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eISSN: 2373-6445

Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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The process of developing a tolerant attitude towards persons with special mental or physical development needs (SMPDN) should be understood as a multi-stage and long-term process affecting the sphere of higher education. To develop a tolerant attitude towards persons with SMPDN, it is necessary to raise awareness among students about the legal, social, psychological aspects of disability; the need to include information on the rights, needs and problems of people with disabilities and the SMPDN in the content of higher education. These measures will contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards persons with SMPDN and disabilities among university students.

Students with a well-developed tolerance, a conscious understanding of the life of people with the SMPDN will be able to organize students’ self-government bodies, voluntary associations of volunteers among the students to assist persons with SMPDN and disabilities in the process of joint training and life activities, and provide legal assistance to them.

The urgency of the indicated problem is determined by the following contradictions

  1. Between the increased attention to the realization of the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities and the SMPDN and the frequent absence of a positive attitude towards this phenomenon among the members of the society, including the lack of tolerant attitudes towards peers, specialists in certain professions, etc .;
  2. Between the urgent need to address the practical task of effectively developing a tolerant attitude towards persons with SMPDN and ineffective development of the means and mechanisms for its development in the conditions of getting higher education;
  3. Between the availability of studies on the peculiarities of tolerant attitude towards persons with SMPDN and the lack of a didactic model for the effective development of tolerant attitudes among students;
  4. Between the effective pedagogical resource for the development of a tolerant attitude toward persons with SMPDN in future specialists in the social spheres and the lack of appropriate training and methodological complexes.

Recently, education specialists and psychologists are increasingly turning to the problem of tolerance.1,2 At the same time, in modern science and practice, there is still no single approach to the phenomenon of tolerant attitude towards persons with SMPDN. The opinions of many researchers are unanimous only about the relevance of the problem and the importance of the applied aspect of the indicated problem.

Tolerance as a personality trait is viewed from different perspectives: as some complex integrative formation, or is identified with any personal substructures that simultaneously act as internal factors of a tolerant relationship.1

At the same time, the problem of developing a tolerant attitude of students of various specialties to persons with special mental or physical development needs (SMPDN), and in particular among law students, has not been fully studied.3 Lawyers are representatives of the socionic profession, which assumes subject-subject relations in professional activity, work with people and assistance to them. That is why, in order to optimize the learning process and its focus on the development of such a professional characteristic as a tolerant attitude towards persons with SMPDN, the subject of this article has been chosen.

At the present stage of the development of human civilization, the position of society towards people with the SMPDN is formed in the form of a stable attitude towards them as people capable of learning and development that have the same rights and privileges as all other members of society. There comes the realization that society is responsible for the full development of people with SMPDN.4

The relevance of the development of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN is the increased attention to the realization of the rights and freedoms of individuals with the SMPDN and the frequent absence of positive attitude to this phenomenon among the subjects of the society, including the lack of a tolerant attitude towards them among specialists in socionic professions. All this prevents full inclusion in the public activity of persons with the SMPDN. In order to optimize the learning process and its focus on the development of such a professional characteristic as a tolerant attitude towards persons with specific psychophysical development, it is directed to develop a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among future lawyers.

The essence of the concept of "tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN " is the active value-moral position of the individual and the acceptance of another person with his or her special features as a full and equal member of society. Humanistic principles are at the basis of tolerant relations.5 Since tolerance as an internal active relationship can be expressed in both compassion (and silence) and in action (and dialogue), a tolerant attitude is manifested through a responsible act that can be embodied in a sympathetic action or word.

The analysis of the concepts of "tolerance" and "attitude" allows us to define a tolerant attitude as a complex psychological education, which has all the characteristics of psychological relations, and thus is a community of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, reflexive and volitional components.6 The cognitive component of a tolerant relationship includes the possibility of understanding someone else's "system of personal constructs" in a meaningful and structural way.

