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eISSN: 2373-6445

Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry

Perspective Authors String Book Reviews - XI


Samuel A Nigro M D

Retired, Assistant Clinical Professor Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA

Correspondence: Dr. Samuel A Nigro M.D., Retired, Assistant Clinical Professor Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 2517 Guilford Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118, USA, Tel 216 932-0575

Received: April 26, 2016 | Published: February 6, 2017


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"Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne!"

                "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government--lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."

"The war is inevitable--let it come. I repeat it, sir, let it come!...Give me Liberty of give me death."

---Patrick Henry (all 3 quotes)


The three learned professions (medicine, law and divinity) have been reduced to law only. Pretending justice with truth defined as judicial dogmatisms, legalistic absolutes determine all, as totalitarianism reigns supreme from soft drinks to using the word, “God.” At its best, government law is a capitalist business run by tyrants extorting citizens and preventing anarchy. As such, government law makes money for those in it by controlling the people under the guise of "common good." It makes money for politicians above all and for special favored groups and organizations, for all colleagues in the law system, for all in the metastatic megabureaucracy, and for their dictating friends in the press and media. The law's only "constituency" is its megabureaucracy i.e., those receiving money from them as employee or dependent who will vote for themBecause of complexity and cost, “equality before the law” is pure grandiose law school hyperbole, as are almost all "respect the law" flimflams. Prosecutors and investigators only care about conviction-rate and routinely rule "guilty" before proof to the judge or jury . Machiavellian destruction greets those who disagree. Sacco & Vanzetti are routine modes of fake justice. Functionally, government is more and more the living of the Stanley Milgrim Suggestibility and Stanford Penitentiary Experiments by all government workers at some level from Medicare desk clerk and police patrolmen to the President of the United States. All government workers (except military and postal service) become potential, if not actual, fascist enemies of the people hiding behind a façade of the pretending “common good” power. Seeking a veiled totalitarianism, government law manages occasionally to be accidentally virtuous, but overall, it seeks neither truth nor justice but inflated self-righteousness by "fun-house-mirror" legalisms scrabbled into verdicts. Still, the law's main outcome the prevention of anarchy and a pretense of "common good", all because very few citizens follow the Ten Commandments. Minimally needed is “Legicare”—a Medicare "third party" provider of "law insurance" for everyone by which all involved with the law has equal access, equal defense, equal funding, equal protection, open records by all parties, and equal cost by a system of procedure/service codes; and “I will speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” oaths for all politicians, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats who will have no benefits or laws not equally applicable to the common citizen. Pleas bargains will be prohibited. All original charges (as if "all jurors say 'guilty' ") must be proven to comply with "innocent until proven guilty. Suggestibility Prevention Programs are necessary for public and political health, and the press must give equal treatment to all sides and take oaths to report accurately, on point, and without consequences from those in power. Until corrections are made, the law is an opiate for those in power. It deserves neither respect nor admiration but fear and contempt pretending safety, respect and admiration for one's own safety. The courtroom itself is cleverly designed arrogant stagecraft of bench and bar to intimidate the people into believing the court is the true power for all decision-making--which is THE most important message to be imparted by law schools. The best way to understand government law and those in it is the metaphor of "scribes and Pharisees" in the New Testament. It will be this way until listed corrective measures are taken.

I am not here as a serf or vassal. I am not begging my lords for mercy. I’m a born free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen. And I’m telling my government that you’ve forgotten your place. It’s not your responsibility to look out for my well being and to monitor my speech. It’s not your right to assert an agenda. Your post, the post that you occupy, exists to preserve American liberty. You’ve sworn to perform that duty. And you have faltered. –Becky Gerritson, June 4, 2013, to the House Ways and Means Committee about IRS harassment of the Wetumpka, Alabama, Tea Party.

