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eISSN: 2576-4543

Physics & Astronomy International Journal

Opinion Volume 8 Issue 3

Astrophysical phenomena explainable by the particles’ density levels in a Cold Genesis Theory

Marius Arghirescu

Correspondence: Marius Arghirescu, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Patents Department, DLMFS-GCI, Romanian Academy, Romania

Received: August 20, 2024 | Published: September 2, 2024

Citation: Arghirescu M. Astrophysical phenomena explainable by the particles’ density levels in a Cold Genesis Theory. Phys Astron Int J. 2024;8(3):143-148. DOI: 10.15406/paij.2024.08.00343

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The paper shows that some astrophysical  phenomena such as the initial TOV limit of neutron stars’ mass and the transition density interval from neutron star to a quark star,  can be explained unitary, by the specific structure and the density levels of the fermionic elementary particles  specific to the particle models of a Cold genesis theory of the author: superdense centroid, kerneloid and photonic shell maintained by etherono-quantonic vortex/vortices of magnetic moment(s), which explain and physical phenomena such as: the connection between the photon’s structure and the electronic neutrinos, the scattering centers experimentally evidenced inside the proton at electron-proton scattering at high and very high energies and inside the electron by X-rays, the Compton effect, the nuclear and the strong force, in a fractalic scenario of particles’ forming, from the considered etherono-quantonic energy.

Keywords: photon; neutrino; preon; electron radius; TOV limit; quark star’s density; quantum vortex


In a Cold Genesis pre-quantum theory of particles and fields, (C.G.T.),1,2based on the Galilean relativity,  the constituent quarks and the resulted elementary particles are explained as clusters of paired quasielectrons, i.e. pairs of negatrons and positrons with degenerate mas, charge and magnetic moment, named ‘gammons’ (g(e-e+)), resulting that preonic bosons and quarks can be formed also ‘at cold’, as Bose-Einstein condensate of ‘gammons’ which form  stable basic preons z0 of mass ~34 me, forming constituent quarks, which were evidenced by a research team of Science’ Institute for Nuclear Research in  Debrecen (Hungary),3 as neutral super-light particle with a mass of ~17 MeV/c2 , named X17.  Its stability was explained in CGT by the conclusion that it is formed as cluster of an even number n = 7x6 = 42 quasielectrons with mass me* ≈ 34/42 = 0.8095 me, i.e. reduced to a value corresponding to the charge e* = ±(2/3)e by a degeneration of  the magnetic moment’s quantum vortex Γm =  ΓA +ΓB generated around superdense centroids by etherono-quantonic winds of the quantum vacuum, i.e. given by ‘heavy’ etherons of mass ms ≈ 10-60kg and ‘quantons’ of mass mh = h·1/c2 = 7.37x10-51 kg .

The considered “gammons” were experimentally observed in the form of quanta of “un-matter” plasma.4 In CGT, similarly to the S.M.’s constituent quark model, it was considered5 that the electron’s mass is formed by a ‘kerneloid’ containing the (super) dense centroid m0 of radius r0 £ 10-18 m and by a shell of bosons which are ‘naked’ photons, in concordance with the evidenced possibility to obtain a B-E condensate of photons,6 this electronic kerneloid being equivalent to an ‘impenetrable’ quantum volume (similar to that of the nucleon), having a radius rie ≈ 10-2 fm- in accordance to some high-energy scattering experiments reported by Milonni et al.7 The last experimentally determined value for the quark’s radius: ~ 4.3x10-19 m 8 corresponds in this case  to the radius of the super-dense electronic centroid,1,2 being close to the upper limit determined by X- rays scattering on electron.9  It was also concluded10 that the transition from neutron matter to quark matter begin at densities around (1.5 ÷ 4)x1018 kg/m3.

In 1939, by neglecting the nuclear forces between neutrons, using the Schwarzchild’s equation and an equation of state P(ρ) specific to a highly compressed cold Fermi gas, P = K· ρ5/3, (polytropic form in the non-relativistic case of a Fermi gas of neutrons), the mass limit for neutron-degenerate matter was estimated at 0.7 solar masses, (MTOV = 0.7 M)- value representing the initial TOV limitTolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff),11,12 the corresponding maximum mass before collapse being with ten percent higher than this, (MS0 ≈ 0.77 M).12 So, the stars more massive than the TOV limit collapse into a black hole and if the mass of the collapsing part of the star is below the TOV limit, the end product is a compact star – either awhite dwarf (for masses below the Chandrasekhar limit) or a neutron star or a (hypothetical) quark star.