The emotional component is manifested in empathy with other people, understanding their emotional state. The behavioral component of a tolerant relationship includes actions aimed at establishing contact, avoiding conflicts or productive resolution. Reflexive component - the ability to modify inadequate beliefs and attitudes. The volitional component is determined by the development of means and methods of self-regulation in situations of frustration. The degree of the formation of the components of the tolerant relationship makes it possible to distinguish the levels of the tolerant attitude of the individual - high, medium and low.

Based on the analysis of scientific research on the problem of tolerant attitude and own position, we clarified the notion of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN, which in this article is understood as an active moral position of the individual, supported by a set of values, beliefs, perspectives related to this sort of persons development, which results in respect for persons with the SMPDN and the adoption of their psychophysical characteristics, lifestyle, behavior and other activities in real and virtual interactions with them, as well as help and assistance when necessary.

Thus, the essence of the concept of "tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN " is the active value-moral position of the individual and the acceptance of another person with his psychophysical characteristics as a full and equal member of society.

The structure of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN is related to its functions and how any structure of the value relationship includes three components: cognitive, emotional-evaluative (affective) and effective-practical (behavioral).7 The cognitive component acts as a system of social knowledge acquired by the individual; emotional-evaluative (affective) - the personal meaning that is attached to relationships; practically-effective - a system of methods of behavior and activity.2

In the process of professional training of law students, the following components of a tolerant attitude should develop:

  1. cognitive, suggesting openness to the new, flexibility of thinking, adequacy of self-esteem, comprehension by students-lawyers of the value of individuality and uniqueness of any person and his place in the system of personal values; scientifically based representation of persons with the SMPDN and their rights, knowledge of the main features of individuals with the SMPDN; expressed strong cognitive interest in persons with the SMPDN.
  2. emotional (affective), suggesting the ability to recognize a person's emotions with the SMPDN and adequately respond to them; the ability to empathy, self-control and self-regulation, the personal significance of the relationship of future specialists to persons with the SMPDN, based on the moral, ideological values of the individual; awareness of their own feelings and emotions associated with people with the SMPDN; the ability to receive a non-price acceptance of another person with his characteristics.
  3. effective-practical (behavioral), which assumes a special way of behavior, in which the ability of future lawyers to interact with persons with the SMPDN and their representatives is manifested; social activity, ownership of constructive behavioral strategies in the interaction; building interaction with the position of equality of subjects; reflexion of the reasons for their actions and actions in relation to persons with the SMPDN.

Thus, the complex phenomenon of "tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN " is an integrative quality of the individual, which includes the following components: cognitive, emotional (affective) and effective-practical (behavioral), manifested through the active value-moral position of the individual and the acceptance of another person with his psychophysical characteristics as an equal and full member of society.

It should be noted that in modern literature there is no international term for referring to persons with the SMPDN. In some countries the term "persons with special problems" is used, in others "persons with developmental disabilities", "persons with disabilities". In the Republic of Belarus, the officially recognized term "persons with special mental or physical development needs” (SMPDN) is used.

At present, there are studies devoted to the peculiarities of tolerant attitude towards persons with with special mental or physical development needs (the SMPDN) in which an important role is assigned to educational institutions in which children and young people spend most of their time acquiring the experience of mutual respect and benevolent tolerance towards those around them. The lack of a tolerant attitude toward persons with the SMPDN in students of various specialties indicates Grinina ES.8

In the course of the research, this author found that students of psychological and pedagogical faculties have a fairly clear idea of children with the SMPDN and have a tolerant attitude toward this category of people. At the same time, students of the Faculty of Law are characterized by indifference to children with the SMPDN or a negative attitude towards them, and, consequently, a low tolerant attitude toward persons with the SMPDN.3

Researchers of this phenomenon note the low level of tolerant attitude toward individuals with the SMPDN among students who do not study in psychology and pedagogy, but because of their future professional activities involved in subject-subject relations due to direct work with people, which necessitates the development of a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among law students.7

So, the peculiarity of individual tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN is predetermined and programmed by the traditional attitude towards individuals with the SMPDN in society. A person's awareness of the problems of persons with the SMPDN, special needs, and their rights directly affects his personal views and beliefs in relation to persons with the SMPDN.9 Harmony of personal development of an individual in a similar way predetermines the peculiarity of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN. Positive experience of interaction with persons with the SMPDN is a positive factor for the development of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN.

