anjan Talukdar,1 Andra Marshanindya,1 Mohit Swami,1 Muna Abdelrazaq AJ,2 Jayadevan MM,2 Jameela H Ghazaly2 PDF | Full text | Share
Preventive treatment of pigeons - a myth that fanciers will avenge František Zigo,1 Silvia Ondrašovičová,2 Zuzana Farkašová1 PDF | Full text | Share
Breeding success of red-legged partridges Alectoris Rufa in relation to landscape mosaic Bongi P,<sup>1</sup> Ulivi S,<sup>1</sup> Fabbri MC,<sup>2</sup> Mori E,<sup>3,4</sup> Del Frate M<sup>5</sup> PDF | Full text | Share
Effects of Xanthohumol supplementation on growth performance and carcass traits of rabbits František Zigo,1 Zuzana Farkašová,1 Zuzana Lacková,1 Andrej Récky,1 Jakub Ješík,2 Henrieta Arpášová 3 PDF | Full text | Share
Some wild plants harvested from nature and consumed Şahane Funda Arslanoglu, Soner Sert PDF | Full text | Share