In 1996, by an equation of state (EoS) based on a MIT bag-like model of quark’s confining, it was deduced that the upper mass for neutron stars which are not collapsed into a black hole is in a range from 1.5 to 3 solar masses.13 In 1932, Louis de Broglie14-16 suggested that the photon might be the combination of a neutrino and an antineutrino. During the 1930s there was great interest in the neutrino theory of light and Pascual Jordan,17 Ralph Kronig, Max Born, and others worked on the theory.

But in 1938, Maurice Pryce18 brought work on the composite photon theory to a halt. He showed that the conditions imposed by Bose–Einstein commutation relations for the composite photon and the connection between its spin and polarization were incompatible. We will argue that the previous mentioned astrophysical phenomena can be explained unitary, by the specific structure and the density levels of the elementary particles specific to the CGT’s particle models, in a fractalic scenario of particles forming from the considered etherono-quantonic energy.

The density’ levels of the CGT’s fermionic structure in a quasi-general model

The density levels of leptons in CGT

For electron, it results in CGT,1,5,19 that there are three radius specific to the  structure of its inertial mass, corresponding to three levels of mean density of confined ‘naked’ photons, (reduced at their inertial mass: mf, considered as confined in the photon’s kerneloid, of radius rf  ≤ 10-2 fm, for mf  <me and having a Gmf -vortex sustained by a superdense centroid of radius r0f ≤ r0 = 0.43x10-3 fm):

a) the super-dense centroid’s radius (r0e ≈43x10-3 fm), corresponding to the highest density level (ρ0 ≈ 1.4x1020 kg/m3) and to a mass ~ 0.5x10-4me , (a half of an electronic neutrino having the mass limit: 60 eV/c2,);1,20

b) the electron kerneloid’ radius (rie → 10-2 fm), given by a dense shell of photons, corresponding to the mean density level, (ρie ≤ ρq0 = mqn/uq0 = 7.5 MeV/c2×91x10-47 =1.46x1018 kg/m3 ; mqn –the current mass of the nucleon’s quarks, contained by its volume uq0 of 0K), and:

c) the electron’s classic radius (ae ≈41 fm), corresponding to the low density level (ρa(a) ≈ 5.16x1013 kg/m3) and to a quasi-superficial distribution of the electron’s e-charge.

This electron’s structure explains in CGT the next phenomena evidenced by electron-proton scattering:

  1. the a)-level explains the fact that -at very high electron energies λ << rp, (λ = hc/E –the wavelenght; rp –the proton’s radius), the proton appears to be a sea of gluons and current quarks evidenced as having a radius r0 = 0.43x10-3 fm;8
  2. the b)-level explains the fact that -at high electron energies λ < rp, the proton appears to be a cluster of three constituent quarks;
  3. the c)-level explains the electron’s charge, the Lorentz force1,21 and the fact that -at low electron energies λ ~ rp, the scattering is equivalent to that from a extended charged object.

The electron’s Compton radius rCe = λ/2p = h/2pmec = 386 fm corresponds in CGT to the radius of an evanescent part containing a spinorial mass ms » me of vector photons vortexed with the light’s speed c, which are weakly bound to the electron’s mass me (contained by its volume of classic a-radius) and does not contribute to their inertial mass.

A similar structure is considered in CGT also for heavy and light vector photons, whose inertial mass is considered as contained by a kerneloid of radius rif → rie 0 = 10-2 fm19 and which contains a super-dense centroid of radius r0f < 0.43x10-3 fm, with the difference that  their kerneloid retains only their evanescent part, containing vortexed quantons and very light vector photons whose inertial mass does not contribute to the inertial mass of that vector photon, they being weakly linked to the vector photon’s kerneloid.

Because in CGT the pseudo-scalar photon is formed as pair of two vector photons with antiparallel spins and magnetic moments, the mentioned similitude can explain the Compton effect (the partial transferring of photon’s kinetic energy to an atomic electron) as consequence of elastic interaction  between the kerneloids of the interacting photon and electron and the upper limit of the electron’s center’ radius determined by X- rays scattering on electron, (~10-18 m),9 –as consequence of elastic interaction between the superdense centroids of X-ray photons and the electron’s centroid.

