Pregnancy Evolution, Associated Complications and Perinatal Outcome in Patients with Placenta Previa and Placental Abruption Ricardo Illia PDF | Full text | Share
Oral pentosan sulfate/intra-vesicle chondroitin sulfate treatment for interstitial cystitis Baydaa Al Sannan,1 Queena Chou2 PDF | Full text | Share
Maternal serum matrix metalloproteinases 9 in pregnancies complicated by severe preeclampsia and/or intrauterine fetal growth restriction Marzena Laskowska PDF | Full text | Share
New onset vasovagal syncope following bariatric surgery: a case report Matlooba ALZadjali,1 Faisal Alam2 PDF | Full text | Share
Injuries caused by lactobacillus SP, candida SP and trichomonas vaginalis in the female genital tract Vieira D,1 Barbosa FR,1 Sousa FC,1 Freitas KO,1 Silva RC,1 Taufner GH,2 Adestefani AC3 PDF | Full text | Share