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Advances in
eISSN: 2377-4290

Ophthalmology & Visual System

Get an internationally open access journal of Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System (AOVS) with the MedCrave Group focused towards publishing the most complete and reliable source of research information and current developments in the ophthalmological field. AOVS welcomes research, reviews, case reports, letter to editors and opinion papers related to all aspects of visual system, retinal ophthalmology, ocular therapy, refractive surgery, optometry and color blindness etc., All manuscripts published in this journal are subjected to rigorous peer review process.

Latest Articles

Review Article Open Access

Lights, camera, surgery: VIP syndrome and the challenge of treating celebrities

Suresh K Pandey, Vidushi Sharma

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - September 13, 2024

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Case Report Open Access

Multivisceral metastases from choroidal melanoma: a case report

Yonli yempabou Hugues Arnaud, Imane Jeddou, Djibril Adedoyin Yaya-oye, Yassine Mouzari, Abdelbarre Oubaaz

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - August 21, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Comparing signs and symptoms of dry eye treated with organic versus conventional lubricant eye drops

Dan Friederich

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - July 24, 2024

Mini Review Open Access

Effect of gestational diabetes on the eye: a mini review

Pragati Garg,1 Parul Sinha2

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - July 19, 2024

Case Report Open Access

Case report: Retinal alterations in a young patient without comorbidities using injectable testosterone for aesthetic purposes

Letícia Aranha Williams de Castro,1 Rodney Williams de Castro,1 Amanda Aranha Williams de Castro,2 Renato Silva Filho3

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - July 11, 2024

Short Communication Open Access

Autoimmune scleritis: A new look at etiopathogenesis and treatment

Rudkovska Oksana

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - June 11, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Beyond the aesthetic purposes of the botilinum toxin A; The dry eye syndrome with essential blepharospasm

Cuneyt Karaarslan

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - April 30, 2024

Short Communication Open Access

New concept of etiopathogenesis and treatment of keratoconus (analytical study)

Rudkovska Oksana

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - April 19, 2024

Case Report Open Access

Syndromic myopia in marfan’s disease: about a case with review of the literature

Lucrèce Joanelle Vydalie Eriga, Arnaud Hugues Yempabou Yonli, Fadhloullahi Khidrou Sambou Oumarou, Yassine Mouzari, Abdelbarre Oubaaz 

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - April 12, 2024

Case Report Open Access

Bilateral anterior capsular phimosis in an 85-year-old female patient after stand-alone cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation

Trung Thanh Bui,1 Ericka J Garcia,2 Jennifer L Kim2

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System - April 10, 2024