Regarding to the possible mechanism of the centroids’ and of kerneloids’ forming, in CGT are considered chiral fluctuations in a primordial dark energy medium, formed by a brownian component (generating static pressure) and a dynamic component of the primordial quantum vacuum, given by etherono-quantonic winds which can produce vortices of a fluctuating magnetic-like field B = rot A of a cosmic A-field. Without a dense centroid, these etherono-quantonic vortices are un-stable, but in an energetic Proto-Universe with a high density of the primordial dark energy, they could have been enough strong for generate tiny stable chains of confined quantons, which- in the actual Universe, could be formed at the level of the magnetic field‚ lines’ (etherono-quantonic vortex-tubes – in CGT) of the magnetars’ field.

Also in the Primordial Universe, these quantonic chains could be joined into twisted (chiral) bundles, representing the centroid(s) of light photons which obtained their inertial mass (of their kerneloid) by confining of quantonic clusters  in  a stable etherono-quantonic vortex of their magnetic moment mf whose sense and value are given by the centroid’s -chirality (§f = ±1) and mass (m0f).

It is logical- in this case, to exist a proportionality between the mass of the vector photon’s kerneloid (its inertial mass) and that of its centroid, the electron’s mass resulting as given by a saturation value of confined photons number. Because the paired electronic centroids with opposed chiralities not ensures the maintained of the electron’s magnetic moment me, (i.e. of its etherono-quantonic vortex Γme), a pair of coupled electronic centroids represents in CGT an electronic neutrino (of Majorana type) and this explains the fact that it can easily penetrate large solid bodies.

Similarly, it results that vector photons of opposed chiralities can annihilate each other's vortexial structure at their collision, phenomenon observed at the interference of two laser radiation waves in antiphase. The remained paired centroids of vector photons can be considered pseudo-neutrins of lower mass, which contribute to the total mass of the Universe’s dark matter and a classic equivalent to the so-named ‚axion’ of the Standard Model (of mass from 10−5 to 1 eV/c2).22 These pseudo-neutrins explain in CGT the alleged connection between photons and neutrins.14-18

The density levels of quarks and of mesons and baryons, in CGT

Relating to the mesons and baryons, in CGT these particles are formed by constituent quarks of mass Mq formed by layers of a light mesonic quark Mm± ≈ [z2(4z0) ± me*] and a number of two preonic bosons: z2 = 4z0 and zπ = 7z0 , (Figure 1) composed by z0-preons of mass Mz = 34 me , obtained as prismatic (crystalline)  arrangement of 21 pairs of quasielectrons of opposed charges: e* = ±(2/3)e and mass me* ≈ 0.81 me, (Figure 2), the kerneloids of these quasielectrons form a quasi-crystalline cluster representing the kerneloid of the z0-preon, the number: nz = Mq/Mz of zo-preons’ kerneloids giving the mass mq of the current quark which –by the total vortical field of  the magnetic moments of its quasielectrons, generate a vortical potential VΓ and a vortical force Fv(r) which attracts and retains ‚naked’ thermalised photons, forming the quark’s bosonic shell, in CGT’s model:1

  Fv(r) = -∇ VΓ = -∇Ne×VΓe(r);     (VΓe = -½ufρsc2)        (1)

(uf –the volume of the photon’s kerneloid, containing its inertial mass; ½(ρsc2)r –the dynamic etherono-quantonic pressure in the Γe –vortex of a bound quasielectron at r -distance).

From figure 2 it is deduced that the radius value:  rie0 ≈ 10-2 fm7 of the quasielectron’s kerneloid, ensures a mean distance:  di ≈ (2/3)×rz = 2x10-2 fm between the electronic centroids m0 on the radial direction at T = 0K, which gives a value: riz = 3x10-2 fm for the radius of the kerneloid of the cold z0-preon, the minimal value of the cold z0-preon’s length resulting of value: lz0 = 6xdi ≈ 0.12 fm and a volume of the cold z0-preon’s kerneloid:

uzi0 = 0.34x10-48 m3.

Figure 1 The cold forming of semi-light quarks.