All of the above features of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN, which result not in tolerance for them, with their psychophysical characteristics, way of life, behavior and other activities, but in the conscious acceptance of psychophysical features and the desire for productive interaction.

Foreign language lessons are to be considered as resources of the process of developing a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among university students in a methodical, content-thematic and motivational plan.

In most modern studies devoted to the resources of foreign language lessons in the development of students' tolerance, priority is given to the formation of interethnic and sociocultural tolerance.10,11 So, Zhelnovich OV11 stresses the peculiarities of forming a tolerant attitude among university students to other people and suggests the following stages:

  1. Organizational and pedagogical: includes the study of students' attitudes toward themselves and other people.
  2. Stage of information support: includes the development of students' tolerance.
  3. Stage of development of the skills of tolerant interaction: includes the practical implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills.
  4. Stage of results evaluation: includes a re-study of students' tolerance.4

We believe that the choice of educational material on a foreign language for the development of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN in law students should be based on the following principles:

  1. Information saturation of educational material
  2. When forming a tolerant attitude towards people with the SMPDN, it is necessary to use a set of exercises that contain information about the characteristics of people in this group. Providing sufficient information about individuals with the SMPDN is especially important, since effective interaction is possible only in the relevant understanding of the thinking features, life priorities of individuals with the SMPDN. Wrong stereotypes can influence students' communication with persons with the SMPDN, in this regard, when selecting training information; priority should be given to the one that forms respectful attitude to people with the SMPDN.

  3. Cultural orientation of the educational material
  4. The criterion of culturological marking of educational material presupposes the selection of information that is directly relevant to cultural differences in relation to persons with the SMPDN. It is appropriate to conduct an analysis of the tolerant attitude toward people with special psychophysical development in the Republic of Belarus and in the countries of the studied language. Law students can demonstrate differences in the legislative bases of Belarus, the United Kingdom, the United States, etc. in relation to persons with the SMPDN and disability, which will also contribute to deeper mastery of the professional vocabulary of lawyers.

  5. Communicative value of educational material
  6. According to this criterion, it is necessary to use the material that is more common in the conditions of natural communication and corresponds to the standards and rules established in a specific cultural community in relation to persons with the SMPDN.

  7. Pragmatic value of educational material
  8. The criterion of pragmatic value is interrelated with the criterion of communicative value and determines the pragmatic nature of learning in a foreign language, which consists in choosing those aspects that, in the course of real communication, will be used in a large number of communication situations in order to achieve different goals.

  9. The relevance of the educational material
  10. The educational material and information provided about the life peculiarities of persons with the SMPDN should be modern and contain concrete facts of reality with an appeal to history, traditions that have not lost relevance in the current situation. It is critical to approach the choice of sources of information, except those that provide unreliable, untrue information about people with the SMPDN.

  11. Accessibility of educational material
  12. The choice of educational material should be carried out according to the peculiarities of the students' age, as the awareness of the availability of educational material (linguistic and semantic aspects) creates an atmosphere of success and stimulates the positive educational motivation of students. The information provided on the characteristics of individuals with the SMPDN should be consistent with the level of knowledge of students.

  13. Authenticity of the educational material
  14. The criterion of authenticity of information is important in the course of training and is expressed in systematically processed real information reflecting the features of the functioning of a foreign language in situations of real communication. The selected educational material about people with disabilities and developmental features must have informative, situational authenticity.

  15. Visibility of the educational material
  16. The criterion of visibility is provided by using the language (table, diagram, etc.) and extra-linguistic material using informational and communicational technologies (ICT) in order to improve understanding, stimulate work, increase educational motivation, simplify possible adaptation to the language environment, and also to enhance tolerance towards people with the SMPDN.

