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eISSN: 2373-6437

Anesthesia & Critical Care: Open Access


Received: January 01, 1970 | Published: ,

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The first pediatric cancer pain and palliative care unit in Iran and the Middle East was inaugurated at MAHAK Pediatric Cancer Treatment and Research Center (MPCTRC) on Nov 28, 2015. The unit was inaugurated by one of the MAHAK children cutting the ribbon in front of the pain ward who was one of the first patients hospitalized in this ward. Some of MAHAK children and their families, journalists, MAHAK’s members of the board of directors and trustee, physicians, specialists and some of MAHAK supporters were present at this ceremony. This sector started its work as a part of pain department at MAHAK hospital to provide palliative and supportive care and especially modern interventional pain management techniques for children with cancer from admission to the hospital to the final stages of treatment.

Specialized pain department includes diagnostic, research and treatment center that is unique in the country and the region and has been equipped to the most advanced technologies in the field of cancer pain by the help of MAHAK donors. 

What is pain and palliative care?

Pediatric pain and palliative care is specialized medical care for children with serious illnesses. It focuses on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the child and the family.

Patients with cancer suffer from different pain patterns including: neuropathic pain (resulting from damage to the nerves through chemical, mechanical and thermal procedures), nociceptive pain (caused by stimulation of the nerves and organs due to the release of harmful substances), visceral pain (resulting from the activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera organs), and somatic pain (caused by injury to skin, muscles, bone, joint, and connective tissues) and bone pain (caused by the invasion of the tumor or chemotherapy or bone marrow degradation).

Control of acute and chronic pain in patients with cancer, especially in the field of pediatrics, acquires deliberate and scientific cooperation between the pain specialist, the patient and the family.

 MAHAK’s pediatric cancer pain and palliative care unit is equipped with an operating room, ultrasound, laser therapy, ozone therapy, acute and chronic pain control measurements with the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), peripheral and central neural blockade, use of radiofrequency and microwave for modulation, ablation and coagulation pain pathway, epiduroscopy (diagnosis and treatment of epidural space adhesion to spine surgery or tumor invasion), implantable analgesic pumps for chronic pain in the epidural or intrathecal space along with Botox injection therapy (Botox injection for headaches, muscle pains and spasms), photodynamic therapy, interventional pain management techniques, phototherapy, aromatherapy and music therapy. 

The pediatric pain and palliative care department at mahak to improve the quality of life for children with cancer

The establishment of pediatric cancer pain and palliative care unit at MAHAK hospital is one step toward improving the quality of life for cancer-stricken children. According to the most recent researches, pain management and treatment which reduce the suffering of patients, is extremely significant among physicians. Several conducted studies illustrate that every cancer center should have a specialized pain department. 

MAHAK considers the support and treatment of cancer-stricken children alongside with the quality of their life. The establishment of this sector is one step forward towards delivering specialized services to children who should be able to enjoy their childhoods while being in the process of their treatment and to have the highest quality of life in accordance with international standards.

Cancer has pain and cost

MAHAK in line with its mission of providing the best support and treatment services for cancer-stricken children has move forward to improve the quality of services by inaugurating the pediatric pain unit alongside with its other specialized clinical and paraclinical services at MAHAK Pediatric Cancer Treatment and Research Center (MPCTRC).

We hope that with the immense support of our benevolent supporters, we will be able to continue our mission of ensuring that children with cancer will receive the best support according to the charter of patient’s right and will never be refused comprehensive treatment due to their insufficient financial status.





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