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eISSN: 2379-6383

Public Health

Short Communication Volume 8 Issue 2

The interaction of normal body temperature with eye blinking

Muhammad Imran Qadir, Muhammad Tanveer

Baha Uddin Zakariya University, Pakistan

Correspondence: Muhammad Tanveer, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Baha Uddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

Received: February 13, 2019 | Published: March 5, 2019

Citation: Qadir MI, Tanveer M. The interaction of normal body temperature with eye blinking. MOJ Public Health. 2019;8(2):54-55. DOI: 10.15406/mojph.2019.08.00285

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The intention of ongoing study was to link normal body temperature with eye blinking. We conducted the answers of 123 subjects. Temperature can be measured by several places but we often use mouth and armpit for measuring temperature. Procedure for temperature measuring from mouth, first of all we placed the thermometer under the tongue of every subject. We left the device for 2-3 minutes. Device also gives us the alarm and we remove the device and check temperature. A questionnaire was constructed to check the connection between body temperature and eye blinking. We asked question to the subjects and got their answers for checking relation. It was clinched that there was no significant relation between normal body temperatures an eye blinking.

Keywords: body temperature, intention, eye blinking


Euthermia is the second name of normal human body temperature. It is the distinctive temperature range in human’s body. It’s about 37oC and 98.6oF in humans. There are some factors on which body temperature depends. The factors are age, infection, sex, action, day condition, parts of body from which temperature is measuring, state of person sleeping or awakening and emotive state. Thermoregulation is a process that control body temperature. For clinical examination of patient, measuring temperature is the first step. Thermometer is a device that measures the body temperature. Different thermometers are available to measure temperature at different body parts. Temperature can be measured from rectum, mouth, nose, ear, armpit, vagina and bladder. Homeostasis is a mechanism that maintains body temperature. If homeostasis did not work the temperature can change the chemical reactions occurring in the body. The body temperature changes several times within a day. Body temperature also changes dimly in person to person. Unconsciously closing and opening of eyelids is called eye blinking, which is natural process. This process is a gift from God. Because of this process we can remove unwanted particles that entered into our eyes. Through eye blinking liquid is produced by some glands. This liquid keeps the eyes lubricated. Eye blinking speed can be increased or decreased by some agents like medicines, disease and weakness. If someone blinks more or less that is not good for his or her health. Normal blinking is satisfactory for a virtuous health. Blinking of 15-20times/minute is normal blinking. Spontaneous, reflex and voluntary blinking are some types of blinking. When we read something with great attentiveness it causes less blinking that is not good. Reptiles and birds blink through a membrane that covers their eyes. Visual information can be lost by stopping eye blinking. The intention of ongoing study was to link normal body temperature with eye blinking.

Material and methods

Project designing

We conducted the answers of 123 subjects. 26 males and 97 were females the subjects were the students of Baha Uddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

Body temperature measuring procedure

Temperature can be measured by several places but we often use mouth and armpit for measuring temperature. Procedure for temperature measuring from mouth, first of all we placed the thermometer under the tongue of every subject. We left the device for 2-3 minutes. Device also gives us the alarm and we remove the device and check temperature. We measured temperature in day time. The subjects were asked to sit on chair with ease. There was no stress on them. Our main focus was on body temperature. A questionnaire was constructed to check the connection between body temperature and eye blinking. We asked question to the subjects and got their answers for checking relation.

Statistical analysis

We got statistical analysis by using MS excel. Also used t. test to get p value. P<0.1 was painstaking as significant.

Results and discussions

From Table 1 we got some results. Male those blink more had average of 97.67 while male blink less had average of 97.47. These averages were close to each other. And p value for male was 0.86. female those blink more had average of 95.94 while female blink less had average of 96.9 and p value for them was 0.18. In combined form average for less blink was 96.47 while those blinks more was 97.01 and p value of 0.36. There was little bit fluctuation in average’s results. All the p values were greater than the standard p value. We use p value as p<0.1 because the results for p value less than 0.05 were non-significant. We use p<0.1 so we can get significant results but this value also gives non-significant results. After measuring the temperature of subjects, we asked questions about their eye blinking. Either they blink more or less. When we got their answers about eye blinking, we check their relation with normal body temperature by calculating averages, standard deviation and p value and got results. There was a little bit change in temperature of every subject.

Gender or sexual character

Too much blink (>15 times/minute

Less blink (<10 times/minute

P value

Male ♂




Female ♀




Male &female(combined)


97.01 ±1.77


Table 1 Connection of normal body temperature (Means± SD) and eye blinking
P<0.1 was standard


With increasing or decreasing in temperature, there was no authentic relation of temperature with eye blinking. It was clinched that there was no significant relation between normal body temperature and eye blinking.



Conflicts of interest

Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


Creative Commons Attribution License

©2019 Qadir, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