Once there was “emperor worship.” Gratefully, it was functionally replaced, because of classical thinking in civilized societies, by “the learned professions: medicine, law, and divinity” which, in mutually respectful combination, determined the fundamental optimization of a society and its culture. Medicine provided the material bases for health and life. Law provided for the common good by justice and liberty. Divinity (the Church) provided metaphors of spirituality and living metaphors for the individual pursuit of transcendence (nee’happiness). In general, each profession was self-governed, independent and respectful of the others. Each did not intrude into another; and any such intrusion would have been ignored as unreasonable. That is to say, in past times, a law which was seen by medicine as against patient care would have been ignored without consequences, just as ignored by all in government would be pretrial required laboratory data including drug screens, physical examinations, proctoscopies, psychiatric interviews in English, and other tests to allegedly ensure at each deliberation the health of all judges, attorneys, jurors, witnesses and bureaucrats.1

Today, all is different. The law is state medicine and the state religion (divinity). Unfortunately, the law has co-opted medicine by laws dictating medical care.2 The law has co-opted divinity by grotesque distorting of the First Amendment as, for examples, prohibiting “free exercise” of religion by forcing payments for abortions and contraception against individual consciences and prohibiting of religious expressions comparable to those of the Founding Fathers.3 Genuine wisdom, civility and creativity from the “learned professions” no longer exist. The “learned professsions” are effectively dead. The law has taken over as the only “profession” left—not “learned” any longer but “totalitarian” in extremis.4 “Law worship” is not an overstatement. Nothing else seems to matter, and this is totalitarianism. Completely overlooked, the law is a bunch of words (legalisms) put together by politicians to control the people. The most important thing about the law is to convince the people that the law is some sort of grandiose wisdom deserving respect (when in reality, it is a political show-biz business scheming than anything else). Compared to medicine and divinity, the law does little more than earn money for its members by manipulating the people on behalf of politicians mumbling "common good."

 “Law worship” allows government to second guess, over-regulate, over-criminalize, and micromanage, so as to deprive men of freedom and prove the truth of Thomas Jefferson’s dictum, “Liberty is when the government fears the people and tyranny is when the people fear the government.” Almost everyone, unless employed or owned by the government, fears the government today--and the government bureaucracy et. al. certainly do not fear the people. Law worship also proves John Stuart Mills’ statement, “Whatever crushes individuality is despotism” and Edmund Burke’s dictum, “Bad laws are the worst tyranny.” The law has become a bureaucracy of state controlled subliminal violence against the people. Sacco & Vanzetti repeats are the norms, and prosecutors would have it no other way, since they are experts in moral arrogance and simplistic hyperbolic posturing. Prosecutors and investigators actually prejudge their cases as guilty and work primarily to get the judge to follow subjectively—There is no certain objectivity from prosecutors or investigators, their main goal usually being a selfish conviction rate.

A fundamental problem is that the words of the law do not signify reality outside the law. The lexicon of the law is an internal system of thousands of precise legalisms like thousands of pieces of a puzzle which are identical so each will fit into each regardless of direction and regardless of which side is viewed. The emerging picture is declared to be reality, truth and justice, but it is really nothing but a mental social hoax grandiosely demanding unwarranted respect while pretending to be the “common good.” In a way, the appeal processes are proof of the law’s unreality as one court after another is corrected by another court after another. This is just built-in busywork creating more crime, more fees, more lawyers, more law school enrollment, and law worship ceremonies galore. If truth and justice were the goals of all in the law, all these courts would be unnecessary.

Law worship also proves wrong those who say “none” when asked their religion, because their god is “law” whether admitted or not. Atheism itself is a belief system, but it is not identifiable as a “religion” which assents to a supernatural power (The law should not be so considered even if worshiped). The “nones” basically deny spirit; are dedicated to chemistry as controlling all; and can only rely on the law for materialistic direction and control, only related by chance to truth and justice.

Usually unrecognized is the fact that if the people are “no good” (that is having no medicine or divinity to maintain health, civility and freedom within their laws), nothing will work well except a totalitarian robot-creating over-criminalizing stagnant legal system, as is now gaining ascendancy in the United States. In contrast, when the people are good because they follow salutary freely- practiced medicine and divinity (with the Ten Commandments or equivalents), law will provide empathic justice and gentle liberty, unless misused not only to suppress freedom but also to create criminals so that the legal system has something to do (Alexis deTocqueville described the early Americans as needing no laws because all tended to treat all by genuinely lived Christianity (5)). A case can be made that "religiosity" (morality), as the Founders understood it, was expected from and for all the "freedoms" of the First Amendment. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, " The moral is to physical as three is to one." The Founders wanted the "common good" (morality) as they knew it (basically the Ten Commandments) from and for the First Amendment and not the prurient violent destructive crap from journalists, so-called artists, and antisocial perverts of Hollywood.

