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eISSN: 2373-6445

Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry

Review Article Volume 12 Issue 2

Why do you need to know the Bible?

OD Rudkovska

Ophthalmologist, Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine

Correspondence: Rudkovska Oksana Dmytrivna, Doctor ophthalmologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Eye Diseases Department named after Prof. B.L.Radzikhovsky of Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine

Received: February 16, 2021 | Published: April 22, 2021

Citation: Rudkovska OD. Why do you need to know the Bible? J Psychol Clin Psychiatry. 2021;12(2):32-35. DOI: 10.15406/jpcpy.2021.12.00699

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Based on the study of the Bible, the hypothesis is proposed that the size of the pupil encodes the mental and physical well-being of a person. The eyes are an important part of the optic-vegetative system of the body. Therefore, the eyes provide not only vision but also the harmonious development of the whole organism. The best state of the human soul and body is achieved by keeping God’s Commandments (the optimal balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is a wide pupil). If a person violates the law or does not cope with psychological problems - diseases begin (excessive activation of the parasympathetic nervous system - the pupil is narrower than the age norm). It is proposed to investigate experimentally (taking into account the principle of “direct – indirect relation” in the optic-vegetative system of the body), whether the mental and physical condition of patients with various pathologies will improve with conservative or surgical (laser mydriasis) pupil dilation. The importance of studying the Bible and keeping God’s commandments for the mental and physical health of people and their descendants is emphasized.

Keywords: bible, pupil, optic-vegetative system, laser mydriasis


The Bible is a book inspired by God. Why did God say that the most precious thing a man has is a pupil of the eye? Studying the Bible, we came to the conclusion that the size of the pupil encodes the mental and physical well-being of people.

The pupil can be dilated and narrowed (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are responsible for it). There is a cortical control of peripheral pupillomotor areas by means of corticonuclear ways.1

When the pupil is dilated - the mood is elevated, the person is physically and intellectually active. When the pupil is narrowed - mood, physical and intellectual activity are reduced. A healthy person has a harmonious balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Narrowing and dilation of the pupil during the day (the size in each case is optimal for a given individual) provide cyclical physiological processes in the body (i.e. the necessary tone of the autonomic nervous system).

Everything in the human body is interconnected. Eye is an important part of the optic-vegetative system of the body: the eye-hypothalamus - the pituitary gland. Due to the stimulating effect of light in the body, the endocrine glands produce hormones: the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, sex and others. Thus, eyes provide not only vision but also the harmonious development of all organs and systems of the body.

If the body - through the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, reticular formation - influences the size of the pupil, then, according to the principle of “direct – indirect relation”, the size of the pupil also affects the whole body.

For example, excessive narrowing of the pupil (pilocarpine dripping) can cause bronchospasm, depression, exacerbation of Alzheimer’s disease in susceptible people.2 Excessive dilation of the pupil (atropine dripping) can cause tachycardia, hallucinations.

The best state of the human soul and body is achieved by keeping God’s Commandments (wide pupil). If a person violates the law - the pupil narrows more than normal - diseases begin (both mental and physical).

“My son, hearken unto my words, … for they are life unto those that find them, and health unto all their flesh” [Proverbs 4:20-22].

God sends the Holy Spirit as his comforter and helper to His elect — those who keep His Commandments. The fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, temperance, gentleness [Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians 5:22, 23].

These fruits provide a person with a wide pupil (positive mood, good thinking and great vitality). No wonder the Bible says that wisdom and talent from God [The first epistle of St. Apostle. John 5:20; Epistle of St. Apostle Paul to Colossians 2: 2, 3]. If God gives the desire to do something useful, then he gives strength for its realization.

When a person draws strength from God, he becomes invincible. “The Lord is my helper, and I shall not fear what anyone does to me?” [Hebrews 13:6]. The Apostle James said that faith without works is dead [The Epistle of St. ap. James 2:20]. Therefore, prayer, fasting, and good works sustain a person’s mental and physical health (wide pupil) [Proverbs 11:17].

It has long been observed that believers are healthier and live longer than atheists [Proverbs 10:27]. If a person transgresses God’s Commandments, he is tormented by anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, dissatisfaction with himself. The Bible says that the righteous are calm, but the wicked have no peace [Proverbs 28:1]. Prolonged negative emotions cause illness.3,4

How is it related to the pupil? There is a concept of stress and distress. Short-term stress (dilation of the pupil) is good for the body (activated, thanks to the sympathetic nervous system, protective reserves). But chronic stress (distress) - causes excessive narrowing of the pupil - overstrains the parasympathetic nervous system - and triggers pathological processes in the body.

Well-known “antidepressants” - alcohol, cigarettes - temporarily calm a person, improve well-being. In the short term, they dilate the pupil, in the long term - excessively narrow, so cause an addiction (as well as other psychoactive substances).

Therefore, bad habits reason a high risk of mental and physical illness.

