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International Journal of
eISSN: 2574-9889

Pregnancy & Child Birth

Clinical Images Volume 9 Issue 3

Monstrous myoma previa and pregnancy

Yassine Outifa, Kenza Benchaaboune, Abdelilah Melhouf, Fatimazahrae Alaoui Fdili

Gynecology and obstetrics, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdelah University, Morocco

Correspondence: Yassine Outifa, Gynecology and obstetrics, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdelah University, Morocco

Received: April 27, 2023 | Published: May 22, 2023

Citation: Outifa Y, Benchaaboune K, Melhouf A, et al. Monstrous myoma previa and pregnancy. Pregnancy Child Birth. 2023;9(3):83-84. DOI: 10.15406/ipcb.2023.09.00283

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Clinical images

The patient was 37 years old, with a history of infertility of 5 years, admitted for delivery modality and then was scheduled for cesarean section due to the discovery of a polymyomatous uterus with a myoma previa. At the per operative exploration: discovery of a polymyomatous uterus, with multiple nuclei, some of which are type 7, a post myoma previa of 13 cm with a large implantation basis. A - basis for implentation B- myoma previa post C- hysterotomy after extraction of a new ne of 3300g. This is a 35 year old primiparous woman, with a history of infertility of 03 years, admitted for pelvic pain of uterine contraction type with a bishops score of 6, on an unattended full term pregnancy, during labor, a non-reassuring fetal state was suspected and a c-section for fetal salvage was practiced with the discovery in the procedure of an anterior myoma previa, the hysterotomy was corporal above the myoma. The large implantation base did not allow a myomectomy to be performed.

  1. Uterine fibroids are one of the most common pathologies in women of childbearing age, related not only to the achievement but also to the course of pregnancy.
  2. The relationships between fibroids and pregnancy are triple: Fibroids can prevent conception and implantation, it may complicate the course of pregnancy, at delivery and postpartum period fibroids complications can be induced.Myoma previa is a rare complication in pregnant women with uterine fibroids.
  3. We present 2 case of a 37 and 30 -year-old patients, with history of infertility, presenting with myoma previa during there first pregnancy. Due to the presence of this large protruding myoma in one case, it was decided to proceed with a on schedule high route delivery where as the second case the c-section was performed for foetal rescue.
  4. A live fetus was born and a polymyomatous uterus was found, including a large posterior myoma in one case, and an anterior one in the other. Due to the large base of implantation a myomectomy was not performed in both cases.



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