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eISSN: 2374-6939

Orthopedics & Rheumatology

Clinical Images Volume 9 Issue 3

Synovial Deformant and Erosive Artropathy in the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-on Purpose of a Case

Annia Daisy Hernández Martín,1 Ibars Puerto Noda2

1Associate Professor, Heroes de Playa Gir
2Heroes de Playa Giron Specialized Outpatient Center, Dr. Gustavo Alderegu

Correspondence: Annia Daisy Hernandez Martin, Heroes de Playa Giron Specialized Outpatient Center, Dr. Gustavo Aldereguia Lima General University Hospital, Cienfuegos, Cuba

Received: July 28, 2017 | Published: November 15, 2017

Citation: Martín ADH, Noda IP (2017) Synovial Deformant and Erosive Artropathy in the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-on Purpose of a Case. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol 9(3): 00358. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2017.09.00358

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  1. Female patient NDM 42 years old, White race. 
  2. Pregnancies 2, Childbirths 0, Abortions 2-spontaneous. 
  3. Occupation-profession: Cashier accountant. 

To the 30 years as she refers, it began with square of rigidity and inflammation of the legs that it improved to the the morning to happen, on the schedule of the noon, as well as breathlessness sensation that went in increment for what she was transferred to the guard of the Hospital Provincial of Cienfuegos where after being carried out Rx of Thorax that shows spill pleural and pericarditis it is entered in Unit of Intensive Cares with the initial diagnosis of a Systemic Lupus Erithematosus, from the beginning treatment was established with high dose of Prednisone, Azatioprina 1 tablate/8 hs and it aspirine (125)mg 1 daily tab. Evolutionary improvement and when being given of discharge it took pursuit in consultation Rheumatology of their county during 6 months and then in the Hospital Siblings Ameijeiras in Havana City during 1 year. 

It has taken control in external consultation of Rheumatology of their county in a regular way for 10 years, presenting several complications like urinary sepsis to repetition, as well as several times of inferior members vasculitis, maintains pains articular and inflammatory signs mainly in ankles and arch to plant with increase crisis and remissions. 

She goes to consultation in December of 2016 referring that for six months it presents pain, increase of volume and temperature, swelling and limitation of the movements in the third finger of both hands, and then in the second fingers also in a symmetrical way as well as in both carpos.  It is valued in consultation, it is examined being corroborated an inflammatory process of proximals and distals interfalángics articulations in second and third fingers of both hands and limitation of both carpos.  

She denies fever, don't injure in skin, and she has never referred photosensibility.  They are indicated complementary;  As results a C Protein  is received it reactivates positive and to the Rx it is appreciated subluxation and cubital deviation of the 2nd and 3rd fingers of both hands with rupture sinovial and erosion signs in this fingers of the right hand with loss of the structure to articúlate (Figures 1 & 2).1-9

Figure 1&2  Subluxation and cubital deviation of the 2nd and 3rd fingers of both hands with rupture sinovial and erosion signs in this fingers of the right hand with loss of the structure to articúlate.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.


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