Development of auditory, language, and speech skills of children with cochlear implants: a study of aural rehabilitation benefits Zahra Jeddi,1 Aziz Kassani2 PDF | Full text | Share
Outcome of small minimal incision technique & posteriorly based periosteal flap with subcutaneous closure in cochlear implant surgery Bahaa Mohsin Al-Anbari,1 Adnan Qahtan Khalaf,2 Feryal Shakir Taher3 PDF | Full text | Share
Epidemiological and anatomopathological features of pediatric head and neck tumors in Benin Spéro H Raoul Hounkpatin,1 Luc Valere C Brun,1 Marie Claire Balle,1 Tire Abdias Bossou,1 Fatiou Alabi Bouraima,1 Akélé Akpo MT2 PDF | Full text | Share
Correlation between behaviorally measured comfort (c) levels and electrically evoked stapedius reflex thresholds (ESRT) in children with unilateral cochlear implant Roshani Mishra,1 Aparna Nandurkar2 PDF | Full text | Share