If medicine and divinity are lived by all the people as learned professions, the law is needed only, and rarely, for conflict resolution (Such an outcome is highly unlikely given an adulterating prurient violence promoting “free” press today—a press utterly alien to the minds of the Founders who conceived that a free press would keep citizens accurately informed--thereby enabling citizens to be good and capable of making good decisions).


In the final analysis, “emperor worship” (same as “law worship”) is back. It includes politicians and judges galore and most lesser government workers in the bureaucracy as impostures for “law.” This includes, unfortunately, the police who notoriously act out their emotions and make intense personal pre-judgements incapable of being changed. And prosecutors are more “nifongs”6 than not. Basically, all in government operate by corrupt power of the Sicilian Style of ersatz Mafioso avoiding the transcendent, i.e., what is true, one, good and beautiful.Why not identify all in government as "scribes and Pharisees"?

I have written that I would prefer a judge of the Spanish Inquisition almost always to any judge anywhere else.7 This was because the Inquisition’s judges wanted “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”, a phrase applicable to only a few testifying in current legal matters, because, amazingly, judges, the prosecution, the defense, and others make no transcendental commitment such as medicine and divinity demand. Such are the consequences of the demise of medicine and divinity: law in which justice is irrelevant, except in its robotic subhuman dictates, masquerading as pitiful reminders of medicine and divinity. “The Supreme Court has ruled that unsworn statements made to a Court or Congress are not covered by criminal statutes prohibiting false statements” (and what does that say about everything else they say?).8 The Spanish Inquisition had a capital punishment rate less than one-fifth that of the contemporary United States, and the numbers usually describing the Inquisition are anti-Catholic propaganda. In the Inquisition, if you told the truth, you usually walked, after confession.9

The most ludicrous example of lack of "equality before the law" is "ignorance of the law is not excuse". The lawyers and judges run to huge libraries to say they "know the law" while the common citizen has no way of having such "equality". To be truly "equal before the law", citizens must be given a one year notice of what the law is, which they may be accused of violating. This is related to mens rea--the guilty mind knows it was wrong --and "not guilty" if the act was not known to be criminal if the law was not known.

Another egregious example of lack of “equality before the law” is “prosecutorial flooding”. This means the magnification and exaggeration of charges by prosecutors will overwhelm defendants such that plea bargaining looks good to “cut one’s losses.” Plea bargaining enables the prosecution literally to coerce “damage control guilt” by allowing the defendant a quick fix rather than having to argue the case in fact. But it is a larger quick fix for the prosecutor and judge who will not have to work on all the magnified, distorted and exaggerated charges. Basically, plea bargaining benefits the prosecution, and judge, more than the defendant. It is really a "fee bargain/ plea perjury/ conviction rate increasing by no work by the prosecutor. Plea bargaining should be prohibited and each original count should be a juror equivalent in that all original counts must be proven or else "innocent" or "hung jury" is the outcome. No more "bargaining" for convictions (This is a professional outrage and an amazing insult to "justice"). Prosecutors must PROVE all original counts/charges thereby removing the prosecutors' unjust advantages (Each original count is a "juror" equivalent). Until then, “equality before the Law” and "Innocent until proven guilty" will remain pure myths. An unsatisfactory alternative is that each initial count or charge dropped by the plea bargain can be deemed as mitigating for all other continued charges.

Yet another joke of “equality” is that the judge, prosecutor and police can conspire and lie without consequences, acting out their shared intense personal beliefs and feelings. Such personal unethical behavior, I always thought, was what the law was suppose to prevent. And furthermore, appallingly, the financial advantage of the prosecution over the defense is the most common inequality—a built in “conviction bias” which should be the basis for acquittal for the average defendant.

Another cogent example of the myth of “equality before the law” is well illustrated by the firing of an Assistant Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Prosecutor, in 2013, for using “ruses and unethical behavior” and for “creating false evidence, lying to witnesses as well as another prosecutor”.10 Such malicious prosecution is routine in today’s legal system since it fails to require an oath for truth for all involved—from police to emperor (the "judge" or "your honor"--most often a contemptible use of both designations because "punisher" is more accurate and appropriate). Almost automatically, if the falsification did not work, prosecutors will suppress what is contrary to their efforts and even lie, which is unethical at the very least, if not actually “criminal.” Police, investigators, and prosecutors are always in a “win-at-all-costs contest” mentality, which is inherently fascist and totalitarian because they have already done the judging to be guilty. “Innocent until proven guilty” is a total myth; the reality is: “Innocent until investigated” (the "GGG" infra).

