The living status in china’s disabled elderly--taking an example of luoyang Huang Yang PDF | Full text | Share
Importance and recognition of the family in health care: a reflection for nursing Yeis Miguel Borré Ortiz,1 Mariela Suárez-Villa,2 María Yaquelín Expósito3 PDF | Full text | Share
Female urinary incontinence and nursing care: a literature review Patricia Britto Ribeiro de Jesus PDF | Full text | Share
Mobile web platform for the improvement of knowledge and actions under nursing care Pilar Aparicio-Martínez,1 Alberto Jesús Perea-Moreno,2 María Pilar Martinez-Jimenez,2 Manuel Vaquero-Abellán1 PDF | Full text | Share
Perception of pregnant women in Ceilandia on the choice of the delivery route and the nurse’s role Carla Gomez Rabello,1 Kamilla Lorena Gonçalves de Sousa,1 Juliana Machado Schardosim,2 Laiane Medeiros Ribeiro,2 Casandra Genoveva Martins Rosales Ponce de Leon,2 Alecssandra de Fátima Silva Viduedo2 PDF | Full text | Share