Sadyo maraneeyam of bhela indriya sthana - an explorative study Kshama Gupta, Prasad Mamidi PDF | Full text | Share
Trigeminal neuralgia complicating a syndromic craniosynostosis treated with acupuncture: a case report Carmelo Pasquale Guido,1 Veronica Santarlasci,2 Oreste Gallo,3 Rocco Domenico Mediati,4 Glauco Cristofaro5 PDF | Full text | Share
Flavonoids and ferrochel in women with iron deficiency anemia of abnormal uterine bleeding: our experience in community-based private hematology/oncology and integrative medicine practice Raul H Morales Borges PDF | Full text | Share
A network pharmacological approach to evaluate Jia-Wei-Xiao-Yao-san formula’s mechanistic pathways and its implication in the symptomatology of polycystic ovarian syndrome Benoit Leclerc,1,2 Yu Chu Wu,3 Priscilla Wu,2,3 PDF | Full text | Share
A rare morphological variation of the coeliac trunk in a Sri Lankan cadaver Lanka Ranaweera,1 Kasun Withana,2 Suneth Weerasingha3 PDF | Full text | Share
Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 deaths in the public hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Alex Souto Maior,1 Antônio Assef,2 José Carlos de Campos Jr,1 Ney Meziat-Filho3 PDF | Full text | Share