  17. Motivational value of the educational material

This criterion is one of the most important criteria for the selection of educational material in the conditions of teaching students a foreign language. Since the student considers the educational process not as a final result, the formation and development of motivation are the main factors determining the effectiveness of the educational process. It is the correspondence of information to the educational needs of students that makes it emotionally attractive to perception.

Specificity of studying a foreign language at law faculties of universities is that, in addition to professional knowledge, graduates should be professional communicators, guided by the principles of tolerance, as by the nature of their activities they will have to constantly communicate with people. From this it follows that in the course of professional training of future lawyers, the subject "Foreign Language", in addition to solving problems of personal development, is a resource of systematic replenishment of professional knowledge, formation and development of communicative skills and skills.

Also, special attention should be given to the positive quality of the "potential poly-subjectness" of the academic subject "Foreign Language", since in this case the subject "Foreign Language" will be the most mobile didactic object that can unite the diverse knowledge based on the actualization of interdisciplinary connections in the learning process.

In our opinion, foreign language lessons are a rich resource for the process of developing a tolerant attitude towards individuals with the SMPDN among future lawyers, in a methodical, content and motivational way, but selecting a teaching material on a foreign language to create a tolerant attitude to persons with the SMPDN among law students should be based on a number of important criteria.

However, the content of the curricula in foreign languages does not fully take into account the possibility of developing a tolerant attitude among students to persons with the SMPDN. Actual is the modeling of the process of developing a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among university students in foreign language classes or in the course of extracurricular activities as an important component of the professional readiness component.

Teaching university students foreign languages by forming a number of integrated competencies - linguistic, vocational-oriented, sociocultural, communicative and cognitive - is done on the basis of the integration of classical teaching methods and modern didactic systems using innovative educational technologies. The basis for traditional didactic learning systems is the explanation. Modern didactic systems promote the intensive use of innovative educational technologies and interactive education, the essence of which lies in a dialogue concept with an emphasis on mutual understanding, i.e. is focused on the personality and development of its intellectual and creative abilities, followed by self-development and self-education.

We conducted an empirical study to determine the level of development of a tolerant attitude toward persons with the SMPDN among university students studying "Jurisprudence". The sample of the study was 100 students of 1-4 courses of the day department of the faculty of "International Law and Legal Psychology" at the age of 18-22, 59 of them girls and 41 boys.

On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem of personal tolerance, we formulated the main hypothesis of the study: the successful development of a tolerant attitude toward persons with the SMPDN among law students is possible on the basis of introducing into the educational process a didactic model of teaching a foreign language.

To develop a tolerant attitude to persons with the SMPDN, future lawyers in foreign language classes adhered to the principle of integration of traditional and modern didactic teaching systems. We used a set of methods and techniques, with a purposeful impact on all components of a tolerant attitude toward persons with the SMPDN, and in particular on its cognitive, emotional and practical-practical components.

Development of a cognitive component that presupposes the presence of ideas about individuals with the SMPDN and their rights, knowledge of the main features of individuals with the SMPDN; the students' awareness of the value of individuality and the uniqueness of any person and his place in the system of personal values is the most productive in the study of scientific literature, normative and legal acts affecting the interests of persons with the SMPDN and the fulfillment of assignments from special educational and methodological developments within the framework of practical studies and self-education students-lawyers.

The development of an emotional component that presupposes the ability to receive another person's non-price acceptance with its characteristics based on the moral and ideological values of the individual should be given special attention. When developing the emotional component of law students, the teacher needs to rely on such general concepts as self-esteem and self-awareness of trainees, the ability to control emotions, empathy, motivation to achieve, the development of social skills.

The development of the emotional component is facilitated by the appropriate selection of educational material and exercises, the behavior of the teacher himself, the nature of the relationship in the group, both between the teacher and students, and between the students themselves. Many teachers agree that planting students in the form of a circle improves the interaction and understanding of students, creating a sense of unity. Music is a kind of catalyst for personal development of the individual. In the practice of teaching English, the "emotional" influence of music is used to create motivation, relieve emotional tension and stiffness, and stimulate cognitive, associative processes and speech activity of the learner in the process of mastering a foreign language.