Further rationalized is false evidence creation, often maximized by manipulating, coaching and intimidating troubled, frightened, often uneducated, and fragile witnesses who are thus easily co-opted to say whatever the prosecution or investigators want. Morbidly unjust, any failure of the falsifications, any failure of witness orchestration and any failure of criminalizing, will never be officially acknowledged as mitigating. “Got ya” is the name of the game, and it is not justice. Sometimes, false evidence is actually created by the legalism itself--such as a law which defines "drug trafficking" as the same as not doing a physical exam or not getting a specialist consult. Indeed almost all laws thought to regulate medicine will create false evidence because medicine is not a rigid science and is filled with diversities and irregularities not possible to regulate.

For the defendant, it is often better to plead guilty to lesser charges than try to defeat a mountain of fascist lies from the prosecutor, who would prefer not to have to work so hard to prove all he scrounged up. Then there is prosecutor-judge conspiracy to convict by the acceptance of guilty plea bargains when specified acts were not actually perpetrated. One wonders if all plea bargains are acceptable perjuries based on the promised torture should the defendant dare to speak his mind in public, thereby making the judge and prosecutor retaliate all the more. Nowhere is the inequality before the law more evident than in the case of public relations, when the press wants to interview every one. The prosecution and judge can say whatever they want, true or false.

Meanwhile, the defendant is told that the plea bargain means there will be no new statements for or against the charges even in court, because the guilty agreement has been made. The defendant is to be apologetic and passive, because the judge does not want to know anything but confirmation of what the prosecutor has agreed in the plea bargain. There will likely be severe sentencing consequences beyond the plea bargain if the defendant speaks out. Passivity is for the defendant even if the prosecutor or investigators add more accusations, as is not uncommon. Plea bargains are more often than not “plea perjuries,” and that is just another example of law language not consistent with reality. Sacco & Vanzetti is witnessed again—the paradigm of America governed by law worship (the "GGG" infra).

The above described injustices arise because authority and power corrupt, as was well proven by Stanley Milgrim’s suggestibility experiments (SMS) 11 wherein ordinary people were induced into shocking others at injurious levels because of false moralist imperatives dictated by white-coat wearing direction-giving authorities. Even worse evil is created, as demonstrated by the Stanford Penitentiary Experiment (SPE) 12, wherein bright college students, seduced by subtle expectations and conditioning, became oppressive and malicious to fellow students. Like police, prosecutors, investigators, bureaucrats and politicians, they did what they “should” do, not what they “ought” to do. Caught up in the pollution of power by “just following orders” is the paradigm—with nostril flaring, eye glinting, bubble gum popping, “how great I am,” conscienceless sacrifice of other humans. SMS and SPE metastasize by law worshipers at every level of society into what becomes an ignoble and putrid reality of almost total institutional failure to respect any transcendental value or purpose. Democracy becomes deformed and replaced by a new “royalty” as is witnessed in a federal government that is composed of a massive Kafkaesque bureaucracy. No matter which grandiose tyrant says so, no longer is it a government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” nor will it be such as long as government employment based self-righteous arrogance (law worship) is more important than good citizens informed by a press and media promoting genuine good citizenship, so the country can survive as founded, based on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness consistent with the rules of the culture which created it. The most accurate metaphor for all in government when targeting a citizen: "GGG" (like the KKK) called "Gmt Gmt Gmt" applied especially to the almost monthly release of someone found to be innocent after years of incarceration.

Politics and law are not omniscient, moral, reasonable, in concert with nature, marvelous as self-perceived and self-promoted, virtue bound, infallible, and free of all vices, as admirers and works of fiction portray. “The world’s largest outhouse with a whorehouse wing” is a more accurate characterization of government law, the end result of authoritarian obedience to evil orders proclaimed to be "good."

The destruction of medicine as a profession

A major revolting scourge of totalitarian government resulting from the power-plays of the law is its destruction of medicine as a profession. The law’s involvement with medicine is a parody of justice and a marvelous (for attorneys especially) example of law (nee’emperor) worship. Consistent with the quotation opening this paper, physicians especially are not only vassals but unfree indentured servants of the government. Physicians are no longer men “learned for society beyond their practicing” as exhorted by my medical school chief of surgery in the late 1950s.

