Assessment of the effects of sand harvesting on river water quality: case study in Iuuma river, kivaa ward, machakos county Isika K Daniel, Kamau GN, Mbugua JK PDF | Full text | Share
An attempt to find changes of post-translational modifications on serum proteins between embryonic 15.5 fetuses and newborn rats Lilong Wei,1 Zhigang Wang,3 Lisi Zhu,3 Youhe Gao2 PDF | Full text | Share
Computational analysis of HSP-60 protein with structural insights into chaperonin containing TCP-1 subunit 5 in Bos taurus Ravinder Singh,1 Vikash Kumar,2 Rajesh C,1 Ankita Gurao,3 Anurag Kulshrestha,4 Manika Sehgal,4 Aman Kaushik,5 Priyanka Sharma,4 Shailendra Kumar Mishra,4 Ranjit Singh Kataria4 PDF | Full text | Share
A review on micro RNAs and its application in psoriasis Harishchander Anandaram,1 D Alex Anand2 PDF | Full text | Share
Study of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in ascitic patients with ovarian cancer in comparison to liver cirrhosis patients Khaleel Pasha,1 Gopal Reddy M,2 Ramesh Kumar B,1 Qamar Ayesha,1 Srinivasulu M,3 Suseela K,4 Gita Sharma,5 Livy Alex6 PDF | Full text | Share