Figure 2 Kerneloid of a half of  z0-preon.

Figure 3 Preonic zp -layer of a quarcic kerneloid.

Figure 4 Baryonic kerneloid formed by current quark.

The CGT’s explanation of the initial TOV limit of neutron stars’ mass

Because the quasi-crystalline structure of (u, d)- quark’s kerneloid have three layers- in CGT, (m1;2 ; zπ ; zπ -Figure 1), with (4; 7; 7) z0-preons, it results a length of the (u; d)- quark’ kerneloid at T = 0K: lq0 = 3lz0 = 0.36 fm, and double (lq0’ = 6lz0 ≈ 0.72 fm) for the v-quark of CGT.

The minimal radius of the quark’s kerneloid (specific to its ultra-cold state, T = 0K) results of value:  rq0 » 3xrz = 0.09 fm - which gives a current quark’s volume: uq0 = πrq2lq0 = 0.91x10-47m3.

A cold cluster of three u-d-current quarks will have a radius ri0 ≈ 2rq0 = 0.18 fm at T = 0K.  In report to these theoretic values of T = 0K, the value:  rqi ≈ ri/2 = 0.2 fm used in the CGT’s model as radius of a spherical current u/d-quark in concordance with older experiments23,24 represents a radius of dilated volume of current (u/d)-quark: uqn ≈ (3.35÷3.38)x10-47 m3, that corresponds to a small vibration liberty lvz of the z0-preos inside the quark’s kerneloid, which generate a current quark’s dilated volume and its repulsive shell, of thickness δq(lvz ) ≈ (0.01¸0.03) fm,25  giving  a scalar repulsive charge, qs, and an interaction radius: rqi = rq + δq , (rq = 0.2 fm), specific to an ordinary temperature associated to the nucleon’s vibration: Tnj ≈ 1 MeV/kB.

It can be observed that the density of a black hole corresponding to the initial TOV limit: MS0 = 0.7 M, by the known Equation:

 rbh = 3c6/32πG3M2 = 1.85x1019/M2 ,  (M in M)    (2)     

is:ρbh0 = 3.775x1019 kg/m3 and may be explained in CGT as corresponding to a black hole that resulted by the conversion of a cold t-quark star with current top quarks formed as compact clusters of  z0 –preons with inflated volume of their kerneloid, to a mean apparent value: uza = mt/(ρbh0nz) = 0.8x10-3fm3, (instead of 0.34x10-3fm3 –for the cold kerneloid of z0-preon ), that corresponds- in spherical model, to a radius: rzs = 0.058fm, and in a prismatic (cold) form- to an inflated kerneloid’s volume: uzi = π(3rie)2(12rie) that corresponds to an apparently inflated volume of the quasielectrons’ kerneloid, of  radius:

rie = 1.33x10-2fm,  given by “zeroth” vibrations of amplitude: δrie = (rie - rie0) = 0.33x10-2 fm, vibrations whose existence is considered also by the Quantum Mechanics.

So, the CGT’s model of quarks can explain microphysically also the initially calculated value of the Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff mass limit  of the neutron stars.11,12

The CGT’s explanation of the transition density interval at a quark star

For a composite current quark Q , its dilated volume uQ(Tq) results as sum of apparent volumes uq(Tz) of its lighter quarks q, and it depends on the current quark’s mass mq and on its intrinsic temperature Tiq = Tz given by the vibrations of  the kerneloids kz of their z0 –preons, conform to the dilation’ law:

uQ(Tq) = uQ0(1 +αQΔTq) ≈ Nquq0(1 + αqΔTz)          (3)

from Eq.(3) resulting that: αQ = αq(ΔTz/ΔTq) ≈ Δuqa/uq0ΔTq with Tq –the temperature associated to the q-quarks’ vibrations and Tz –the temperature associated to the z0-preons’ vibrations.