Of course, the outrageous abandonment of the Oath of Hippocrates by physicians allowed this to happen. When I graduated from medical school in 1961, the only “law” a physician needed to know was to follow the Oath. Medical records were private and opening them was “an unreasonable” search blatantly against the Fourth Amendment and the Oath. All physicians were deeply committed to the Oath and faithfully followed it, providing second-to-none efficient and effective patient care. There were no laws suborning the art and science of medicine until abortion was embraced as a procedure and, at the same time, medical records were unwittingly opened for abortion qualification.2 Opening records was a contradiction to instructions given to me as a child psychiatry fellow (and to all doctors) in the late 1960s. I was instructed then not to turn over any records during a court proceeding and further advised “bring your toothbrush in case they put you in jail for refusing to give the records up.” Another example at the same time, was the dean of the Western Reserve Medical School telling us residents of his plan to turn over a chart of blank pages if he were legally forced to turn over medical records during a major criminal case then in the news.

I lived through the opening of records and the increased bureaucracy of record keeping, learning and making adjustments until I had record templates approved prior to current computer enhancement. For several years, I submitted all records with my billings to Medicare until they told me that I should not do it anymore even though I objected feeling that some new reviewer out to make a name for himself would conjure up reasons why my notes did not fit his new-guy-has-new-better way of judging records. Still, up through retirement, my records routinely submitted were always accepted for billings with Medicare, Medicaid, Workers Compensation, and other third parties. But no doubt, there will be new reviewers, out to make names for themselves, who will demand more especially whenever computer records become mandatory. Resultant has been the Supervision of Doctors Industry, infra,--a metastatic disease due to the opening of medical records. (Parenthetically, if the medical system needs this for the benefit of citizens, then more so does the legal system if citizens are to get genuine justice as well as genuine medical care. For centuries, citizens recovered their tangible health without obsessive medical record keeping open to all. In contrast, for citizens supposedly getting justice, paper work was all there was, and if it was beneficial to open medical records, then it should be so for legal records also. With today’s technology, the equality and freedom of citizens must demand legal processes be as open and transparent as medical records are now. Truth and justice will undoubted be served. In reality, there will never be real justice until all law records are open!)

The fundamental problem is that once passed, laws do not easily change. Meanwhile, major science changes occur every five years (The “black hole” just took a big hit); medical procedures and care routines change every two years; diagnostic and treatment information change yearly; patients change monthly if not daily; and medical care is often more art than science (The improvement rate in control groups in medical studies often is 40%). A robotic difficult-to-change law is totally unrealistic and unreasonable for medical care. In terms of psychiatry especially, the neurochemistry is overwhelming—President Obama has allocated $100 million dollars to study the brain. This is laudable but any resulting laws are to be feared. The variables of the brain are too many for any law to be reasonable for medical care.

After over 50 years of mainly psychiatric pharmacologic practice, my conclusion is that people’s brain chemistries are at least as different as their faces, and also change as often. There are at least a hundred known neurotransmitters; there are another hundred elementary chemicals; there are likely at least another hundred unknown important neurochemicals; there are at least a thousand fluid interacting subsystems; and there are millions of neurons and trillions of synapses. So one pill in low doses is going to solve the problems for a biochemically troubled and disturbed person? Or some fixed magical psychosocial therapeutic interaction will cure all? The truth is that no law can be passed to impose universally salutary rules any more than anti-transcendental self-righteous arrogance works well in any other human activity.

To judge medical care by anything, including medical records, other than, after the fact, patient confirmed outcome is unreasonable. This is especially true for judgments by non-medically trained people when the medically educated themselves cannot predict anywhere near to perfection. The variables are too great in number and change constantly. Medicine will always be an art as well as a science. This stands in contrast to today in which medicine is seen as a Procrustean artless bureaucracy and obsessional pseudo-science of the International Classification of Disease-10. Medical standards of the Hippocratic Oath are still needed and should be committed to by Hippocratic physicians instead of mumbled about by businessmen law enslaved doctors. The law can only offer brief fortuitous directions that are soon found unreasonable and injurious, thusly, complicating medical care even moreso. The best outcome for that one hundred million dollar brain research project will be a reliable inexpensive fool-proof lie detector for all in government and law.

