Adverse reactions and cardiac arrhythmias related to antiretroviral use in patients with HIV/AIDS Reinier Besse Diaz,1 Liliana Martinez Cantillo,2 C. Ventura Bridge Sani,3 Est. Carmen Nathali Galera Fernandez4 PDF | Full text | Share
Impact of nurse-led health education on factors affecting non-compliance to anti-tuberculosis drug regimen among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in referral hospitals, Nigeria Onorikpori O Timothy, Ehiemere O Ijeoma, Maduakolam Ijeoma O, Ilo J Ijeoma PDF | Full text | Share
Protective measures against COVID-19 for nurses and midwives in Bangladesh Mohammad Abbas Uddin, Rabeya Basri, Mala Reberio PDF | Full text | Share
Barriers and factors associated with pressure injury prevention practice among nurses working in northern oromia government hospitals in Ethiopia: a cross sectional study design, 2019 Mengistu Benayew PDF | Full text | Share
Roles and responsibilities of educators in formative and summative evaluation of student Farouk Umar Abubakar,1 Agnes Chinyere Onyekachi-Chigbu,2 Maduakolam Ijeoma O3 PDF | Full text | Share