The extent of serious mental illness caused by rape and sexual abuse at Australian religious schools Paul Kauffman PDF | Full text | Share
Characteristic relationship between the centre of pressure and the centre of mass during quiet standing in female ballet dancers Airi Ibuki,1 Hiroki Mani,2 Kenta Takeda,1 Naoya Hasegawa,1 Keizo Yamamoto,3 Hiroshi Maejima,2 Tadayoshi Asaka2 PDF | Full text | Share
Characteristics of pain and disability among patients with chronic neck pain attended at centre for the rehabilitation of the paralysed (CRP) Mohammad HR,1 Samena AK,2 Ehsanur R,1 Shazal KD,2 Obaidul H3 PDF | Full text | Share
Comparative study of the acute effects of two ways of myofascia release on biceps femoris and semitendinosus muscles after a romanian deadlift exercise Suarez Rodriguez Vidina, Rodriguez Ruiz David PDF | Full text | Share