Combined lumbar plexus sciatic nerve block for hip fracture: a case series with 442 patients Prof. Dr. Saffet Karaca PDF | Full text | Share
Early extubation of a patient in the operating room after prolonged glomus jugulare tumor surgical resection: a case report Masoud Tarbiat, Mahdi Arjipour, Rohollah Abbasi, Sayed Ahmadreza Salimbahrami PDF | Full text | Share
Anesthetic and hemodynamic management in patients with different approaches for multiple neurological pathologies. case report Moreno-Arzate AI, Nuñez Rueda MM, Chavez Piña CM PDF | Full text | Share
Optimal remifentanil effect-site concentration for preventing cough and hyperdynamic response during tracheal extubation after sevoflurane vs. desflurane: the REX trial Fredy Ariza, Gustavo Cruz, Darío Castaño, Iván Quintero, Laura Suarez, Mauricio Burbano, Einar Billefals PDF | Full text | Share
Systematized review of the literature on postoperative nausea and vomiting Vilchis-Valentin David,1 García-Maldonado Merith,2 Larrazolo-Ochoa Arturo,3 Gutiérrez-Montes Laura Angélica,1 Camacho-Ramos Cesar Esteban,4 Norma Cuellar-Garduño,5 Ricardo Alfonso Oropeza López6 PDF | Full text | Share