An egregious example is the Ohio law (OAC 4729-5--) that declares pharmacists’ responsibility equal to that of physicians in dispensing of medications.13 Pharmacists are generally high school graduates with either a two or four year pharmacy degree. They do a marvelous job managing thousands of dangerous medications. Still, they have little education or experience in evaluating, understanding, diagnosing, and treating any illness except what they learn over time while filling prescriptions from good doctors for chronic patients. While attempting to investigate the “medical care” components of pharmacist education, my requests to review pharmacy school standard curricula were simply ignored, a lack of response which I considered to be unethical (But then, I find that pharmacists do not have formal code of ethics). Given the burden of safely managing thousands of medications, that pharmacists should also demand actual “medical” responsibility is mind-boggling except as an example of ignorant, high-school “power-seeking” for its own sake. To have pharmacists practicing medicine is like having the food delivery people taking the place of the chefs at your favorite restaurant. Moreover, the book pharmacists routinely consult, that is the PDR, the Physicians Desk Reference, is an acute care book containing mainly the studies used by the Food & Drug Administration to justify the inclusion of the medication into the PDR—which is why the FDA director wrote to me that “the FDA considers off label use of medication to be the practice of medicine.” With few exceptions, pharmacists do not, cannot, ought not be required to keep up with all subsequent studies and findings about the use of medications especially for the treatment of chronic medical conditions. And yet, in Ohio, the law has decreed pharmacists and other non-medical people to have the responsibilities of physicians. Such is law worship and medical idiocy.

The Hippocratic Oath envisions physicians as brothers (and sisters) of a family. This should fit well the old Italian saying: “For family and friends, everything; for the rest, the law.” As Hippocrates requires, physicians should be absolutely supportive and/or therapeutic with one another as “family.” To criticize colleagues outside of the profession is “And you too, Brutus” fratricide, with some, especially addictionologists, pain specialists, and medical-legal experts regularly selling out their “family” medical colleagues by becoming unethical know-it-alls who live by Stanley Milgrim Suggestibility (SBS) and the Stanford Penitentiary Experiment (SPE), both supra. All efforts should be to help, by therapy even, all physicians to practice efficient and effective Hippocratic based medical care. Perceived wrongdoing must be vigorously corrected by “intervention” type treatment within the family of the medical profession. To turn the medical family over to the law is unethical, unnecessary, and likely counterproductive, except in extreme cases. Medical insurance companies should refuse to provide malpractice coverage for physicians who testify against medical colleagues.

Any and all laws affecting medicine can be traced to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ “most legally astute” and “unsurpassed legally brilliant” claim that “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” I originally thought this was in reference to all politicians in Washington, D.C.. But it has turned out to be the perfectly concise paradigm for non-medical (legal) destruction of Hippocratic medicine. Upon considered reflection, it must also include all generations of third party groups interfering with the doctor-patient relationship, for examples:

Selfish (health care dollars stolen by non-medical people like CEOs).

Pompous (the ritualistic robed genuflections and chants at court altars).

Mean (actually “vicious”).

Omniscient (meaning “lawful”).

Crooked (getting unfairly and outrageously paid).

Don’t tread on me (never criticize public servants!).

No warning shots (Dachau rules).

Innocent (meaning “irrelevant” in law).

Counterproductive (“Got a problem? Do not find the lie!”).

Unreasonable (a determination excluded by law).

Soon to be outdated (which matters not).

Best symbolized by Hakenkreuz, Gleichschaltung, and Geheime Staatzpolzei(GeStaPo for short).

Prosecutorial police state (ersatz Storm Troopers).

Capitalist KGB (owning stock in prison industry).

Not there, it did not happen (Records are more important that the patient).

Anti-Hippocratic (What? Who? When?).

Affordable Health Care Act (Con-Man der-in-Chief in charge).

Law worship (Get on your knees; the judge, the "honor", the punisher is


But sanctimoniously well-intended (which means, “No problem. I know nothing.

I know nothing. I know nothing.”).

Thus written, the emperors’ decree of “Three generations of imbeciles are enough!” unfortunately excludes the Supreme Court itself but applies to all others adoring the law. Law worship is for the rest of us, with an Augean Stable for medicine. Medical Boards have become actual functioning examples of the Stanford Penitentiary Experiment. That is to say, medical care will now be controlled by non-physicians or fratricidal traitorous physicians, as follows:

SODI: SUPERVISION OF DOCTORS INDUSTRY: a $900 billion health care dollar (more than the defense budget) wasted, inefficient, busywork, unnecessary, insane, invalid, hyper-regulatory bureaucracy scheme which deprives citizens of independence, freedom, responsibility, health, wealth, and Hippocratic based art and science of medicine.



