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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-4345

Dental Health, Oral Disorders & Therapy


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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Strength in prosthesis implant support produces one overload in structure, screw implants and bone. The aim of the present review is to provide a bibliographic research about risk factor and complications of the prosthododontic rehabilitation with implants in bruxism patients.

Keywords: prosthesis, implants, bruxism, dental, rehabilitation, prosthododontic

Materials and methods

Bibliographic research of Pubmed using terms:”oral implants AND bruxism” “dental implants prosthodontics complications AND bruxism” “biomechanics implants AND bruxism dental implants AND bruxism since 2000 to 2014 Table1.





Outcome (bruxism related)                

Conclusions: is bruxism a risk factor?                

Have bruxism relation with failure of implants

Schneider 20125

70 patients

100 implants with different crown-to-implant ratio Follow-up 6.2 years

Reported bruxism (17 patients, 24.3%)
Mechanical complications (wear, fracture, and screws loosening) Biological complications                      

Bruxism did not predict mechanical or biological complications


No bruxism and implant failures

Ji, 2012         6

45 patients

297 implants 50 full-arch rehabilitations with immediate loading Follow-up 1–125.5 months

Bruxism (unspecified criteria; 58 implants)
Marginal bone loss – implant success (Spiekermann and Jansen’s criteria)

Higher failure rates in bruxers (29.3% implants [17/58] vs 4.6% [11/239])


No bruxism and implant failures

Malò, 20117

21 patients

995 implants 4 groups of patients based on edentulous areas Follow-up 5 years

Bruxism (anamnesis plus tooth wear;
unspecified number of bruxers) Mechanical complications (fracture abutment, or screw loosening)

Four implants lost in two patients were in two bruxers


No bruxism and implant failures

Zupnik, 20118

No specify

341 implants No specify follow-up

Self-reported clenching history (121 in clenchers vs 220 in nonclenchers)
Implant failure

Clenching: 0.22 OR (95% C.I.: 0.04–1.41)
for implant failure


Absence the relation between bruxism and implant failure

Table 1 Results


Avoid cantilevers.1-3

Increase number of implants placing1-3 larger implants with large diameters.1-2

Prosthetic design

Allow adequate freedom of movement at occlusal contact.

Areas in maximum intercuspidation.1-3

Large implants.1,2 Flat incline plans of the cusps.1-3

Using resin acrylic teeth in prosthesis.1-3


The examined papers supported no provide clear conclusions between a relationship between bruxism - implant failures,4-6 bruxism- mechanical complications5 while that one study establish positive relationship between bruxism and mechanical failures.7 Although no convincing evidence that bruxism causes an overload of dental implants and their supra-structures, some practical guidelines are given as to reduce the risk of complications and, ultimately, implant failure that included: place more implants than would have been necessary, longer implants with a larger diameter help to keep the stresses in the bone as low as possible, flat incline planes of the cusps.8


No evidence that bruxism produce overload in implants although need more recommendations about size of implants, design of occlusion scheme and using discharge plaque.



Conflicts of interest

The authors don’t have conflicts of interest to disclosures.


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