The Bible says that if a person sins, he must be helped to take the true path, but if he does not want to repent, then to leave - a person will destroy himself [Job 33: 14-22; Isaiah 48:18-22].

When God wants to punish man, he takes away his mind [Romans 1:28]. Let us consider this postulate on the example of mental illness.

There is a bipolar affective disorder – manic depressive psychosis (MDP).5–7 The depressive phase begins with boredom, despair which is a great sin according to the Bible [Proverbs 17:22]. In this case, the pupil narrows excessively, the person falls into depression, alcoholism, drug addiction (and other addictions), laziness, greed, debauchery develop. Memory and mental abilities suffer. A person becomes envious, indifferent, cruel, timid, quarrelsome, stingy, lying, money-loving. This is how the Bible describes atheists [Revelation of St. John the Theologian 21: 8; Isaiah 26:10; Epistle of St. ap. Paul to Titus 3: 2, 3]. Everything can end in suicide (self-destruction). Indeed, heaven and hell are within us [Luke 17:20, 21].

At MDP in a deep depressive phase (very narrow pupil, excessively active parasympathetic system) the mechanism of self-compensation of an organism in the form of activation of sympathetic system (Protopopov’s triad: pupil delation, constipations, tachycardia) works. Gradually, depression disappears and turns into a mania with hallucinations, aggression, mental disorders (prolonged overexertion of the sympathetic system, excessive dilation of the pupil - also trigger pathological processes in the body). Everything can end in suicide (self-destruction). Therefore, MDP is called “double madness”.5 In the Bible, pride (which can be interpreted as a mania for greatness) is also considered a great sin [Proverbs 16:5, 18; 29:23; Epistle of St. Apostle James 4:6].

There are many transitional, erased forms of MDP.

Modern authors are inclined to believe that all mental illnesses are only variants of MDP, and they have a common pathogenesis.5,8,9 Given the above, this may indeed be the case. In our opinion, everything is encoded in the width of the pupil. Depending on its parameters (i.e. the balance of the autonomic nervous system), the characteristics of the individual, hereditary predispositions, exogenous factors (trauma, loneliness, etc.) - a variety of mental illnesses (autism, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, anorexia, bulimia, postpartum depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.) develops.

As for somatic diseases, 80% of them are psychosomatics (i.e. they arise from psychological problems).3,4 It is known that hypertension, diabetes, oncology, and rheumatoid arthritis are considered multifactorial diseases,10 i.e. no one knows the true cause. And, in our opinion, excessively narrowed pupil (vegetative imbalance) triggers the pathological process: where is a person’s “weak link” in the body, there a disease appears.

It is clear why psychotherapy is successfully used in the complex treatment of most somatic diseases9,11 by producing positive emotions, pupil dilation and improvement of the patient's condition are achieved.

For example, the children with type 1 diabetes were set goals in life - long-term and short-term.12 Those who firmly believed in a “bright future” - their blood sugar was compensated better than those who did not have a big dream (in the first case, the pupil is wider than in the second).

No wonder they say: “Set high goals and achieve them”. It really provides a happy and long life (wide pupil - a positive mood, high intelligence, good performance). We must also pay attention to the evolution of pupil size during human life. In childhood and old age, the pupil is narrower than in young and mature years1 - therefore children and the elderly get ill more often. In our opinion, the autumn-spring exacerbations of many diseases are also associated with narrowing of the pupil at these periods of the year (i.e. the predominance of parasympathetic nervous system tone in the body).

As an ophthalmologist, I can say that most eye diseases occur when the pupil is narrower than the age norm.13,14 (“My eye is faint with sorrow, it is old because of all my enemies ...” [Psalm 6:8]).What disease a patient develops on the background of an excessively narrowed pupil - eye, physical, mental, or a combination of these - is probably the prerogative of God.

Sometimes the work of the visual analyzer is partially blocked (50% of the brain energy is expended to function) in order to improve the general condition of the human brain, thanks to the saved resources it provides more stable functioning of other organs and systems.15 It becomes clear why in old age a person’s hearing and sense of smell often deteriorate - blocking these analyzers facilitates the work of the aging brain. Why in today’s world all diseases are much “younger”? In our opinion, hypodynamics, chronic stress, and, most importantly, uncontrolled use of gadgets excessively narrow the pupil, triggering pathological processes in the body.

Computer addiction: in the short term, the pupil dilates (the brain enjoys new information), in the long run, due to excessive visual load, the pupil narrows too much, triggering diseases of the eyes and the body as a whole. The IT industry has high rates - they pay for their profession with their health.

The dangers (in terms of physical and mental illness) of excessive intellectual and visual strain are stated in Ecclesiastes 12: 2: “And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh!”