Because in CGT the volume uqN of a possible composite current quark: qN = (u`ud) is approximately equal to the volume of a protonic kernel up , we can approximate the value of the quark kerneloid’s radius rkz(Tq)· at an intrinsic temperature TQj ≈ Tnj corresponding to that of a vibrated nucleon with the energy Enj ≈ 1MeV by extrapolating the case of the nucleon’s impenetrable volume un(rin) at nucleon’s temperature: Tnj ≈ 1MeV/kB, considered spherical and filled with dilated kerneloids of z0-preons of its dilated q-quarks, to the case of a composite current quark (tri-quark) at ordinary temperature TQj ≈ Tnj, whose kerneloid’s mass is: mqn > 3mqn-1 by photons acquiring and with the apparent volume uza  approximated by a relation similar to that specific to a nuclear volume:19

           ukn ≈ uza··Nzn ;  ⇒   ukq ≈ uza··Nzq                        (4)

            ⇒  rkn ≈ rza··Nz1/3;      rkq ≈ rza··Nz1/3 ;                         

(Nz –the number of particle’s z0-preons, having an apparent volume uza). A similar relation is also used- in some papers for the strangelet’s radius.26

With: rin = (0.44¸0.45) fm 23 Nz ≈ 1836me/34me = 54, (for proton), it results by Eq. (4) that: 

rza = 0.118 fm ≈ 0.12 fm, (uza = 0.723x10-47 m3), at  Tnj ≈ 1MeV/kB , the kerneloid of a protonic u/d-quark having -by Eq. (4), at ordinary nucleons’ temperature Tnj , an apparent radius: rqa = (rqr + δq) = 0.118x181/3 ≈ 0.31 fm,  (given by its real radius rqr ≈ 0.2 fm and its vibration amplitude δq).

For the quarks obtained in CGT: u/d(312; 313 MeV); s-sark (504 MeV); v-vark (574 MeV); c-chark (1700 MeV);  b-bark (5000 MeV); t-top(175 GeV), it results by Eq.(4) the next values of their kerneloid’s volume:  uu/d(0.2fm) ≈ 0.0335 fm3; us·(0.486fm) ≈ 0.2 fm3; us(0.5fm) ≈ 0.212 fm3; uv(0.574fm) ≈ 0.239 fm3; uc(1.7fm) » 0.696 fm3;  uv(5fm) ≈ 2.064 fm3.

Also, in CGT was obtained a semi-empiric relation for the current quark’s mass mq function of the ratio between the mass MS· of the constituent s·-quark of the Standard Model (486 MeV) and the mass Mq of the constituent q-quark, in the form:19                                       

m q = M q Δ q = M q A q e k q ( 1 M S 2 M q 2 )    MeV/ c 2 ;     MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamyBamaaBa aaleaacaWGXbaabeaakiabg2da9iaad2eadaWgaaWcbaGaamyCaaqa baGccqGHsislcqqHuoardaWgaaWcbaGaamyCaaqabaGccqGH9aqpca WGnbWaaSbaaSqaaiaadghaaeqaaOGaeyOeI0IaamyqamaaBaaaleaa caWGXbaabeaakiabgwSixlaadwgadaahaaWcbeqaaiaadUgadaWgaa adbaGaamyCaaqabaWccqGHflY1daqadaqaaiaaigdacqGHsisldaWc aaqaaiaad2eadaqhaaadbaGaam4uaiabgkci3cqaaiaaikdaaaaale aacaWGnbWaa0baaWqaaiaadghaaeaacaaIYaaaaaaaaSGaayjkaiaa wMcaaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaaaakiaad2eacaWGLbGaamOvaiaac+ cacaWGJbWaaWbaaSqabeaacaaIYaaaaOGaai4oaiaabccacaqGGaGa aeiiaiaabccaaaa@60C9@          (5)

with Ms· = Ms·(486MeV) – the constituent mass of s· –quark.

The constants Aq, kq, were obtained by taking: md = 7.5 MeV/c2 for the d-quark having in CGT a constituent mass Md ≈ 313 MeV/c2 and mS· »

91 MeV/c2  -obtained in CGT,19 resulting: 

 Aq = Δs· = 395 MeV/c2 ;   kq = 0.182  and the values:

(ms· = 91; ms’ = 104; mv’ = 158; mc’ = 1233) MeV/c2; mb’ = 4527 MeV/c2, and mt = 174.5 GeV/c2, values which are close to that obtained by the S.M.:

(ms· = 92;  mc· = 1275 ; mb· = 4420) MeV/c2 and

 mt = 173 GeV/c2, currently accepted in S.M.27

With the previous values of the bare quarks’ volumes, it results for their densities the values:

ρks· = 0.8x1018; ρks = 0.87x1018; ρkv = 1.17x1018; ρkc = 3.15x1018; ρkb = 3.9x1018 [kg/m3] and: ρkt ≈ 4.2x1018 kg/m3 , at Tq ≈ Tqj .

