Torsion of a large ovarian dermoid cyst in the second trimester of pregnancy and its management: a case report Goli Kazemi Nia,1 Yousef Khalifpour,1 Saadat Hajatzadeh,1 Somayeh Makvandi2 PDF | Full text | Share
Maternal anaemia and pregnancy outcome: a descriptive study in rural areas of Kamrup District, Assam Moushumi Biswas,1 Rupali Baruah2 PDF | Full text | Share
Reported benefits of early fetal sex determination Nora Abunadi, Nina Hoang, Haley Milot, Chris Jacob PDF | Full text | Share
Developmental enamel defects and other oral problems in children with microcephaly associate with fetal exposure to zika virus (ZIKV) Erica Santana D Agostino,1 Janeusa RitaLeite Primo Chagas,2 Tatiana Frederico deAlmeida,3 Maria Beatriz Barreto de SousaCabral,3 Maria Cristina Teixeira Cangussu,3 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna3 PDF | Full text | Share
Hysterosalpingography for tubal patency after methotrexate therapy for ectopic pregnancy Ahmed A Aboelroose, Ahmed M FakhrEldein, Waleed A Sayed Ahmed, Omima T Taha PDF | Full text | Share