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eISSN: 2577-8285

Sleep Medicine and Disorders: International Journal

Opinion Volume 1 Issue 4

A novel reflection on sleep disorders approach

Etindele Sosso Faustin Armel,1 Nakamura Okito,2 Bern Schmidt S,3 Mitsu Nakamura,4 Muller G Hito5

1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Montreal, Canada
2Department Global Research, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
3Department of Fundamental Neuroscience, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
4The Graduated University of Advanced Studies, Japan
5Department of Psychology and Sports Science, Justus-Liebig University, Germany

Correspondence: Etindele Sosso Faustin Armel, PhD,Department of Biological Sciences, University of Montreal,Canada

Received: October 30, 2017 | Published: November 22, 2017

Citation: Armel ESF, Okito N, Bern SS, et al. A novel reflection on sleep disorders approach. Sleep Med Dis Int J. 2017;1(4):79-80. DOI: 10.15406/smdij.2017.01.00016

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mood disorders, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, psychological stress


Mood disorders are likely to play a central role in the cognition of young adults, who do not have as many comorbidities or diagnoses of neurodegenerative diseases as the elderly population. The statistical population of recent published articles is overwhelmingly undergraduate and graduate students. Since the inclusion criteria are very broad, the sample under study is therefore very representative of the general population. In line with recent research, the results of Etindele Sosso confirmed the role of the environment in the occurrence of cognitive disorders; because they have identified during their investigations; a significant proportion of cognitive decline associated with the clinical history of the individual or their entourage.1–6 It is also proposed that reducing psychological stress would also reduce the onset or aggravation of cognitive impairment. According to their results, the continuous evaluation of brain performance while controlling the evolution of mood disorders (anxiety, depression and well-being) would contribute to a sensitive and accurate predictive model.7–11 Another conclusion would be that the living conditions marked by the working environment, the presence or not of a psychological or financial support; would facilitate the devastating effects of stress on cognition.12–18 In this context, sleep disorders would be indicators of cognitive failure well before the diagnosis of depression and anxiety. Cohort studies should be done to explore the effects on cognition of a stressful work environment such as customer service. The research of Etindele Sosso et al.8 confirmed the deleterious effect of permanent stress on the clinical course of sleep disorders and cognitive disorders. The current literature is not covering enough socio-demographic and environmental risks factors involved in sleep disorders. So, recent topics unrevealed by Etindele Sosso and his team are highly interesting, in the path they confirms the effect of psychological stress as a mediator of the effects of environmental stress on mental health.


Many investigations should be made to understand sleep disorders, and hopefully their mechanisms are linked to a plenty of symptoms and diseases emerging from lifestyles risk factors. Researches should be made in this way to support or rejects current findings on neurological deficits related to sleep.

Funding details

There is no implication of any funding organism in this research.


All authors mentioned above equally conceived, designed the study and wrote the final manuscript together.

Conflict of interest

 The authors mentioned any conflict of interests for this study.


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