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Solar and Photoenergy Systems

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 1

Irregularities in Energy Sequences of Ni- Like Ions. Applications to Wavelengths Calculations of the Self-Photo Pumped 4f1p1-4d1PX-Ray Laser Transition

Ivanova EP

Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Russia

Correspondence: vanova EP, Institute of Spectroscopy of RAS, Institute for Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Troitsk, 142190 Russia

Received: October 27, 2017 | Published: January 22, 2018

Citation: Ivanova EP (2018) Irregularities in Energy Sequences of Ni- Like Ions. Applications to Wavelengths Calculations of the Self-Photo Pumped 4f1p1-4d 1P1 X-Ray Laser Transition. MOJ Solar Photoen Sys 2(1): 00019. DOI: 10.15406/mojsp.2018.02.00019

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The energies of the Ni-like ions with Z=36-51 are calculated. The energies of the low 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 and upper 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 working levels of the self-photo pumped X-ray laser are analyzed along the sequence. We studied irregularities in the crossing Z-points of each working level with another level of the same parity. The irregularities are the features of the energy levels and of the radiative transition probabilities (RTP) associated with this level. They result in a decrease in the radiative transition probability (RTP) in one transition channel and an enhancement of RTP in another channel. The list of elements that lase on the self-photo pumped transition can be extended much further than originally known. We present the first calculation of the wavelengths of this transition in Ni-like sequence to Z = 79 using the relativistic perturbation theory with a zero approximation model potential.

Keywords: spectroscopy of multicharged ions, radiative-collisional X-ray lasers, energy levels and radiative transition probabilities


Effect of oscillator strength transfer in the neon isoelectronic sequence with application to X-ray laser modeling was considered by us in.1 This study suggests that Z points at which interacting levels are close to each other may be important for modeling emission spectra of dense plasma. Later the authors of2 where the level crossing in the Ni-like sequence and associated irregularities in the functions of energies and probabilities of radiative transitions in the range Z = 74-84 were studied arrived at the same conclusion. From this, the conclusion about the possible incorrect identification of levels in their crossing regions follows. Here we review the experiments on the study of self-photo pumped X-ray laser in Ni- like ions in order to determine possible irregularities in the sequences of working levels. Another challenge is to detect misidentifications in the working levels energies.

Self-photo pumped (SPP) x-ray lasers (XRL) in Ni-like ions were presented in 19963 as an alternative approach to the standard radiative collisional scheme for inversion creation. We use the term SPP following the name given in literature. This is really collisionally pumped laser assisted by radiation trapping. Both schemes for Ni-like ions are shown in Figure 1. This new class of SPP in Ni-like XRL was first investigated theoretically in4 where high gain was predicted for the 4f 1P1 - 4d 1P1 transition in Mo14+ at 22.0 nm. It was supposed that preplasma was created by a nanosecond pulse followed by a picosecond pulse to control the temperature and density in plasma and to achieve high gain. This Wavelength was calculated using the multi configuration Dirac-Fock atomic physics code by Grant and co-workers in the extended average level mode.5 In the experiment 6 the Ni-like SPP XRL on the 4f 1P1 -4d 1P1 transition was demonstrated in Ni- like Zr, Nb, and Mo, and the measured wavelengths for these ions were presented. For Mo14+ again of 13 cm-1 was measured at 22.6 nm for a target up to 1 cm long.6 The wavelengths of this transition for ions from Z = 36 to 54 were predicted in6 using the experimental data of this work to provide small corrections to their calculations. In the experiment,7 the progress in the optimization and understanding of the collisional pumping of X-ray lasers using an ultrashort subpicosecond heating pulse was reported. Time integrated and time resolved lasing signals at the standard 4d 1S0 - 4p 1P1 XRL line in Ni-like Ag was studied in detail. Under specific irradiation conditions, strong lasing was obtained on the SPP 4f 1P1 - 4d 1P1 transition at 16.1 nm. The strong lasing on the SPP transition in Mo14+ was also observed with very modest (less than 1 J) pump energy at high repetition rate. Recently lasing on the SPP 3d 1P1 - 3p 1P1 laser line has been observed for Ne-like V, Cr, Fe, and Co, as well as for Ni-like Ru, Pd, and Ag.8 A strong dependence on delay between the main and second prepulses was found: the optimum delay shifts towards smaller delays with increasing atomic number Z. Accurate wavelength measurements and calculations are shown to be in excellent agreement. The experiment9 has demonstrated that the list of elements that lase on the SPP transitions can be extended much further than originally known.

