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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-6445

Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry

Commentary Special Issue Psychiatrist Cures Justice - I

Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia---”A, AS, & E--”

Samuel A Nigro M D

Retired, Assistant Clinical Professor Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA

Correspondence: Dr. Samuel A Nigro M.D., Retired, Assistant Clinical Professor Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 2517 Guilford Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118, USA, Tel 216 932-0575

Received: April 19, 2014 | Published: June 16, 2015

Citation: Nigro SA (2015) Abortion, Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia---”A, AS,& E--”. J Psychol Clin Psychiatry 2(6): 00097. DOI: 10.15406/jpcpy.2015.02.00097

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If abortion, assisted suicide, & euthanasia (A, AS, & E) are legal, they should be realized and implemented as LEGAL procedures and not “medical” procedures except only insofar as there may be a rare complication requiring medical response. As LEGAL, not “medical,” procedures, every Justice Center or equivalent should have its “A, AS, & E” section where all these procedures are to be done by those in the legal system. That is, judges, prosecutors, politicians, and attorneys in that Justice Center’s sphere of involvement would be required to rotate performing the procedures (on a full average week load basis?) so that income will be reasonably distributed. Clearly, the procedures have been confirmed as safe, simple, easily done with low probability of complications especially for assisted suicide and euthanasia. Abortion is perhaps the most complicated, but anyone who knows how to have sex, could easily master the machines for early abortions consistent with good legal practice. Easily accessible (almost “drive through”) clean, comfortable, warm, quiet, relaxing rooms with good social service workers offering support and assistance while the judges et al demonstrated the acme of their legal ability). All procedures are to be routine courses in all law schools--(only 4 days would likely be required--one day for AS & E; 2 days for Abortion), with one day of observing practice at the Justice Center. Naturally, those with conscientious objection would be excused, but teachers at local law schools would be required to perform A, AS, & E to help implement justice at the Justice Center as well as get their share of the income, i.e., Legal ethics require equal opportunity--the Supreme Court justices in Washington, D.C. should not be deprived of these opportunities. (These ideas occurred to me as I, with remorse, watched “Auschwitz memorializing”--clearly, Auschwitz was a “legally authorized” and not a “medical” institution. To help remember, perhaps the A, AS, & E section could be called the “Auschwitz Memory Unit” at each Justice Center?).

Actually, CREATED EQUAL and the RIGHT TO LIFE require there be the RIGHT TO NATURAL DEATH, otherwise both “created equal” and “right to life” are meaningless. Whoever has been “created equal” has the right to his own natural death. He also has the obligation for that natural death for himself and all others. LIFE is a right and a duty.



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