Psychometric Properties of the Intervention Frequency and Cost Survey (IFACS) Kristin K Jerger LMBT1,2*, Ruth Q Wolever1,3,4 and Adam I Perlman1 PDF | Full text | Share
Vipassana Meditation Practices Enhance the Parasympathetic Activity during Sleep: a Case-Control Study of Heart Rate Variability across Sleep Cycles Ravindra P Nagendra1, Sathiamma Sulekha1, Arun Sasidharan1, Sathyaprabha T.N1, Nithyanda Pradhan2, Raju TR and Bindu M Kutty1* PDF | Full text | Share
The Effect of Reflective Garden Walking on Improving Quality of Life, Hopefulness and Personal Growth Ruth McCaffrey1*, Kelly J McCaffrey2 and Sally Schauman3 PDF | Full text | Share