The obtained values for the mean density of current quarks at Tq ≈ Tqj , (ρkq = (0.8 ¸ 4.2)x1018 kg/m3), can also be specific to the density of some quark stars having the same ordinary internal temperature Tqj  and formed inside a neutron star for which the necessary pressure for its forming is given by the gravitation force and the strong force,  and they are in concordance with previous results, based on theoretical models for the density variation inside a neutron star, which concluded that the transition from neutron matter to quark matter begins at densities around (1.5 ÷ 4)x1018 kg/m3.10

The previous result argues the naturalness of the CGT’s model of quarks and indicates that the black holes having heavy mass and a mean density lower than 1019 kg/m3, even if they can have the Hawking temperature at their surface, as preon stars they have inflated quarks and z0-preons, at least in their core, where they have an intrinsic temperature

Tz > 0K.

A similitude between the quark of the  

Standard Model and the CGT’s model

Supposing that at a critical temperature Tc→Td, (Tc –phase transformation temperature; Td –the quarks deconfining temperature: ~ 2x1012 K –for nucleons) some paired kerneloids of paired quasi-electrons (‚gammons’ –in CGT,1,2) are released and transferred from the quasicrystalline cluster of its kerneloid in the volume of its photonic shell, then their behavior will be relative similar to that of the polarised gluons in S.M. (whose mass has an experimentally determined limit: 1÷ 1.3 MeV/c2 -approximately equal to that of an (e-e+)- pair),28 with the difference that these‚ gammons’ will interact by electric and magnetic interactions, (having the tendency to form clusters with 8 quasi-electrons at T →0K) but being maintained inside the constituent quark’s volume by the force generated by the total vortical field of the current quark, (Eq. 1). 

After partial deconfining of a current quark, its reconfining at T < Tc could generate a quasi-crystal or amorphous state- similar to the so-named ‚glasma’ in the S.M.,29 with the difference that this state is considered in S.M. as specific to a saturation state in high energy hadronic collisions and not to a low temperature quarcic state.

The case of a neutron star’s cooling

It is well known that neutron stars, which are extremely hot when they are formed, (~1011 ÷ 1012 K), cool down thereafter to ~(107 ¸106)K through processes including thermal radiation, neutrino emission and the formation of a solid crust.30 Comparing the cooling of a rotated neutron star with a cooling metal drop, it results that –because the star’s crust is cooled faster than the star’s interior, the formed solid crust (whose ground state corresponds microscopically to a body-centered cubic (bcc) crystal lattice and macroscopically- to an isotropic bcc poly-crystal with elastic properties, given and by ‘nuclear pastas’)31 is contracted conform to Eq. (3) by the aid of the strong forces, given –in CGT by a vortical field which generates an attraction force of the form (1), these forces Fv(y) = -∇ VΓ(y), generating a superficial tension sq which –by the aid of the gravitation force Fg(R) equalizes the internal pressure Pi:

ΔPdV(R')  =   σ q dS(R') ;       Δ=  P i G M(R') R '2 ρ c ( R ' )δR  =   2 σ q R' ;                                 ( σ q = F n (y) 2 l y ;  R'=R- δ R 2 ) MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGceaqabeaacaWGGa GaaeiiaiaabccacqqHuoarcaqGqbGaeyyXICTaaeizaiaabAfacaqG OaGaaeOuaiaabEcacaqGPaGaaeiiaiaabccacqGH9aqpcaqGGaGaae iiaiabeo8aZnaaBaaaleaacaqGXbaabeaakiabgwSixlaadsgacaWG tbGaaiikaiaadkfacaGGNaGaaiykaiaabccacaqG7aGaaeiiaiaabc cacaqGGaGaaeiiaiabgkDiElaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiabfs5aejaa bcfacaqGGaGaeyypa0JaaeiiaiaabcfadaWgaaWcbaGaaeyAaaqaba GccqGHsislcaWGhbWaaSaaaeaacaWGnbGaaiikaiaadkfacaGGNaGa aiykaaqaaiaadkfadaahaaWcbeqaaiaacEcacaaIYaaaaaaakiabeg 8aYnaaBaaaleaacaWGJbaabeaakiaacIcacaWGsbWaaWbaaSqabeaa caGGNaaaaOGaaiykaiabgwSixlabes7aKjaadkfacaqGGaGaaeiiai abg2da9iaabccacaqGGaWaaSaaaeaacaqGYaGaeq4Wdm3aaSbaaSqa aiaabghaaeqaaaGcbaGaaeOuaiaabEcaaaGaai4oaiaabccacaqGGa GaaeiiaiaabccaaeaacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaa bccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaae iiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqG GaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeikaiabeo 8aZnaaBaaaleaacaqGXbaabeaakiabg2da9maalaaabaGaamOramaa BaaaleaacaWGUbaabeaakiaacIcacaWG5bGaaiykaaqaaiaaikdaca WGSbWaaSbaaSqaaiaadMhaaeqaaaaakiaacUdacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaa bkfacaqGNaGaeyypa0JaaeOuaiaab2cadaWcaaqaaiabes7aKjaabc cacaqGsbaabaGaaeOmaaaacaGGPaaaaaa@A40F@         (6)           

c, δR – the solid crust’s density and thickness; M, R – the neutron star’s mass and radius).

 It results that for the same star’ mass M, Pi decreases with R but increases with rc , dR and sq.

This analogy is concordant with the known fact that if the conversion of neutron-degenerate matter to quark matter is total, the formed quark star can be imagined as a single gigantic hadron bound by gravity, rather than by the strong force that binds ordinary hadrons. The recent discovery32 of a possible quark star having a radius of about 10.4 kilometers, a surface temperature of approximately 2x106 °C and a mass equal to only 0.77M , (almost 1.5 times less than the theoretical limit for neutron stars), corresponding to a mean density:  ρm = 3.27x1017 kg/m3, is in concordance with the conclusion that a such star can have a neutronic inner crust (ρs ≈ 2.8x1017 kg/m3) and a nucleus formed by current u/d-quarks.

By this supposition, taking for a single layer of nucleonic quarks: σq ≈ 9 MeV/fm2 at 0K –considered in some papers for strangelets,33 for n = dR/2rq layers of nucleonic quarks (rq –the u/d- quark’s radius), with M(R’) = 0.77M ; R= 10.4 Km, (ρm = 3.27x1017 kg/m3), Eq. (6) can be written in the form:

     Δ=  P i G M(R') R '2 ρ c ( R ' )n d q   =   2n σ q R' ;            (d q =2r q 0.4fm)         P i =  ρ m m q k B T i  ;    ( ρ m m q = 1 υ q a ;   σ q 9MeV/f m 2 ;  R'=R- δ R 2 =Rn r q ) MathType@MTEF@5@5@+= feaagKart1ev2aqatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq=Jc9 vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0=yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr=x fr=xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGceaqabeaajuaGca WGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacqqHuoarcaqGqbGa aeiiaiabg2da9iaabccacaqGqbWaaSbaaeaacaqGPbaabeaacqGHsi slcaWGhbWaaSaaaeaacaWGnbGaaiikaiaadkfacaGGNaGaaiykaaqa aiaadkfadaahaaqabeaacaGGNaGaaGOmaaaaaaGaeqyWdi3aaSbaae aacaWGJbaabeaacaGGOaGaamOuamaaCaaabeqaaiaacEcaaaGaaiyk aiabgwSixlaad6gacqGHflY1caWGKbWaaSbaaeaacaWGXbaabeaaca qGGaGaaeiiaiabg2da9iaabccacaqGGaWaaSaaaeaacaaIYaGaamOB aiabeo8aZnaaBaaabaGaamyCaaqabaaabaGaaeOuaiaabEcaaaGaai 4oaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqG GaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeikaiaabsgadaWgaaqaaiaadghaae qaaiaab2dacaqGYaGaaeOCamaaBaaabaGaamyCaaqabaGaeyisISRa aeimaiaab6cacaqG0aGaaeOzaiaab2gacaqGPaGaaeiiaaGcbaqcfa OaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabcfa daWgaaqaaiaabMgaaeqaaiabg2da9iaabccadaWcaaqaaiabeg8aYn aaBaaabaGaaeyBaaqabaaabaGaaeyBamaaBaaabaGaaeyCaaqabaaa aiaabUgadaWgaaqaaiaabkeaaeqaaiaabsfadaWgaaqaaiaabMgaae qaaiaabccacaqG7aGaaeiiaiaabccacaqGGaGaaeiiaiaabIcadaWc aaqaaiabeg8aYnaaBaaabaGaaeyBaaqabaaabaGaaeyBamaaBaaaba GaaeyCaaqabaaaaiabg2da9maalaaabaGaaGymaaqaaiabew8a1naa DaaabaGaamyCaaqaaiaadggaaaaaaiaacUdacaqGGaGaaeiiaiabeo 8aZnaaBaaabaGaaeyCaaqabaGaeyisISRaaGyoaiaad2eacaWGLbGa amOvaiaac+cacaWGMbGaamyBamaaCaaabeqaaiaaikdaaaGaai4oai aabccacaqGGaGaaeOuaiaabEcacqGH9aqpcaqGsbGaaeylamaalaaa baGaeqiTdqMaaeiiaiaabkfaaeaacaqGYaaaaiabg2da9iaadkfacq GHsislcaWGUbGaeyyXICTaamOCamaaBaaabaGaamyCaaqabaGaaiyk aaaaaa@B4C1@             (7)