Figure 1 The diagram of three XRL transitions in Ni-like ions.

Many authors have investigated the spectra of Ni-like ions using vacuum spark, laser produced plasma and electron beam ion trap as light sources.10-16 The 3d94d and 3d94f configurations have been analyzed in the Rb X – Mo XV sequence.12,13 In,12,13 these configurations were investigated using parameter extrapolations within the Generalized-Least-Squares (GLS) method. This method was used in14,15 to predict for 3d94d, 3d94f configuration energy levels in Cd XXI and Ag XX. GLS predictions of 3d94d, 3d94f energy levels in the Zr XIII – Pd XIX sequence are tabulated in.16

Note that lasing wavelength ( las) in Mo14+ was determined theoretically4 and in the experiment6 using one and the same atomic physics code,5 but results for las were somewhat different (by 4Å). The 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 upper working level has the largest oscillator strength and RTP to the 3d10 ground level. This fact allows it to achieve high precision in this level energy measurement along the Ni-like sequence up to high Z ~ 84; in some ions, the energy of the transition to the ground state was accurate up to the fourth significant digit. The wavelengths of resonant radiative transitions in heavy Ni-like ions were calculated by us to Z = 83 in.17 Moreover, in17 the wavelengths (for Z within 79-82) were predicted with the same accuracy, although they have not yet been measured experimentally.

In the present paper, we analyze the smoothness of the working energy levels of SPP XRL along the Ni-like sequence. We have found some irregularities in Ni- like sequence energies in the region Z=42 (Mo14+) and in the region Z = 49 (In21+) for the upper 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 working level. The causes of irregularities are studied.

The principle purpose of this paper is to predict the wavelengths of SPP XRL lines in Ni-like ions with Z 79. The calculations are performed by the Relativistic Perturbation Theory with Model zero approximation Potential (RPTMP). The fundamental principles of the RPTMP approach are given in18 where energy levels of the 3p63d94l, 3p53d104l, (l=0, 1) configurations and radiative transition rates to the 3p63d10 ground state in the Kr IX ion are calculated. The stability of calculations on the approximation used was discussed in.18 Energy levels of the odd and even states with J=1 of the Ni- like ions with Z = 36-51 are given in Tables 1 &2.

Features of lower and upper working levels of SPP XRL along the Ni-like sequence

The schematic diagram of three strong XRL transitions is shown in Figure 1 two of them are standard 3d4d J=0 - 3d5/24p3/2 J=1 and 3d4d J=0 - 3d3/24p1/2J=1 transitions. The classifications of lower working levels in Figure 1 are valid for Z > 42. The 3d5/24p3/2 J=1 level is the lower working level of an XRL for the entire nickel isoelectronic sequence, the 3d3/24p1/2J=1 level is the lower working level for heavy ions starting with Z = 62. The third 3d3/24p3/2J=1 level decays to the ground state significantly weaker than two mentioned above, and does not provide a significant gain. In our recent work,19 the energies of standard XRL transitions in ions of the Ni-like sequence with Z 79 are refined by RPTMP calculations. The calculated energies of the two standard 4d 4p, J= 0 1 XRL transitions are corrected by extrapolation of the experimental differentials of XRL transition energies dEZlas = EZlas - EZ 1las; i.e., the differences between transition energies of neighboring ions, which weakly depend on Z (especially, in the region Z 50). It is proven that the accuracy for the final results for large Z is within the experimental error.

The 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 - 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 transition is optically self-photo pumped XRL in all Ni-like ions, the positions of working levels vary with respect to other levels along the sequence. Based on our previous studies of XRL,20-22 it can be argued that there are at least four principal differences between standard and self photo-pumped mechanisms:

In the standard scheme, the upper working level is populated by strong monopole electron collisions; in the SPP scheme it is populated by strong dipole electron collisions, which means large oscillator strength and effective photoabsorbtion.