One of the serious medical and social problems of today - Alzheimer's disease (AD) - senile dementia. World spending on it exceeds the cost of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and oncology combined.16,17 There is no single theory of AD. There is no radical therapy. All proposed methods of treatment (substitution therapy, vaccines, genetic engineering, exercise, training of cognitive functions, music therapy, etc.) did not solve the problem.3,4,17–20

What are the risk factors for AD? In our opinion they are the following: old age; high visual load (these are usually people with higher education, read a lot); comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, oncology, eye diseases, etc.), loneliness - that is, they are more likely to be depressed (“It is not good for a man to be alone” - Genesis 2:8); mental illnesses in the family. All these factors together give too narrow pupil, which can be a trigger of AD. The fact of exacerbation of AD after pilocarpine dripping2 speaks in favor of this hypothesis.

Is it possible to improve the situation (given the “direct – indirect relation” in the optic-vegetative system) if you drip mydriatics, wear sunglasses or laser mydriasis to patients in the early stages of AD?

It is unknown. Experimental studies are required (as with all other diseases). The effect on the size of the pupil should be dosed (pupillary reflex is a very subtle mechanism). We have a patented experience in the treatment of ocular pathology (anterior ischemic neuroopticopathy, central retinal vein thrombosis) against the background of dilation of the pupils with atropine. Patients achieved higher visual acuity compared to the control group (where midratics were not used in the complex of traditional therapy) in a shorter time.

It is important to note that the Bible says that only in eternal life there will be no sorrow or sickness [Revelation 21:1-5]. So, perhaps, we can only alleviate the manifestations of various pathologies by affecting the size of the pupil.

Although there are cases of self-compensation of the body: for example, Eddie syndrome (dilation of the pupil - usually unilateral; lack of reflexes of the patella and Achilles tendon),1,21,22 The etiology is unknown, this condition is benign, and it is observed in women in the second - fourth decade of life.21 In our opinion, the cause of Eddie syndrome is psycho-emotional and physical overload (when the pupil becomes very narrow). We observed this syndrome in patients after a difficult, very painful delivery. It is possible that compensatory activation of the sympathetic system (dilation of the pupil - a positive mood, well-being) saved these patients from postpartum depression (they did not have it) or other diseases.

The Bible says that God will atone for the sins of men in the bosom of their descendants [Exodus 34:6, 7; Deuteronomy 5:9, 10; 7:9, 10]. The exact mechanism of this promise is unknown. But experts know that depressed mothers give birth to depressed children: sad, lethargic, poorly developed.23 We believe that they, as well as their mothers have a narrower pupil than their age norm (lack of harmony of all systems in the body). In today's world, the incidence of depressive disorders is constantly increasing - people have forgotten God. Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of newborns with developmental disabilities - physical and mental is growing.

People must be born, raised and live in love. For it is written, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God!” He who does not love does not know God, for God is love!” [The first epistle of St. Apostle John 4:7, 8].

In order to be in harmony with himself and God, it is important for a person that not only his deeds but also his thoughts be pure: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things”. [Message of St. Apostle Paul to the Philippians 4:8]. From an early age people should be taught a healthy lifestyle so that bad habits do not develop: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwells in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy”. [First Epistle of St. Apostle Paul to the Corinthians 3:16].

It is very important to do good deeds: “... that those who believe in God should take care of good works. This is good and useful for people!” [Message of St. Apostle Paul to Titus 3:8].

It is also necessary to use the usual means of psychological regulation: sports, physical labor (reasonable loads), communication with nice people, pets, nutrition, hobbies, art, and travel. All this gives positive emotions (dilates the pupil) and also strengthens physical and mental health.

No wonder God repeatedly exhorts people in the Bible, “Rejoice!”

So in any stressful situation you should not despair: faith in God, positive thinking, good deeds, a healthy lifestyle will help.

The ancient Latins believed that “A sound mind in a sound body”. In our opinion, since a person’s health depends on his thoughts, words and actions, the spirit determines a person’s physical condition. Philosophical category: “Spirit is primary, matter is secondary”. The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word, and God was the Word” [John 1:1].24–26

Therefore, both the universe and man are created by the Word of God.

We are God’s children, and we must live by His laws in order to have the resources — mental and physical — to properly pass life’s trials and become worthy of eternal life.

And for this you need to know the Word of God - to study the Bible.


  1. Based on the study of the Bible, the hypothesis is proposed that the size of the pupil encodes the mental and physical well-being of people.
  2. The eyes are an important part of the optic-vegetative system of the body. Therefore, the eyes provide not only vision but also the harmonious development of the whole organism.
  3. The best state of the human soul and body is achieved by keeping God’s Commandments (the optimal balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is a wide pupil).
  4. If a person violates the law or does not cope with psychological problems - diseases begin (excessive activation of the parasympathetic nervous system - the pupil is narrower than the age norm).
  5. It is proposed to investigate experimentally (taking into account the principle of “direct – indirect relation” in the optic-vegetative system of the body), whether the mental and physical condition of patients with various pathologies will improve with conservative or surgical (laser mydriasis) pupil dilation against the background of standard therapy.
  6. The importance of studying the Bible and keeping God’s Commandments for the mental and physical health of people and their descendants is noted.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.




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