The development of an effective- practical component is possible thanks to the production practice, the participation of law students in the volunteer movement to help individuals with the SMPDN, research activities and training using interactive methods in foreign language classes. In the course of practical exercises, the following interactive methods proved effective: the method of discussions, the method of game design, the method of the business game, the method of the "round table" and others.

In the process of teaching a foreign language, it is important to pay special attention to the development of such skills as sharing personal information with others, modeling your verbal response to other people's words, offering your help and supporting a person, reacting positively or negatively, showing your empathic listener skills, his understanding and sympathy, participation, admiration and approval, consent, etc. To form these skills it is necessary to teach students to clearly formulate statements that describe their emotions and feelings, express a wish, talk about what is important and interesting, express their point of view. In addition to verbal clarity in communication, it is necessary to understand what the interlocutor wants, what is important to him, for this one must learn to listen attentively and actively, ask questions, delve into details, stand in the place of another, smile and master the skills of non-verbal communication, only in this case, both interlocutors will enjoy communication.

There are different types of exercises and tasks, as well as techniques and methods that allow forming and developing an emotional component of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN in the process of learning a foreign language. Among the most effective are game forms of tasks (story-role games, drama games, games for developing communication skills), fairy tales, poems, sketches, use of drawings and photographs, modeling and analysis of given situations, use of music, drawing, mini-competitions , games-competitions, use of specialized computer programs, etc.

Teachers of the English language in their auditor and extracurricular work with the goal of developing a tolerant attitude among future lawyers to individuals with the SMPDN, in our opinion, it is appropriate to use a set of teaching methods that is a consistent implementation of the following steps:

  1. Diagnosis of the level of tolerant attitudes of law students to persons with OPFR.
  2. Development of an optimal plan for working with students, aimed at developing constituent components of a tolerant relationship.
  3. Selection of appropriate information material.
  4. The choice of effective teaching methods, techniques, as well as the use of information and communication technologies.

The introduction of this set of methods for the development of tolerant attitudes towards individuals with the SMPDN among law students is impossible without the organization of effective pedagogical conditions.

The organization of effective pedagogical conditions is based on a holistic methodological system of the pedagogical process itself, creating an environment that promotes a tolerant attitude toward persons with the SMPDN and the consistent organization of students' activities by applying auditor and non-audited forms of work:

  1. Introduction in the pedagogical process of a holistic methodological system for the development of a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN, consisting of goals and objectives; principles, methods, tools and forms of the pedagogical process systematically used in the educational process and the creation of favorable psychological conditions for the development of cognitive, emotional and practical components in the structure of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN;
  2. The creation of a culturally appropriate environment and its components: humanitarian, axiological environments and interactive pedagogical communication, the implementation of personality-oriented models in teaching characterized by cooperation and co-creation of teachers and students, the creation of individual trajectories of professional development of students; strengthening of professionally oriented reflexive position of students with the purpose of increasing their initiative and activity in the educational process. In our study, a culture-based environment is built on the basis of the subject-spatial, emotional, spiritual and moral aspects, supported by the psychological and pedagogical conditions of interaction between the teacher and students;
  3. The systematic and variability of the forms and methods of instruction that ensure the development of tolerant attitudes towards persons with the SMPDN among university students, including extracurricular activities (problematization of the subjects of research and independent scientific researches of students, their focus on the coverage of this problem at scientific and practical conferences).

We have developed a didactic model of developing a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among future lawyers in foreign language classes, which is a step-by-step process that ensures the development of the main components of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among future lawyers in foreign language classes and is schematically depicted in the Figure 1. This model can be used both directly in practical classes by any foreign language, and in out-of-class work with students.

Figure 1

The didactic model of the development of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among law students in foreign language classes consists of five blocks: target, motivational, informative, didactic and effective. This model is aimed at qualitative changes in the cognitive, emotional and effective-practical components in the structure of a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN.