  1. Effective SPP XRL is possible only in optically thick plasma (large electron density ne and diameter d), while the standard XRL is possible both in optically thick and in optically thin plasma over a wide range of ne and d.
  2. In the SPP, the upper working level is quickly emptied due to the large radiative decay rate. Therefore, in this scheme, a laser effect is short-lived; maximum XRL duration may be a few tens of picoseconds. A standard XRL can operate in quasi-continuous mode (under certain conditions).
  3. In the SPP, the lower and upper working levels does not change their classification along the Ni-

like sequence, in the standard scheme the upper working level changes its classification: the 3d5/24d5/2 J = 0 state is dominant in the classification of the upper working level at Z 51, and the3d3/24d3/2 J = 0 state is dominant for Z 51.19

Below we demonstrate the irregularities in the sequence of both the lower and the upper working levels of SPP XRL. Crossing of each working level with another level causes the irregularities. Level crossing is accompanied by a strong interaction at certain Z points. Figure 2a shows the scaled energies along Z of the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 lower working level and 3d3/24d5/2 J=1 level close to it. In addition to the energy levels calculated here, Figure 2a also shows the corresponding experimental values.16 Reference16 does not indicate classification of 3d4d J=1 levels, their classification was made earlier in.13 Note that theoretical and experimental classifications are identical. There are some differences between theoretical and experimental energies, typically few units in the 4th-5th digits. These differences are conditioned by the shift of the theoretical list of energy levels as a whole, but this shift does not affect the accuracy of las. The energy levels in Figure 2a are scaled by dividing by (Z-23)2, so that the behavior of the third and forth significant digits can be observed. At the beginning of the sequence, the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 level is above the 3d3/24d5/2 J=1 level. The crossing of these levels is in the range 41 < Z < 42 (shown by arrows). The crossing of the corresponding experimental energy levels occurs at exactly the same Z value. At Z = 42, one can observe the “repulsion” of levels caused by their interaction; the “repulsion” is a feature of theoretical and experimental data. Note, that repulsion can be seen due to energy scaling; in fact, the repulsion value is about few thousand of cm-1, i.e. few units in the forth digit for the 3d3/24d5/2 J=1 level.

Figure 2a The crossing of low working 3d3/24d3/2 [J=1] energy level with 3d3/24d5/2 [J=1] energy level in Ni-like sequence, shown for the theoretical and experimental scaled energies along Z.

In Figure 2b, we can see hard to explain behavior of the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 upper working level in the region of Z = 42. The features of this level will be considered below in more detail; however, it is important to note here that the energy structure of odd states in the range Z = 40-49 exhibits extremely high instability

Figure 2b Features of theoretical upper working level 3d3/24f5/2 [J=1], shown by scaled energy along Z in comparison with correspondent experimental data.

Caused by the interaction of levels with each other, which rapidly changes with Z. (Note, that the calculation in simpler approximations without accounting for 3p1/2, 3p3/2 orbital’s, in principle, confirms the results shown in Figures 2a & 2b. In this case at hand, we understand the instability as the ambiguity of the calculation of eigenvectors and eigenenergies. As a result, the calculation in the same approximation leads to different energies of a certain level. The deviation from the smooth curve in Figure 2а is ~10000 cm-1; however, such a value leads to a sufficiently large deviation from the corresponding experimental values of λlas at Z = 42, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Difference between experimental, predicted from [6] and calculated here, las of SPP XRL transition in Ni-like ions.

At the point Z = 42, las calculated here is ~222 Å that is smaller than the experimental and theoretical values of4 by 4 Å. In the recent experiment,9 the delay time between preliminary and main pump pulses was optimized to achieve the maximum yield of the X-ray laser. In fact, the electron density was optimized in.9 X-ray lasing occurs in the Ni-like ion ionization mode, so that the lasing times on both transitions were restricted to the ionization time of Ni-like ion to the Co-like state. Time resolved measurements in9 allowed high-accuracy wavelength measurements of the SPP and standard X-ray laser lines. Thus, the calculations of the previous work6 were confirmed: λlas 22.61 nm in Ni-like molybdenum (Mo14+, Z=42). Our calculations are performed for an isolated atom. Based on the studies performed, it can be argued that the interaction of levels at the point Z = 42 is so strong that the energy levels 3d3/24d3/2 J=1, 3d3/24d5/2 J=1 in dense hot plasma can differ significantly from the corresponding energy levels in an isolated atom.