 The law must be available to all citizens by a "third party" law insurance system comparable to the Affordable Health Care Act. The law must withdraw from the totalitarian mode and reduce the power and corruption potential for the privilege-seeking Ubermensch of all politicians, government, and law figures whether elected, appointed or appropriated in positions at any level of government and law. All those engaged in administration and enforcement of the law from the White House to local police, must be controlled because of the abuse of power due to SBS and SPE; the lack of the commitment to truth, oneness, good and beauty; cost; and blatant misappropriation of resources not equally available to common citizens such as paid investigators, record access, storage and recovery of evidence, funding for legal processing, job security, and so forth. The basics for an AFFORDABLE LEGAL CARE ACT are proposed:

  1. All citizens will be covered for all legal matters by a third party system as is health care.
  2. All in government and law (and family members) are not exempt from any laws.
  3. All in government and law (and family members if employed) are to be paid only by a base salary determined by procedure and service codes which will be the only source of paying for personal benefits when in office. All procedure and service codes will be equally required for plaintiff and defendant in all litigation in search for “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” as sworn by all parties; and in all government administrative procedures (including Internal Revenue Service) such that “equality before the law” requires government provided services “on behalf” of citizens to equal those actions “against” citizens.
  4. All in government and law (and family members) will be prohibited from any investment in prison or prison support industries. All incarcerations will be overturned whenever this has happened in the past.
  5. All in government and law will study, review and sign-off annually on Stanley Milgrim Suggestibility, Stanford Penitentiary Experiment, and Nifong Prevention Programs.
  6. All laws, mentioned in any legal proceeding, will be completely read into the record with all parties in attendance and questions answered so that the defendant is assured that all parties know the law.
  7. "Plea bargains" will be prohibited, and prosecutors must prove ALL initial charges and counts for "guilt" to be found (Each "count" is a "juror" equivalent).
  8. All in government and law and family members’ retirement, health care, travel without specific government mission, job security & protection, and any other benefits are determined by the same laws and rules which govern the common citizen and will be paid for as common citizens pay from personal finances.
  9. All in government and law and family members will be taxed at a 90% rate for any and all increases beyond salary based assets accrued while in government employ and for five years after leaving government employment
  10. All in government and law must have their children and grandchildren serve in the military for three years without special consideration.
  11. All in government and law and family members’ estates will be taxed at 90% at death for all assets over 3 million dollars accumulated during government employment and for 5 years thereafter.
  12. All laws will be repealed which give any government employee or person in law any benefit not given to the common citizen.
  13. No remuneration of any kind is to be received ever for enhancing reputation, business generation, client and associate management, civic activities, bar association activities, pro bono activities, speeches, or appointments to corporation boards or equivalents. There will be no origination fees, referral fees, fiat retainers, name value payments, or any other payments unless appropriate to the legal work actually performed.
  14. All members of law firms can bill only for work personally performed and documented, time and service, by open records.
  15. Immediate family members of politicians-in-office are prohibited from practicing law.
  16. Appearances of impropriety and conflicts of interest are to be avoided, disclosed immediately, undone, and prevented.
  17. All legal and financial records of all in government and law (and family members) are open to the public.
  18. The right to privacy and prohibition of unreasonable searches require that all medical records for all citizens are absolutely confined to the doctor-patient relationship.
  19. All in government and law (and family members) are prohibited from any financial remuneration from or investment interest in any press and /or media business.
  20. All in government at all levels must wear cameras and recorders for all government related activities with permanent retrieval forever.
  21. All in government (except military and postal service) should be called "authoritarians" rather than "workers" to more accurately identify them as related to Nazi, Soviet, and Chinese authoritarianism (governments).

To serve the people is a privilege to be paid for. Serving the people is not meant to be a method of becoming “royalty” or marching as “White Shirts” psychologically in tune with the Brown Shirts of the once one-party Germany. But those trying to serve the people are stuck with the law and its corrupting influence. We must try to eek out the best by promoting, demanding, pleading, crying for transcendental synthesis instead of power-mad entropy.

Similar rules are needed to prevent corruption in the legal system because attorneys have innate conflict of interest: the more they complicate, aggravate and create work for themselves, the more fees they can charge. Federally defined and fee-fixed procedure and service codes are needed for every attorney, judge, and bureaucrat. The system works well for those within it, the politicians, judges, attorneys and bureaucrats. For the rest of us, the system is basically anti-freedom and anti-independence because it exerts fascist-like control that is almost automatically oppressive. The people are entitled to an equality that is possible only by an “Affordable Legal Care Act” such as I have outlined above.

