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eISSN: 2373-437X

Microbiology & Experimentation


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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There are many present problematic infections that are present global public health problems. The best examples are tuberculosis, malaria and dengue. The researches on those important infections are still required and there are many ongoing researches on those classical problems. Nevertheless, despite many diseases are considered classical, there are still many new facets on those classical diseases. An important consideration is on the occurrence of new pathogenic types/species of classical infections. The best examples of the new problems are the new species of malaria and new serotype of dengue. Focusing on malaria, the fifth and sixth species of malaria have just been documented for a few years. The new species is called Plasmodium knowlesi, which was firstly detected in tropical Asia [1]. This new malaria is still transmitted by mosquito, but it poses different pathway [2]. This new malaria also poses high neurological complications [3]. Furthermore, in 2014, the newest sixth malarial species is already exists. It is called Plasmodium cynomolgi. Nevertheless, it is only one case report [4]. Focusing on dengue, the fifth serotype has just also been documented [5]. It is an actual important acute hemorrhagic disease to be focused [6]. Details on those new faces of classical infections can be a very interesting issue for further researching. New experimentation for clarification of pathophysiology and developing for new diagnostic tools and therapeutic agents should be focused.


  1. Servonnet A, Rapp C, Delacour H, Bigaillon C, Pilo JE, et al. (2012) Plasmodium knowlesi: an emerging species in humans? Med Sante Trop 22(4): 417-421.
  2. Wiwanitkit V (2012) Plasmodium knowlesi malarial infection in western travelers returning from Southeast Asia. A summary of the clinical pattern. Arch  Hellenic Med  29(1): 58-60.
  3. Wiwanitkit V (2011) Human knowlesi malaria and neurological complication: a new thing to be discussed in tropical neurology. Acta Neurol Taiwan 20(3): 228.
  4. Ta TH, Hisam S, Lanza M, Jiram AI, Ismail N, et al. (2014) First case of a naturally acquired human infection with Plasmodium cynomolgi. Malar J 13: 68.
  5. Mustafa MS, Rasotgi V, Jain S, Gupta V (2015) Discovery of fifth serotype of dengue virus (DENV-5): A new public health dilemma indengue control. Med J Armed Forces India 71(1): 67-70.
  6. Wiwanitkit S, Wiwanitkit V (2015) Acute viral hemorrhage disease: A summary on new viruses. J Acute Dis 4(4): 271-272.
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