The problem is related to the composition of the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 working level, which indicates the strength of level interaction. It is shown in Figure 4 for all 3d4d J=1 levels in Ni-like ions with Z = 36 – 79. Figure 4 shows that contributions of the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 and 3d3/24d5/2 J=1 levels are almost equal at Z = 42, which could lead to levels’ misidentification. Theoretical energies of these levels at Z = 42 are 2393554 cm-1 and 2400846 cm-1 (51% and 41%, respectively, are the contributions to the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 low working level). The contributions of these levels in13 are 45% and 34%, and the energies are 2385902 cm-1 and 2393229 cm-1 respectively. (We note that the theoretical list of energies of Ni- like ions in the range of small Z is shifted as a whole by 5000-8000 cm-1). Figure 4 demonstrates the rapid restructuring of lower working level compositions: so that the 3d5/24d3/2 J=1 level contribution increases by five orders of magnitude in the range Z = 40-42.

Figure 4 Composition of low working level 3d3/24d3/2 [J=1] along Ni-like sequence on a logarithmic scale.

Figure 5 shows the scaled energies along Z of the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 upper working level and the close 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 level. Crossing of these levels occurs in the range 48 < Z < 49. At Z = 49 one can see the “repulsion” of levels caused by their interaction; the “repulsion” is a feature of theoretical data. In Figure 5, the corresponding experimental energies for the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 level are shown.16 Unfortunately, we have no available data on the experimental 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 levels in the Z region under consideration. The Value Z = 49 is the point of an abrupt jump (irregularity) in spectroscopic constants of the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 upper working level and the 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 level crossing it, caused by the strong interaction of these levels at this value of Z. This interaction is shown in Figure 6, where we can see the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 level composition. The interaction of levels at the point Z = 49 leads to the so-called effect of oscillator strength transfer we considered in1 for the Ne-like sequence. At this point, the rate of radiative processes abruptly changes: the probabilities of the transition from the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 level to the ground state and to the state of the lower working level slightly decreases. At the same time, these probabilities for the 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 level increase by an order of magnitude and become almost equal in magnitude to the corresponding values of the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 level. These effects are clearly expressed in Figures 7a & 7b showing the RTP to the ground state from 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 and 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 levels. Thus, it can be assumed that there was incorrect identification at the point Z = 49 when extrapolating the upper working level in,6 and the 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 level which is close to the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 level in energy was used as the upper working level (Figure 5). If this assumption is correct, las ~144.7 Å for Z = 49, which is identical to.6 When using our value for 3d3/24f5/2 J=1, las ~ 140.0 Å (here the energy jump shown in Figure 5 is taken into account). Another argument in favor of the incorrect identification in,6 are large jumps of the differential d las (Z) = las (Z )- las (Z-1) in the range Z = 47-50.

Figure 5 Crossing of upper working 3d3/24f5/2 [J=1] energy level with 3p3/24s1/2 [J=1] energy level in Ni-like sequence, shown by scaled energy values along Z. The corresponding experimental values for 3d3/24f5/2 [J=1]energies are also shown.

Figure 6 Composition of upper working level 3d3/24f5/2 [J=1] along Ni-like sequence on a logarithmic scale.

Figure 7a Radiative transition probability from the upper working level 3d3/24f5/2 [J=1] and the levels 3d5/24f 5/2 [J=1], 3d5/24f7/2 [J=1]to the ground level 1S0.

Figure 7b Radiative transition probability from the levels 3p3/24s1/2 [J=1] and 3p1/24s1/2 [J=1] to the ground level 1S0.

