Journal of lung, pulmonary and respiratory research. A newly born journal in the medical field Mohammad Aleem PDF | Full text | Share
A unique inside look in to the life of a CF patient: from the patient and RRT perspective Jeremy Parks PDF | Full text | Share
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, a new biomarker for copd acute exacerbation Aziz Gumus, Halit Cinarka, Muge Haziroglu, Mevlut Karatas, Songul Ozyurt PDF | Full text | Share
The relationship between dyspnea and pulmonary functions in pregnancy, what about the perinatal outcome? Gulfidan Cakmak,1 Ugur Ates,2 Ahmet Cetin,2 Mustafa Yenigun,3 Tuba Selcuk4 PDF | Full text | Share
A 26-year-old man with substance abuse, agitation, and pneumomediastinum Scott Aberegg, Bryce R Erickson, Mark Cowan PDF | Full text | Share
Smell, lung cancer, electronic nose and trained dogs De Lema Bruno,1 Adjounian Haroution,2 Costa Castany Magda,3 Ionescu Radu4 PDF | Full text | Share