This didactic model reflects the peculiarities of the pedagogical conditions for the development of a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among future lawyers who assume the use of certain forms, technologies, methods, methods and means of teaching.

The didactic component is of great importance, since the influence of active and interactive teaching methods on the effectiveness of the process of developing a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN is obvious.

The impact component evaluates the effectiveness of the educational process, which manifests itself as positive changes in the levels of development of tolerant attitudes of future lawyers to persons with the SMPDN.

Thus, the proposed didactic model is a step-by-step process of development of the main components of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN among future lawyers in foreign language classes. This model can be used both directly in practical classes by any foreign language, and in out-of-class work with students Figure 1.

With the help of cluster analysis using the k-averages method, we identified 2 groups of students (two clusters) with different manifestations of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN. The analysis made it possible to distinguish two groups that differ among themselves in terms of variables that characterize one or another level of tolerant attitude.

The dispersion analysis of the obtained data confirmed that the identified groups of students differ significantly among themselves in all measured traits: "Communicative tolerance" (F = 5.9094, p≤0.01), cognitive aspect of the tolerant ratio (score on the questionnaire) (F=14,7757; р≤0,01), "Social distance in relation to people with the SMPDN " (F = 11,2312; р≤0,01), "tolerant / intolerant attitude to persons with the SMPDN." The sample of the experimental group included students, designated by us as "intolerant", a total of 22 people (11 girls and 11 boys - 2nd year students).

"Intolerant" - these are students whose behavior shows signs of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN not expressed or expressed in a minimal (medium) degree. They have an average degree of communicative tolerance, an average level of awareness of the phenomenon of tolerance and tolerant attitude towards others, they show an orientation toward isolation from people with the SMPDN, they do not want to reduce social distance in communication with them, and they consider them as "strangers". The proposed didactic model for the development of tolerant attitudes towards individuals with the SMPDN was tested on the experimental group of law students.

The results of the work in the experimental group of subjects after a series of studies were analyzed by us from the point of view of their effectiveness. In the course of each of the sessions of the program, intermediate diagnostic procedures were conducted, reflexion. Such an intermediate analysis made it possible to judge the effectiveness of developing work.

After the experiment, the results of the assessed indices of tolerant attitude to persons with the SMPDN in the experimental group of students changed - the reliability of the differences for many of the investigated indicators by the Wilcoxon test is p≤0.05. The statistically significant differences between the first and second cut (p<0.05) were revealed in terms of the level of awareness of tolerance processes (Z=2.52, p=0.01), communicative tolerance of students (Z=3.62, p=0,0002), indices of social distance in relation to persons with the SMPDN (Z=3.28, p=0.001), emotional attitude to persons with the SMPDN (Z=3.51, p=0.0004) after the experiment.

This suggests that law students-participants in the experiment began to show tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN. They have changed their attitude toward interaction with them from the pole of intolerance to the pole of tolerance. They have increased the degree of communicative tolerance from the middle to the high. The level of their alienation in interaction with persons with the SMPDN has decreased, they began to be perceived by them as "not quite their own, but also not completely alien", began to show readiness for interaction with them.

The representation of the components of tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN in the experimental group of students after the experiment turned out to be the following: the cognitive component - the middle level, the emotional - the average level, the effective-practical - the high level.

The obtained data show that the effectiveness of developing work using the developed model of increasing tolerant attitude of students to persons with the SMPDN is unquestionable.

The results of the experiment confirmed that in order to develop a tolerant attitude towards persons with the SMPDN in the higher educational establishment, there is a need for focused, step-by-step and continuous work, the selection of educational material on a number of criteria, as well as the use of a certain set of methods for developing a tolerant attitude towards individuals with the SMPDN in foreign language lessons.

The study does not exhaust all issues related to the development of tolerant attitudes toward persons with the SMPDN among law students in foreign language classes. In the future, the research can be continued in the direction of searching for innovative methods and techniques for the development of tolerant attitudes toward persons with the SMPDN among university students of other specialties.



Conflict of interest

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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