 Wavelengths of the self-photopumped nickel-like 4f1P1 4d 1P1 X-ray laser transitions

A comparison of the wavelengths of the self-photopumped nickel-like 4f1P1 4d 1P1 X-ray laser transitions, we calculated by the RPTMP method with corresponding experimental values, shown in Figure 3, exhibits a deviation of 1% in the range Z = 37-46. For Z 48 Å, our results are identical to experimental data with an accuracy of several units in the fourth significant digit.

Two values of Z are exceptions: (i) the calculation instability point at Z = 42 and (ii) the point Z = 49 where the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 and 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 states are probably incorrectly identified in the calculation by the MCDF method in.6

We estimated the accuracy of the calculation of the energies of the upper and lower working states for high Z using experimental measurements of various studies. As an example, we compare the experimental energies for Z = 74 (W46+) obtained using the Super EBIT (electron beam ion trap),23,24 presented in Table 1. There are also listed the theoretical results calculated using the MCDF method called the Grasp92. Here we do not present earlier calculations of other authors. We also note the impossible comparison to the other calculations25,26 in view of the level identification entanglement in this paper.

Good agreement between experimental and theoretical results for the energy levels in Table 3 may be noted: the maximum deviation is two units in the fourth significant digit. For the problem under study, it is important to ascertain the high accuracy of the calculation of the upper and lower working levels. For the experimental energy of the 3d3/24f5/2 J=1 level, Table 3 gives two values: one obtained in the experiments23 and the other later,24 respectively. The difference with our calculation is 6 units in the fifth significant digit. We did not find the experimental energy of the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 lower working level for high Z in the literature. The energies of two other states of the 3d4d configuration with J = 1, 2, given in Table 1 also agree with high accuracy, which indirectly confirms the calculation reliability. Wavelengths of the 3d3/24f5/2 (1P1) – 3d3/24d3/2 (1P1) SPP laser transitions in Ni-like sequence calculated by RPTMP are listed in Table 4. The data on las (Table 4) are obtained a priori, no fittings were used. The error can be several units in the fourth significant digit. The precision wavelengths of laser transitions are necessary, in particular, to determine ions in which intense laser emission is possible at wavelength for which multilayer mirrors (MM) with high reflectance are developed.





Present Work



































































































17574.7 17580.3*

































Table 3 Energy levels (103 cm-1) of W XLVII. Comparison of present calculations with experimental data23, 24 and with calculations by GRASP9225































































Table 4 Wavelengths (las, Å) of the 3d3/24f5/2 (1P1) – 3d3/24d3/2 (1P1) SPP laser transitions in Ni-like sequence calculated by RPTMP


It is generally accepted that the energy levels of atomic system/ multicharged ion are identified unambiguously. It means that atomic energy values are practically independent on plasma sources. Present studies of the irregularities in energy sequences led to a theoretical observation of an extraordinary phenomenon; it could be called “instability of the multicharged ion state”. The calculations directly indicates the ion Mo14+ (Ni-like state of Mo) in which the 3d3/24d3/2 J=1 level energy defined in typical laboratory source might significantly differs from that defined in a source of very small ion density. The ultra high vacuum is maintained in EBITs (electron beam ion trap) apparatus. Thereby EBITs are used to investigate the fundamental properties of highly charged ions.

The crossing region of each working level with another level is characterized by their strong effect on each other, which can cause strong instability of the energy structure in the crossing region. In such regions, jumps in functions of energy levels and probabilities of radiative transition on Z are possible (Figures 7a & 7b). From this, the conclusion about the possible incorrect identification of levels in their crossing regions follows.

The SPP XRL can be very sensitive to external fields. It is implied that even an insignificant change in the plasma density can affect the emission spectrum. An indirect confirmation of this can be the remarkable phenomenon (Figure 4) where a rapid increase in the contribution of the 3d5/24d3/2 J=1 level to the composition of the lower working level is demonstrated. In the interval Z = 40-42, the contribution of this level increases by five orders of magnitude. A similar pattern is observed in Figure 6 where the contribution of 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 also rapidly increases to Z = 49, where this level strongly interacts with the upper working level. In this case, the oscillator strength is transferred from the upper working level to the 3p3/24s1/2 J=1 level.



Conflicts of interest



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