A perceptive study of organic agriculture in Baglung municipality: farmers’ barriers to and factors influencing adoption Kishor rayamajhi, Arjun Acharya PDF | Full text | Share
Preparation of low-cost and eco-friendly superabsorbent based from rice husk cellulose cross-linked with boric acid using microwave Adamu Abdulhameed,1 Harun M Mbuvi,2 Evans O Changamu,2 Francis M Maingi3 PDF | Full text | Share
Sustainability of livestock production systems in the high jungle of Peru Eliseo Tongo Pizarro,1 Hugo Soplín Villacorta2 PDF | Full text | Share
The abundance and diversity of reptiles in a rapidly changing environment of a higher institution of learning in central Nigeria Ombugadu A,1 Naphtali RS,2 Aimiuwu MU,1 Ezuluebo VC,1 Njila HL,3 Aimankhu OP,1 Ahmed HO,1 Maikenti JI,1 Ishaya EN,4 Da’anSA,5,6 Atabo LO,7 Ayuba SO,1 Odey SA,1 Echor BO,1 Attah SA,1 Ayim JO,1 Uzoigwe NR1 PDF | Full text | Share