The volume uq of an internal current u/d-quark at temperature Ti ≈ 2x106 °K can be approximated by Eq. (3) with the values: uq0 = Nzuz0 ≈ prq2lq0 = 0.91x10-47 m3 and aqa obtained in CGT,19 knowing that –at Tqj = (md/Mn)Tnj  »  9.27x107 K, (md = 7.5 MeV/c2; Nz –the number of q-quark’s z0-preons;

M = 938 MeV/c2;  Tnj » 1MeV/kB = 1.16x1010 K),  we have: rqr (Tqj) ≈ 0.2 fm (the dilated real radius) and an apparent radius: rqa(Tqj)  = (rqr + δq) » 0.31 fm, corresponding to an apparent volume:

 uja(rqa) = 0.1247 fm3 ≈ (1/3)un(ri =0.447fm),

(Eq. (4)), resulting that:

Δuqa = uq0aqaDTq ;  Þ  Δu1a/Δuja = Tq1/Tqj ;          (8)

(Δuja = uja - uq0)                       

which gives: Δuja = 0.1156x10-45 m3 ;  Δu1a = (u1a(Ti) -uq0) = Δuja(Tq1/Tqj); ⇒ u1a(Ti) = 0.0116x10-45 m3

Pi = 86.25x1045x1.38x10-23x2x106 = 2.38x1030 N/m2;

rqa = 0.14 fm; (dqa = 0.28 fm).

From Eq. (7), with rc(R’) ≈ md/u1a(Ti) ≈ 1.15x1018 kg/m3, by dq » dqa, it results that:

ΔP = 2.38x1030 – 3.08x1014×n = nx2.77x1014,  resulting that: n = 4x1015;   δR = 1.12 m.


The paper shows that the specific structure and the density levels of the fermionic elementary particles  specific to the particle models of CGT: superdense centroid, kerneloid and photonic shell maintained by etherono-quantonic vortex/vortices of magnetic moment(s), can explain unitary and naturally not only physical phenomena such as: the connection between the photons’ structure and the electronic neutrinos, the scattering centers experimentally evidenced inside the proton at electron-proton scattering at high and very high energies and inside the electron by X-rays, the Compton effect, the nuclear and strong interaction,25 but also some astrophysical phenomena such as the initial TOV limit of neutron stars’ mass and the transition density interval from neutron star to a quark star, in an unitary way, in a fractalic scenario of particles’ forming from the etherono-quantonic energy considered in CGT. The mentioned explanations argue the CGT¨s scenario of particles’ cold genesis in a cold Universe, having initially a primordial etherono-quantonic ¨dark¨ energy, which generated initially (pseudo)neutrins and light photons from chiral (vortical) quantum fluctuations and thereafter –electrons and heavier particles. This scenario responds partially to an older question: ¸how was the primordial hot Universe created from almost nothing, i.e. from a cold Universe ?¨.34


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