Legal abortion and euthanasia

If there is to be realistic hope for a return to universal recognition and upholding of the Hippocratic Oath, the tasks of abortion and euthanasia must be turned over to the law. These procedures are professed to be simple and safe enough that non-medical people can certainly be trained to do them with physicians being remote “backups” as needed. Each justice center in every city will have an abortion facility and “rest-in-peace” facility fully equipped for respective terminations. Every judge, congressional representative, executive branch member and attorney will, after training, be required to serve in rotation as abortionist and euthanasia technician consistent with local citizen need and availability. This will be a source of extra income for judges et al—and the number of procedures performed can be used for advertising and electioneering. Abortion and euthanasia procedures will become courses in law schools. Anyone physically able to perform copulation can be trained to do either procedure. Anyone with a license to practice law will be required to perform such procedures, with conscientious objection being respected. There is absolutely no reason for physicians to be the ones required to perform any law imposed acts of abortion or euthanasia, if the Hippocratic Oath was truly followed and medicine returned to it proper “learned profession” status. And all judges must be willing to perform that which they have ordered others to do. Medicine is not an exact science appropriate for legal robotics.

Betrayal of The First Amendment:          

The “Dark Ages” are back and known as today’s “press and media”.14 Law worship exists because of a betrayal of the First Amendment by the press and media, perfectly exemplified by the censorship of Becky Gerritson’s congressional testimony, cited at the beginning of this article. Valid accusations of government unAmericanism should be every news services’ first item. Alas, the editors would not approve “free press” for Gerritson or for any other common citizen. In effect, the only person having the right to a free press is the editor.

Recall that the First Amendment was clearly placed “first” because it was intended to keep citizens informed so virtuous actions committed to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would be the norm for America. But electronocelluloid communications technology has sabotaged the First Amendment because anti-transcendental press and media editors manipulate the public shamelessly and hold all in government as psychological public relation hostages. This will never change until the “free” in “the free press” enables all citizens to publish their words whenever submitted. Also, the free press cannot mean “theophobia”15 but open support of “free exercise” of religion. It cannot continue to support law worship which has turned the United States into a prurient, disgusting, unnatural, offending, desensitizing, dehumanized dying world that is out of synchrony with life, sacrifice, virtue, love, humanity, peace, freedom and death without fear. Suggestibility Prevention Programs16 are needed so citizens can remain free and not enslaved by press and media editor imposed spiritual blackouts, journalism idols, and law worship.



Conflicts of interest





  1. Nigro Samuel A. Healthy Government. 1984.
  2. Nigro Samuel A Health Savings Accounts, Social Justice Review, pp. 111-113.
  3. Nigro Samuel A. America was Created by Christians for Everybody…Period, book review of The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States by Benjamin F. Morris, American Vision, USA. 2007. p.1˗1060.
  4. Nigro Samuel A. The Unjust Demise of the Learned Professions, Social Justice Review. 2003. p. 172˗173.
  5. Nigro Samuel A. Book Review of Mad for God: Bartolome Sanchez, The Secret Messiah of Cardente by Sara Tilghman Nalle, (Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 2001), Social Justice Review. 2006. p.1˗190.
  6. Brock D, The Seduction of Hillary Rodham. The New York Timmes, USA. p.1˗452.
  7.  Nigro Samuel A. The Spanish Inquisition-A Historical Revision by Henry Kamen (review). The Catholic Historical Review. 1999;85(4):625˗626.
  8. The Cleveland Plain Dealer. 2013.
  9. www.StanleyMilgrimSuggestability
  10. www.StanfordPenitentiaryExperiment
  11. Ohio Administrative Code 4729-5--. In 2011, I proposed a replacement entitled “List of Pharmacy Customer Rights” containing 13 points needed. It was sent to all in Ohio General Assembly, and 3 months later, the Pharmacy Board accused me of being a “pill mill” and holding $40,000 in drug money. This proposed law of needed citizen rights is available from
  12. Nigro Samuel A. And Satan Turned Into an Angel of Light, Social Justice Review/Central Bureau, USA. 1996.
  13. Nigro Samuel A Theophobiacom.
  14. Nigro Samuel A Suggestibility Prevention Programs.
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